name a comfier streaming position
you cant.
name a comfier streaming position
you cant.
Other urls found in this thread:
this is how you look in class
you know its true
Laying in bed with coffee all covered up with blankets.
>This guy makes a 30 min vid explaining why soyboys don't exist
>Look like this
I really don't like this guy, it baffles me he has subscribers.
post your picture
>Do something that only an idiot would do
You first
tfw I look like this
>get fired from my job as a personal assistant and rectal massager
No thanks
I know someone who looks just like this
this is how im shitposting right now
I never bought the soy thing but there is undoubtedly something feminising western men and causing sperm counts to drop exponentially. Probably a combination of things.
thats just sad, nobody cared about that kid
What did (((They))) mean by this
Are they calling me a soyboy though my recommended videos?
Western Lives are becoming less active (Manual Labour Jobs being replaced with Office type and Service Jobs).
People are working longer hours; no time to make a real meal from scratch so they have to use freezer foods or microwave meals.
Society pretty much moves left-wing socially as time goes on (Compare social attitudes in 1910, 1950 and now).
Anime Tiddies are now a thing
Apparently soy doesn't fix baldness.
I have read a lot of articles in the past saying that the long term effect of xenoestrogens which are artificial estrogen mimickers in plastics and stuff could have long term effects on our health. Especially since a lot of it ends up in the food and water. Which is why they stopped manufacturing so much plastic with BPA. Also you can find numerous articles about estrogen mimickers messing with animal hormones when it comes into contact with
But I agree with what you said, poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle is a big part of it.
looks like a solid kino watching atmosphere
too soon bro
seriously why the fuck would you even post that
already did
On the couch with my wife and children
RIP in peace
i've tried something like this
looks good but it really isn't and it's bad for you
There is nothing wrong with consuming soy as a main source of nutrition.
That guy from iHealthTube looks like Paul fucking Feig, queen nigger of bitch mountain.
Lack of exercise, chemicals in water, foods, containers. There are lost of things to be careful of.
Professor of veganomics.
Only the strong survive, the weak die
His hair is decent tho