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Polanski did nothing wrong that whore was at his house to get fucked for movie roles

Watch as Sup Forums defends a child rapist Jew because roasties find him offensive.

Yeah he is fucked, I just got a fucking black call (rip call) from "up", expect a shitstorm to break in the next 48 hours, they already decided to well....terminate him.

Fuck I liked his movies but he shouldva known not to talk, these guys dont fuck around an now he is a dead man walking.

>it's ok to anally rape a 13 year old girl because her parents whored her out

>just forget the video of all of hollywood clapping for polanski


it's not rape if they're asking for it

Are we as a society just going to pretend like 3/4 of Hollywood wasn't petitioning to forgive Polanski, and giving him standing ovations at the Oscars a few years ago?

Nothing wrong with consent
Everything wrong with anal rape


>Sup Forums
You're obsessed


didn't meryl streep say the same thing

Jews jewing jews.

Most of hollywood still defends polanski, he's fine

post the video you shits

I posted this clip to Sup Forums many years ago, knowing it would come to bite him in the ass eventually.

And that's a good thing.

>yfw you realize Quentin Tarantino is the cunnyposter

This will be great, I can't wait until they pull his new movies.

Quentin is finnished

>MFW he never gets to make his Manson Family flick
>MFW he never gets to make his Star Trek flick
>MFW he never gets to finish his Western trilogy
>MFW Tarantino is finished

everyone who's ever been in a room with polanski and didn't perform a citizen's arrest is just as guilty

>your career can end because of someone elses rape

Pretty sweet. Hollywoods doing great!

>literally 40 years ago
Plebs need to fucking get over this already. Polanski gets a pass anyway for his record of kino.

He never paid his debt to society.

this. also the girl forgave him and said he was right to flee cause the judge was using the case to promote himself.

kys redditor

>it's ok for a middle-aged man to rape a child if, decades later, the child forgives him

Look at Polanski's eyes when the interviewer brings up Sharon Tate. How utterly desolate he looks. I can't even imagine how he was feeling at the time of the murder. Try to put yourself in his place.

16:07 if the link doesn't work

If the creepy old kike didn't want to do the time, he shouldn't have assraped a child. I only wish that the Manson crew had fucking killed him too.

Under this logic then Meryl Streep is going to be fucked up next isnt it?

and I hated this #metoo shit, but now its rightly destroying careers of the inauthentic.

>muh systematic hollywood rape cabal
I bet you believe in pizzagate too don't you?

I hope PTA is next.


She was what, 13? That's a child, brah.

are htey going to go after natalie portman for signing the petition? mreylstreep too? only men must pay for supporting him1!

yes if meryl directed a movie and hid her actress crashing a car because of her negligence

The girl obviously consented, she even said that he didn't rape her decades later

Polanski is a non issue

What about the four other underage rapes he committed?

Her opinion is irrelevant. A judment was made, and happened to be fortunate enough to have the means to flee punishment.

Those were allegations made up to slander him. He's literally done nothing wrong

>she even said that he didn't rape her decades later

Isn't Tarantino's line of thought on this pretty much on par with the rest of Hollywood's until about 4 or 5 years ago? He got a lifetime achievement award from the Academy Awards and a standing ovation from the entire film industry after all.

looks like disney couldn't find any real dirt on him

If Quentin goes down for saying that, then so should everyone who's on video at the Oscars clapping for Polanski. Which is, uh, practically all of them.

Boy, that compulsive farter with a foot fetish is a pretty creepy dude.

Let's not have him make movies anymore so it's just feminist Disney shit.

Not only that, there's a fucking petition out there, with the signatures of all these hypocrites. One of whom that immediately springs to mind is Natalie Portman, who is now trying to set herself up as miss #Timesup

Will Meryl Streep defend Tarantino for defending Polanski?

So is it cool to hate Pulp Fiction yet? Kill Bill's aight I guess.

Pulp Fiction is one of reddit's favorite movies, so we can't admit it's good here

>peition defending Polansky signed by over a hundred industry people such as David Lynch or Woody Allen publicly available for almost 10 years
>noone gives a fuck

Polanski is great. There's nothing wrong with defending him. Even feminist darling Natalie Portman agrees.

