He said you'd come

>He said you'd come

>let's hope you're not too late

Who was he talking to?

Other urls found in this thread:


Doctor Occult.

Luke Skywalker


His boner.

Joss Whedon


flash from the future using timetravel


It's lois, it's a massive bait and switch. Read the leak.

I'm pumped they're making Superman evil. He's way less boring in Injustice.

Hello retard

You know that leak was fake right?

Just like Batman was less boring when he strapped guns to the Batmobile, right my underaged friend?


Now that we know that Superman is one of the bad guys (thank you based Snyder for making le perfect kino xD) i think its Nightwing or Batgirl (mostly because Whedon is directing that)


>when he strapped guns to the Batmobile
When did he not?



Captain Marvel

you KNOW who

>camera pans
>it's tony stark

wrong universe.

the red color is red herring.

it's batgirl. you can tell this was shot by joss because the lighting doesn't look ocd fussed over. they knew ww would do gangbusters from the prescreenings months ago. joss asked them to bring another strong woman into the franchise, which would also help his solo batgirl film.

its batgirl. he's in the batcave. only superman knows where the batcave is and no way is that superman meeting alfred there because he would be a retarded spolier.


Shazam is the only answer, you freaking normie plebs.

Batgirl? You're such a normie simpleton.

Yes, it's him, but they (WB) are referring to him as Shazam.



It's the prostitute Bruce hired and Alfred said let's hope you're not too late because Bruce's dick pills were starting to wear off.


Mister Miracle.

The hero we need.

So are DC Comics, but the people who made that decision and changed his costume are morons.

Billy Batson becomes Captain Marvel when he calls the wizard's name, Shazam.

Whedon. He's hoping he's not too late to salvage the DCEU dumpster fire.

The audience, cause their RT score is below 50% again

"Hope is all we have, and that shall be enough"

This would be dope


It was actually his chiropractor that was unrelated to the main plot. Back problems get serious when you're older, OP.


well played

Holy shit

>2 double-u's

Pretty brilliant

the leak is totally made up but its probably Lois. I doubt they would finally do the big Superman Returns from the dead reveal where he meets a butler in a cave.


The t-rex from Jurassic Park.

not only that, his name is bill wilson. william wilson.

it's so dense, there are so many layers.

It's obvious for everyone who read comics.

A suicide squad member

Superman that has become a Blue Lantern somehow or a different Blue Lantern. The blue light reflection is from his blue lantern emblem.

Stan lee



Are you Liev Schreiber's son ?


Ace the Bat Dog.


Alfred wouldn't be so cordial towards her


>calls others normies


so obvious

Superman. He even emphasizes hope and nods to the S on his chest.

The audience. He's hoping you'll go see the movie. Don't let him down OP.

>Buttoning the neck before putting the arms inside

Imagine Goebbels looking at this photo and thinking "This is the sperg that i put in charge"

>Buttoning the neck before putting the arms inside
What's wrong with that? Looks open so he can just put it in.

>Imagine Goebbels looking at this photo and thinking "This is the sperg that i put in charge"

>everyone expecting it to be Green Lantern
>turns out it's Booster

Danny the Street

He's talking to Batman.

Batman might have been late because he was recruiting the Justice League and he had been away

Joe Chill, who is back to finally finish what he started