OH-EHM-GEE! I, like, totally nerded out when I saw the Millennial Falcon in The Force Awakens!

>OH-EHM-GEE! I, like, totally nerded out when I saw the Millennial Falcon in The Force Awakens!

retarded girls are the best

nice panties

i hope you soaked your socks you nerdy little bitch

Does she have autism?


I hate women too, fellow magapede

Couldn't find a prom date, eh user?

Is this that fucking Jenny bitch who retards are obsessed with here?

No this one is at least passable

Sloars, amirite?

she looks like riley reid.

lurk more fucking retard

Listen anons. If younmeet a girl, and in the course of your interactions she picks up any kind of flying vehicle and doesn't fly it through the air while making "WOOOSHHH" noises, leave her.
She's no good.

fuck thats deep my guy. seriously. im buying a toy aeroplane to test this out just in case i ever meet a girl

What if she flies it into a wall and makes a 9/11 joke?

what about RREEERRRR noises?

Even better.

Thos work too. This also extends to wheeled vehicles and "VRRROOOOOMM" noises.

What if she pretends to be a motorcycle and says BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP?

She's probably a female (male) and browses 4chins. Proceed at your own risk.

why does he have a brain under his tongue and a brisket in his cheek

>brisket in his cheek

OH, so we can be terrorized by a woman pretending to be "lol quirky"? No fucking thanks.

A "WOOOSHHH" is a genuine reaction. "Le quirky" roasties could never hope to achieve such levels of autism.

Feels bad that this is what supports Star Wars now.

it's not really supporting it, it's costing them more money

Only because they don't understand the formula they bought.

it's too late now, they're rats on a sinking ship.

I want that toy TIE Interceptor. It looks cool.

kill yourself

>she makes Stuka siren noises and starts yelling in German

It would go good with the toy X-wing I still have from when I was a kid. I could have fun building display stands for them. I hope they're the same scale.

you stop being a baby user. i wish you all the best.


reading is one thing, paying for disney filth, that's something else

>paying for disney filth
I'll grant you that. Not that user anyways.


>implying women will watch starwars now

that's not the reason for all the female protags, it's not a marketing decision clearly, if it was they'd stop doing it with everything because it clearly isn't working. It's so little boys will start identifying with the females, that's literally the reason.


Do people not know how to brush their teeth?

this is a children movie

from the 80s

to make money

you dont own it

Eat my balls, buttmunch. You might actually get some testosterone in youself.

its like the car road map rug, it shows her parent(s) never cared enough to engrain in all her infant/toddler spoon feeding years to instinctively love planes and the airplane noise because that means a reward is on the way for her

this also has conditioned them to easily accept giving a blowjob after having played pretend plane for a few seconds


That's not how real women act. It's sad that has to be explained to you millennials.

damn right, protect the fair lady's reputation, fellowsir!

too pointy, original is best

a jpg is not an argument learn to fucking talk to people and get out of this little faggoty board you fucking nerd


m'lord, pls


I'm asian and post in Sup Forums, can confirm,

>tfw t_d is literally more racially diverse then your local group of leftists

>My favorite Star War ship is the M&M Falcon

Post more of her

>tfw no autistic tie interceptor gf

>doesn't lurk
what's wrong with you newfag 90's born queers?

Marry her.

>user, jews did 9/11

It's clearly because women get paid less money than men so hiring more women for the lead roles lets them spend less on production and keep more in their pockets. Then you add on extra multipliers for being ugly and honestly you'd be stupid not to fill your movie with ugly women.

That's just a group of mentally ill (see: trans) people who all hire each other for that speed running trashcan thing, not really leftest.

I'm glad rey exists, girls can finally like starwars now

I genuinely hate women. All of them, including the disgusting whores that I'm related to.

lol, whatta gay

>not really leftest.
they are big time.

>Sup Forums is self-hating shitskins
Wow, that's a really suprising twist noone saw.

>speed running trashcan thing
I'd like some further information

>very cool

I can only see 1 white person in there. disgusting.

>Oh my god Sandra, I saw his Star Wars toy collection.
>Really, Tiffany?
>Yeah and can you believe it, he was actually dumb enough to buy NuWars toys? Like anybody is even going to remember that trash in a year. He didn't even have a TIE Interceptor.
>OH, MYGAWD TIFF, I hope you dumped him.
>You know it, girl.

Jenny's a good girl, no need to be rude!

this fucking chipmunk gets me everytime god dammit why are women such whores

Oh god i am laffin

So is back to the future and breakfast club