>Try to put yourself in his place

Assraping a young child? I'm sure most of Sup Forums imagines that scenario every day.

ok? Heres everyone that signed petitions to free polanski

Petition 1: Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Jonathan Demme, Terry Gilliam, Alfonso CuarĂ³n, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, John Landis, David Lynch, Michael Mann, Martin Scorcese, Tilda Swinton, Guillermo del Toro, Brett Ratner, Terry Zwigoff, Wim Wenders, Stephen Frears, Adrien Brody, Woody Allen

Petition 2: Natalie Portman, Salman Rushdie, Harrison Ford, Steven Soderbergh, John Milius, Jeremy Irons, Neil Jordan, Kristin Scott Thomas

Whats special about tarantino again?

He's kinocent. He makes kino so he's innocent.

>When you make such good films people defend you despite sodomising a child

No, they can hang together.
You under-estimate our ability to hate different people for different reasons.
We don't play the libtard "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" idiocy game that's destroying western civilization.
We can take you all. We can take out the pedos and we can take out marxists. Without anyone's help.
In fact taking out the cultural marxists will strip away the only protections pedos actually have left.

Well he did anally rape her, the investigation is conclusive

but everyone loves polanski

>drugging and anally raping a child is bad, I guess, but I REALLY liked The Pianist

This user gets it!

I was thinking more Chinatown, Rosemary's Baby and Repulsion but whatever. Tell me this isn't the mentality of his defendants.

>free polanski

There are rewards for good work, and if you made Rosemary's Baby then you get to rape a child.

fucking this. these hollywood cunts defended polanski for years when it was convenient to do so. They also didn't mind Woody Allen when he was handing out parts to his movies

Yeah because a child so so mature and can think on its own. Sure thing pedo

What did he do? I read something about a car crash then this? Is this a meme or legit? So confused.

>Are we as a society just going to pretend like 3/4 of Hollywood wasn't petitioning to forgive Polanski, and giving him standing ovations at the Oscars a few years ago?

13 year olds don't have the mental capacity to make and understand that choice you fucking pedo

that's like your opinion man

I knew there was a reason I liked Tarantino.

> She was only 13!

She was being whored out by her parents. If parents can decide what school you go to, what friends you have, what food you eat, what time you wake and sleep, your morality, the town you live in and now your gender, why can't they make a decision that's best for their daughter's career, which is simply getting assfucked by an influential director? Parents do worse things all the time to "Help their children".

Come ON.

fucking a girl in the ass is not raping, I understand americans come from puritans and are very ashamed about sex and all but a 13yo girl can be perfectly sexually developed and its only "raped" because some old guys decided it was ilegal to fhave sex with her


And yet Natalie Portman gets away with the fact that among many celebrities she signed a petition to pardon Roman Polanski in 2009

Nothing is ever as it seems, so I have two theories regarding this whole #metoo thing (although it has evolved beyond that already).

China. The Chinese movie industry is BOOMING and with China projected to overtaken America's economy in the next two decades, it could very well be that this dismantling of Hollywood was orchestrated by China in order to also prop up the Chinese film industry as king and standard - do away with American pop culture influence. They've also banned Hip Hop as well, THE number one pop culture export from the US.

Less likely but fun to think about
Trump. Donald is taking revenge on the liberal circle jerking hate machine that plagued his campaign and did everything it could to stifle him and although he won, if you've read The Art Of The Deal, there's a section on revenge. A whole bunch of vocal trump bashers seems to be having bad luck these days too, further adding to the fire.

>statutory rape is "not quite the same thing" as rape

isn't that objectively true though?

Yeah but Polanski drugged and ass raped her while she protested.

>ALL ultra liberal self important wankers getting their careers destroyed


Where the white feet at?

To be fair how did he know people still listened to Howard Stern?

so, he did get charged with actual rape then? not statutory rape?

>a resurfaced audio clip
How fucking hard do you have to reach

Why are you trying so hard?
You do realize you're just part of the general sensationalist mass right? You do realize that people dont give a shit right?
You do realize that "he said x about y" is not really something that people actually care about beyond gossiping right?

This looks really bad, but people should read this

Is it relevant? They drop down charges to ensure conviction via plea bargin. What one is charged with =/= severity of their actions.

>is it relevant?


>under fire

Diane Abbott?

Hi pajeet

Wow so I can murder people and if the police don't catch me it's okay?

you cant destroy indie director

it's a black male thing

he's also friends with Harvey Levin from TMZ and whoever runs the National Enquirer. They most likely have tons of dirt they keep under wraps for various reasons.


>Try to side with the feminists
>they turn on you

when will they fucking learn

Won't hurt his rep in the black community though and most liberals are pedos. Salon will probably write an editorial defending sex with kids again in response.

Scorsese more likely.