Come watch Assault on Precinct 13 with us Sup Forums

Who wants to have a midnight screening of Assault on Precinct 13 (1976)???

Come in and get comfy

https cytu dot be/r/GhostAdventure

Starting in 10~ minutes or so

Other urls found in this thread:

Get ready lads

Starting now

Thread theme

Come in here bros

cytu be/r/GhostAdventure

I'm in

My man

This movie is /k/ino



>movies will never be this brutal again

Sound suppressed weapons sound nothing like that.

its 1976 who the fuck cares lad

The corny sound effect is actually what makes this movie a classic


Fucking Jew ads disrupting the movie.

>Sup Forums watching my favorite film
>I'm stuck at work

Use your phone nigger

Also why the fuck are you working at 1AM?

goddamn aussies, just watch it on your phone and take a 20 min shit break

I just noticed the mentally ill formerly /his/ tripfag. I'm outta here

yeah that dude tried spamming his loli art to get an emoji, stopped postin after that

Its ok, he's muted in the chat. At least he's bumping the thread


I'm a yourofag so can't watch it. Will do tonight tho.

*teleports behind you*

"Nothing personal, nigger."

should have called out sick victor

>type whats up niggers
>get banned
fuck you

Get rekt on black history month faget

haha i bet black panther is your most anticipated movie of all time

how old are you

>shilling your lowtier cycuck channel on Sup Forums
>ban people who come

reported. enjoy the ban

Go somewhere else Nathan

I'm not reporting anyone who livestreams something as classic as Assault on Precinct 13

Now playing Altered States (1980)

Also fuck you


Now that is something I don't intend to watch at work. Or ever again


Didn't you have a complete meltdown on /his/ about your Norman Bates-tier relationship with you mother? Lmao you deranged faggot

Sup Forums shit gets instabanned in kino streams

>Norman Bates

Whoa, let's not get too far ahead of ourselves here. I'm closer to Patrick Bateman if anything.

not even pol just call bros niggers wtf m8

Can't handle the truth you fucking Kike?

lol who has meltdowns on Sup Forums in 2018 or just in general is this /soc/?

jew confirmed

That tripfag weirdo. On /his/ of all places

I don't use trips you dumb nigger.


I thought you were retard Nathan. I unbanned you