I loved it.
>Now wreck my Sup Forums up.
I loved it.
>Now wreck my Sup Forums up.
Its easily the worst X-men movie besides Last Stand. What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Don't be a dick, although I do happen to agree. The whole thing felt empty and rushed. Even looking at the characters on the poster, it's clear they just pulled as many "names" as they could get to fill out the roster
uhhh X-Men Origins Wolverine is much worse than this
psylocke's ass
Its mediocre but really not worse than Doc Strange, GoTG, Homecoming, Thor 3 or Justice League. In fact, Id say its quite superior to a few of those.
see it only coz like egyptian theme. it sucked
Nice legs
>Flash twink guy decides not to tell Magneto he's his son
>ok we want to make sure cyclops does not get upstaged by wolverine again so cast him wisely
>how about a muttfaced manlet with no muscles noticeably shorter than the actress playing jean grey