Everbody on this board just waves their dicks around and lashing out at eachother

It kinda pisses me off that no one is engaged in any meaningful discussion on this board.

fuck off nigger

depends on thread
there were few ones that i really enjoyed quality discussion

I for one have never seen a dick being waved around while visiting this board

>spoon feed me interesting threads
Fuck off brainlet, stick to Facebook and top 10 buzzfeed articles

this is what I'm talking about.If there was less of this shit happening Sup Forums might actually be a pretty good board

someone hurt your fee fees user?

kys fagget

There are threads on here that could be interesting but faggots devolve it into some alt-right safe haven

ahh there it is, snowflake got melted by mean opinions bawwww.

lurk moar


*slautes repeatedly with angry 3 inches*

the place is Sup Forums 2.0.
confirmed that it is underage central with all the superhero film talk

I actually see more lefties playing the "alt right" card when someone hits a soft spot in Star wars thread but all you have to do its to ignore both sides and stick to discussion of film

Learn to read between the lines of shitposting, I'm not saying it will make Sup Forums good but there is still a decent amount of discussion of good films carefully obfuscated by memes

>the place is Sup Forums 2.0.
you're think of Sup Forums user

WAAAAAAAAHHHH. Mommy make them stop disagreeing with me!

When my grandpa came to live with us after his dementia got really bad I used to wait until my parents weren't home and I would tell my grandpa that my penis was his medicine and he had to suck it until all the medicine came out, which he always gladly did. Then one day I heard my dad yelling and kicking my grandpa out. Turns out my grandpa didn't even have dementia, he was just a sick fuck that wanted a place to stay rent free. I fuckin miss that guy.

got triggered a bit too easy, son.

post soykino

ctrl-f Sup Forums

Its your post,congrats

Nobody in my life would ever buy me a switch... Maybe I should start eating soy

As someone stated soyboys are just socially functional neckbeards which makes them easier to spot and mock

what the fuck is the point of the picture of the kid with his n64 and goldeneye, dont you have any class or taste ?

That's why I take a break from Sup Forums from time to time

he's a soyboy

Humans are maximized to garner preference from other people. We only care about what other people think of us. However, the human mind cannot differentiate being liked and being respected. Thus, there is a battle, if I lash out at someone, they won't like me, but they'll respect me. But if I start liking everything, people will like me, but they won't respect me.

Sure there are things you can truly like, but for the majority of films and television, it's just mindless meh where you can convince yourself on either side.

>Sup Forums
>meaningful discussion

Why are you even here

the kid with the n64 grew into the soyboy on the bottom right

This here , there are alot of discussions. They are rather short because Sup Forums moves fast and many here are anonymous while doing other stuff and work. Its hard to keep track of these discussions and they end quickly.

fuck you pussy

The thing is western entertainment is tainted with the liberal mindset and full of propaganda and pandering to leftist ideas. Media is a vehicle for people to voice their opinions and influence while making some money (preferably, although nowadays it seems narrative is prioritized over profit e.g. TLJ). To expect that there is no backlash from people who are not full on leftists on a board about this entertainment is just idiotic on your part pal. Sup Forums was always about counterculture, in Bush times it went full libertarian/atheist after 8 years of liberalism under a literal dindu it went to the right. Things will change again as soon as the mainstream shifts once again.

>yfw summer's shittiest blockbuster got best and one of longest lasting threads, full of quality discussion other than just waifuposting

fuck you

okay fine

Waifu is one of the best discussion hooks.

I wonder what effect all of that fuckery has on people.
I mean there are threads where 2 autists spend hours on proving to each other who is actually from reddit by posting graphs, polls and archive links and calling each other faggot crossposters again and again. This has to have some sort of effect on people if you do this everyday.

Dude what the fuck?

Everybody gets that quote wrong, it's meant to be extremely literal

okay op, let's talk seriously for a minute. I like to jerk off to feet.

can you see a penis reflection in the tv screen at all?

There is literally nothing wrong with loving your grandpa you degenerate fuck.

Why did you cum on the TV?

you guys realize your just proving his point, right? all this analyzing of the left is what turned Sup Forums into that autistic cousin no wants to talk to