>6.3 imdb
what the fuck this is top notch
>6.3 imdb
what the fuck this is top notch
People got genuinely confused that there was no real monster. Even here thread after thread was trying to reason that there was in fact some supernatural horror.
it was vaguely implied there was some kind of infection that could be similar to a zombie like apocalypse with the burning of the bodies and the dreams, but the movie is better for never explicitly showing or saying whats going on
Dey didn't show da big mostah
Burning the bodies solely implied they act as a resevoir for bacteria after death, its commonplace during pandemics. Even then doing so did not particularly help then. There is no suggestion whatsoever that there is any monster or supernatural force. Its people falling apart mentally during an oppressive, horrifying plague.
Brainlets got mad that there wasn't a generic, scary monster. It'll likely become a cult classic.
It's very vague about what exactly transpired. Who gave who the disease? How did they even get it? There was no outside force that could have gave it to them during the course of the movie. It was like it was inevitable and basically the moral of the story was in an apocalypse it's best to fucking kill everyone who isn't you
People slammed this film on here and just about everywhere else when it released. It's unironically kino.
They don't particularly understand the disease enough to avoid it, isnt the main character just a teacher? Really they never should have let that family and their son in.
You'll enjoy the Survivalist
Yeah it was marketed as a horror movie with jump scares for plebs but was actually a slow burning psychological drama about paranoia, cant really blame them for trying to sell it like that, gotta get the brainlets to give it a chance somehow.
What was the message?
There wasn't really a problem with that other family though. It was their own teenage son who pulled the dead dog inside while sleep walking, contracted the disease and then passed it to that young kid who wasn't in bed with his parents.
movies dont need a message
they just need to be good
They also shot the grandpa so that suggests he would have "turned."
Top notch? What the fuck are you on?
It was Night of the Living Dead or John Carpenter's the Thing without anything substantial or new in it. It in fact did less than those movies did. The only good thing was the cover.
It's literally misery porn, nothing more.
oh hey i also watched the rlm review on it, I came up with my own opinion on it though, you should try that out you fucking parrot.
What the fuck is your iq, they shot him because he was viciously ill and dying.
I watch the film, and that is my opinion, you faggot.
It should be lower. Movie is just another artsy trash.
But you're copying exactly what they said about it, misery porn hmm not a lot of people use that term and you're telling me you didn't watch that review? stop lying you're busted
top no-zzzZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzz
>have opinion about film
>watch review about film
>reviewer says something quippy about the film that is kind of fun to say
>decide to start saying it to reflect my opinion of the film
it's not complicated lad
the monster was inside them all along!
so you're a parrot
cool we're done here.
They fucked up the marketing, but they sort of had no choice, they had to market it as a horror movie, because it is. The problem is that the horror crowd nowadays is a bunch of stupid teenagers who actually want jumpscares and get mad when faced with anything psychological or slow moving. A lot of those comments are a backlash from these people who were "tricked" into watching it.
People were interested in a brood psychological thriller and we got a cheap zombie post apocalyptic knock off.
Deserves the 6.3
I'm not even the user you were talking to lmao
Silence looks better.
Then mind your own business bitch nobody is talking to you.
aw it's ok to be wrong buddy
Do you always step in and speak for your butt buddy?
>anonymous image board
>having a butt buddy
I've talked to you more than I've talked to him. Do you want to be my butt buddy, user?
are you sure you don't know him because you ran to his defense when nobody asked for it like a little white knight.
Do you want someone to run to your defense, user? I'm actually a trap and I have cute little feminine penis that you would probably like :3
Nope I can stand on my own homo thanks anyway, there are some gamer girls on twitter that probably need you though.
Hey user, what horror movies are actually your favorite?
Not My favorite genre but i guess 28 days later is my favorite and that's about it or that's all i care to remember.
wbu baby?
"Misery porn" is a common term, and it's exactly what this film is. No overreaching message, nothing, just a horrid, depressing spiral. Not everyone watches your e-celeb horseshit, faggot.
Probably the worst post i have ever seen on the board.
accurate assessment, substance-less movie
That's a lot of samefagging I didn't see the poster count go up at all, prove me wrong.
>horrid depressing spiral
where you looking for the feel good movie of the year retard?
I liked it. I love films where weapons are treated like actual killing machines.
The other family having one revolver fucked EVERYTHING up, because in real life thats how it works. What are more films like this?
I already watched Green Room and Blue Ruin.
>where you looking for the feel good movie of the year retard?
How about something substantial that explores worthwhile themes? Instead, you get elements that have been depicted in many a film before, and it ends up depicting nothing but paranoia, cruelty, desperation, and misery with nothing substantial to show for it.
Fair enough I was wrong
Now you guys admit you are wrong :)
explain the substance of the film then
>paranoia, cruelty, desperation, and misery with nothing substantial
woah in an apocalyptic survival movie noooo wayyyyyyy
what themes would you like explored? I'm sure your answer will be very pretentious.
Joel had ice in his veins to shoot that toddler. Really enjoyed his character
What makes you think movies always have to have an underlying meaning? sometimes it's just story telling.
I didnt say that I said it was substance less misery porn, you said I was wrong
Was he aiming for the kid? I thought he was aiming for the mom.
Because it’s babbys first
when throughout the whole movie they’re hinting that there’s some sort of other threat.
Just make it a fucking interesting character piece rather than hinting at something else and giving an ending everybody guessed 10 minutes Into the movie
If you sit there and a girl keeps opening her mouth over your cock and pulling away while tossing you off....hinting she’s going to suck it and then just abruptly walks out without sucking it, it’s not the guys fault for expecting his cock to be sucked. He’d have been perfectly content with a band job but the fact that the cock sucking was hinted at and then dropped makes it disappointing.
