Darren makes a disturbingly convincing woman. Why is that?
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Honestly they all make pretty decent women, not all looks wise but acting wise for sure
>inb4 soy
>this actor acts, why is that?
really makes your synaptic gaps rev your cranial cavity into high gear
Trevor can be a 10 the rare moment he plays a woman
It's because you know that is a man in a dress. If he came up to you and tried to say that he is an actual woman you would be weirded the fuck out.
I'd SPLIT girl Darren.
This skit is unironically kino until they start crying. They both fucking nail it
WKUK are so underrated
Sam doesn't at all.
Darren's best girl is the genie one
Zacks best girl is the divorce kid skit, the one where he won't shut up in class
What can I say? The guy's cute.
This. It's mind blowing how virtually every single skit is laugh out loud funny.
they were on cable for fucks sake
but you probably werent alive for that were you
Underrated in popularity. No one I know has heard of them.
They were on IFC. Not the most well known cable channel. More people know about College Humor than WKUK
wow I'm actually sad to hear that
the future is looking more grim every day... has YouTube killed off sketch comedy for younger generations?
>has YouTube killed off sketch comedy for younger generations?
Yes. Gen Z get their laughs from e-celeb faggots reacting to the latest news and trends.
Same here. Grew up watching it and none of my friends had any idea what it was at the time.
they get shared on shitbook all the time, most people find them funny
They don't have a wide fanbase. Even people who've seen a skit or two are probably clueless that it's a television show with 5 whole seasons.
I'd fuck all of them tbqh.