Sup Forums meta thread

Let us discuss the current state of the board
We all know it's probably the worst board of all but it's our board

pls respond

>too many Sup Forums and shill threads
>sneedposter is annoying
>nujakposter is annoying
>"circlejerk of the week" essentially blocks more interesting topics

We have 2 minutes until janny finishes his Hot Pockets and nukes this thread.

I'm getting really fucking sick and tired of that Wheel of Time poster.

I think it's not that bad. I've been on Sup Forums for a week or so and that is the worst board.

>>sneedposter is annoying
it should be a permanent ban

Too much Star Wars

lurk more

too much Star Wars and MCU
DC guys aren't as aggressive as MCU ones.

>i'm new

Sup Forums is nowhere near the worst

needs more fred threads. there are never enough fred threads.

I hear they're very popular on reddit

As long as the board isn't shitted up with cancerous generals it isn't the worst. If you want generals then fuck off to reddit

what the fuck is with reylo generals now? I thought they were ironic cancer at first.

mods let tumblr and reddit take over

Too much cynicism, Lets be more candid and share our favourite films, mine is TLJ

There are a few inside boards that I frequent, and there are things that keep on happening that can't be by coincidence. I think they're done on purpose, but for what purpose I can't fathom.

>starts off topical, then turns into a mudslinging match against trips for no reason.

>usually 'what's your fave episode/captain etc.' but turns into a 'I just started TNG...should I finish the 1st season?' or 'When does DS9 get better?'

>starts off as 'all 1st seasons of trek suck and this is no different' and devolves into 'nerd vs. nerd on why Burnham is a Mary Sue'.

>since there's a movie coming out every year (and sometimes, every 6 months), you get the fallout from the previous disaster and anticipation for the next disaster. It's actually constant, but at least it's changing. But still, no one cares that TLJ'll be forgotten.

Not all of these observations are bad things, it's just that they happen very frequently, to the point where I think that the ones who post a question (like 'should I watch DS9 in full?') are not doing so because they actually want to know the answer, but they simply do it to drive the subject.

Way too fucking fast
Even right now when it's supposed to be slow threads are still dying in less than one hour
A few years ago they could last for at least 3-4 hours without bumping
Just look at this thread itself, it's only been half an hour since the last post and already it's on page 8

Same here

All the GoT general posters needed somewhere to go

those homos and holes hate /got/ though

>too many Sup Forums threads
>too many /r9k/ threads

>too many newfags that don't lurk

Welcome to the board moot and invisibro always wanted
Notice how the latter has vanished too now(even with his new name) that he finally got revenge on this board

really? I filter all generals now, but I assumed they would have a large overlap

Sup Forums is exactly what your kind cried for on /q/ even after we told you parasites that things will only get worse.

moot killed the board when he fucked Sup Forums as his going away present. I don't know what he did but apparently it was unusable for a week and then that fucking TFA trailer hit and Sup Forums found their new home. Half of the catalog has been nothing but women and minority hate threads since.

moot killed this board by listening to new users crying on /q/ that Sup Forums wasn't like their home board and reddit movie board

it's a shill thread protected by the mods. they post pedo and fury shit but the threads never get deleted. hiro has been paid off. name/tripfags are also in cahoots with the reddit mods to ban people who post dissenting opinions in any of the generals that reddit and tumblr use as footholds on Sup Forums.

save this post because i'll get a another 3 day ban in couple of minutes.

You can find their tumblr accounts by searching "Sup" on tumblrs search engine. Remember all it takes is a handful of people to get rid of scum like this even when the moderation team protects them

Reminder that infatilazing adults its part of the Jewish conspiration, 1st world childish men from economicallly stable homes (ie natives) are too disconnected from real world and lack of such social skills that are hopeless when tyrone and Muhammad arrive and steak their women, creating in the long term a race of docile dumb mutts (think current west coast america) that will eat up and purchase anything the eternal jew sells

Are you often a victim of gang-stalking?

>Remember all it takes is a handful of people to get rid of scum like this even when the moderation team protects them
how user?

>half of the catalog is minority hate
That's not the problem with the board. Hating Hollywood isn't new.
Star wars is the problem.

>Star wars is the problem.
how new are you user?

What the fuck do you even mean faggot? capeshitters used to be contained to one thread years ago as did shit wars, disgusting underage plens everywhere gargling disneys vomit
how much do you get from the mouse btw?

not enough cuncun tbqh and avatar countdown stickies

>too many goddamn shill shit threads, and they are evolving


It literally is, stop trying to hide behind muh oldfagness
there were always threads shitting on hollywood and barely anyone screaming Sup Forums at anything political that was posted

that shit is cancer as fuck

murder in the first degree

listen newfag. it happenes every time theres a new star wars, marvel, dc, or basically any big release. the catalog was filled with jurassic world threads before and after it came out.

its a shill testing out his hot new "maymayy response" he learned from that meme teaching site he just found

it's the hot >new go to reaction in soywars threads

>i'm new