That’s literally this shit hole movie and it’s fans
an underlying meaning or message would give it substance no? try to keep up baby brains, I would think the situation these people were in would be miserable, so that's realistic, all of this is funny because misery porn is a substance less term, it's a cheap buzzword that doesn't actually mean anything, tell me it had plotholes, tell me you didn't like the characters, tell me you didn't the story arch but don't just spout DUDE MISERY PORN LMAO I HEARD SOMEONE SAY THAT ONCE.
Are there any other horror movies like this? No monsters or supernatural shit like that, just suspence and eerie feeling.
From a technical and execution standpoint its well done. The problem was that the story had no substance and the depth of a puddle.
The Road did it better.
The book, not the fucking Viggo movie, even though the movie hit the same beats as the book.
Did you honestly expect this film to have some le epic action sequence where Joel Egerton kills a sick ton of zombies while making quips?
Within 5 minutes of the film you can sense the tone and know its not going to go near there. For fucks sake its made by A24 you stupid bitch.
>sex analogy
A story without meaning is worthless.
Pure bullshit. Movies don't need to have a message as long as they are entertaining.
Did you even read what I said?
I expected it go somewhere with what it was implying.
Not to just drop it like an art student being like “woooah you thought I was going here but NOPE it was over here....look how stupid you were for believing that”
It wasn’t even like it was a twist or feint and then a change of direction into another theme that nobody expected...it was just a flat boring ending everybody saw was going to happen as soon as the kid had that dream
>look how stupid you were for believing that
this is some nice projecting, I get the feeling you felt dumb at the end. kek
who killed the dogs?
I’m glad we had a good discussion regarding the movie rather than continued ad hominen on your part
They shot the dog remember
>a song without meaning is worthless
yeah experiencing stuff through the senses is so gay, gotta think about it with yer kewl literal little faggot autist mind
I'm not sure about this, is it good?Is it one of those what the fuck movies where you just have a ton of questions and feel unsatisfied?
Any movies that are similar that you'd say if they liked those that they'd probably like this?
I'm just trying to get a feel for if its worth a watch or not for me.
Yes yes. My favorite part was the ending with the 10 minute New York tourism advertisement. This movie had no plot and all you contrarians praising it are pathetic
>it doesn't give give you answers to some plot points so it has no plot
Spoken like a true mental midget
The movie didn’t present any questions to answer. The fact that you think it did only shows your own retardation
What started the fall of the world and the disease spread? What did the dog bark at the woods? What was the thumping sound that woke everybody up? Who fucked up the dog? Was that kid from the other family just normally sick or had the virus?
Only one of those had any consequence to the story presented. And it was pretty obvious that he was infected because he was the one that left the house at night and touched the son after. Again, the brain let here is you because you managed to be impressed by a film that does less in 90 minutes that even the worst episode of Walking Dead does in 45
I'm sorry for your plot driven surface-level ADHD brain where you think there has to be 50 different plot turning events in order for a film to be good. You probably think a film like Paterson is not a film at all, right?
>dude movies don’t need progression lmao
Why would you use a motion picture to show something without change. The only reason they killed off the son character was to feign some kind of change in the characters lives, which is made meaningless by the death of the grandfather which itself had no meaning aside from the “dude that’s my granddads dog lmao
Is this a you'll shit bricks when you see it poster?
The fact that they let the dog go outside is so incredibly stupid it ruined the movie for me.
>advertise your film as some kinda monster mayhem slash fest
>go to actually see the film
>no john, the real demons are the mind!!!!!!!!!
You dont have to be a brainlet to admit this movie was pretentious garbage.
But what killed the dog?
One of the most boring films ive seen in years, dont make your trailers more interesting then the actual film itself. I went in expecting some kinda cool and unique movie monster that would go down with the likes of the thing and freddy kreguar, instead i got the ending of fight club and bioshock infinite rolled into one
This movie fucking sucks
i think the granda just got sick from living in close proximity
the real monster was paranoia and ambiguity of conventional social interactions
dogs run away, get lost and die in the wild all the time
You're thinking of Alien.
>Because it’s babbys first
1. there is compassion in this movie
2. you say that as if were a cliche but there are hardly any movies doing that
people like you want to hate this to feel smart
Soy horror.
It's garbage drama marketed as horror, they literally needed to trick people into watching it by releasing a misleading trailer.
Soy horror is the worst trend in a while, all these film students releasing Le epic deep movie garbage by marketing it as horror. Fucking disgraceful.
But even worse are the contrarians defending it.
You can dislike something while understanding it completely.
it's get out without everything being so on the nose
people would rather watch get out because it's more obviously about race relations
this movie tells you race relations are just 1 tiny facet of the problems building a society
Nice buzzwords.
its literally the peoples vote
and people are idiots
i don't feel at home in this world anymore
It's literally a horror sub genre.
Soy horror with its poster child the witch
try The Invitation (2015)
6.3 is a watchable movie.
This movie however is not a good movie, more of a 4 at best, and most of that is for atmosphere. It's a hour and a half long buildup and then the movie ends.
my theory is the other family's kid wasn't even sick they just wanted out of the house because they assumed the nig nog was. the father covering his eyes is because he doesn't want him to see his father aiming his gun at someone.
Just watched it, pretty good. It's a simple story of paranoia, nothing fancy but entertaining and done well
They Look Like People
Don't worry, it will age well
opinions opinions
many anons shitting on this movie
I thought it was really really good. Based Edgerton.
The real question I'm left with is how is the son darker than his light-skin mom when he has a white dad?
This movie also shares the same fate of being severely underrated by retarded normalfags for building up a strong atmosphere instead of having constant jump scares and action sequences