10 days until Sup Forums is BTFO permanently

10 days until Sup Forums is BTFO permanently

The litty never stops, brah. All will fall to the RAUNCHY Jumanji


I've seen this posted many times but its gotta be a fake account
>architecture looks like shit anyway


we are alread BTFO by "honest" reviews

There's no way that's real

Of course it's fake. The account is called @deathbyliberals

translation: too scared to say anything bad about it in case the SJWs call me a racist

Can't suck enough of the black cock

this is just sad

does he....does he actually eat all of that? God it sucks being fat. I haven't eaten any sweets or junk in weeks.

Start lifting user, you'll feel better.

>"the action is predictably awful"

what's wrong with the review?
stay assblasted nazi

guy tells aaction is awful, which is bad for an action movie
in addition he shills for 'stryng womyhn'
he's simply not honest about it, go no balls to say that movie is awful and pushes feminazi agenda

It is you fucking moron


>acknowledging that female actors did a good job is a bad thing

he said he didn't like a big part of it (the action) is that what "shills" do in your alternate Sup Forums reality?
also liking actresses is "dishonest" by default now?

fuck off

Hey watch your mouth you turbo nigger, I can't tell what is satire anymore especially among kangz

Call me a turbo nigger will ya? Steal the girl of my dreams from behind my back will ya? YOURE FUCKING DEAD

You're paranoid, the problem is simply that the reviewer has not the guts to say the movie is at least average. If he says the action is predictibly awful then the movie can't be incredible as he concludes.
You can call everyone a poltard but that won't change the hypocrisy of the review.

Every KANGZ post is Sup Forumsack. Each and every one.


this looks like it could be a cool movie, but i wont watch it for 2 reasons:

1. it's gonna turn out to be another generic soulless marvel flick
2. fuck niggers

>action movie
>the action sucks balls
>9.7/10 great sense of identity!

>the action is predictably awful (action movie) but [identity politics]
How will we ever recover from the inevitable 103% RT score Sup Forums?

ooo so edgy




So he's saying blacks have natural rhythm which they show off to the beat of the jungle drums?

maybe he likes realistic action and not over the top capeshit action (thus the use of "predictably")
hypocrisy? what exactly about the review was hypocritical? stop throwing around meme words that you don't understand.

kid you better try learning some basic reading comprehension before forming and defending political opinions (about disney movies no less)