Opinions of 90's queen of deadpan?
Opinions of 90's queen of deadpan?
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you're standing on my head.
Music licensing totally ruined the reruns/dvd. Or lack thereof.
Yep. It's retarded how that works. If they license a song for a movie or show it should be in the intellectual property of the show too.
I can only picture one actress if a live adaptation was made today
It's great. Not just because of the snarkiness but the moments when her humanity shines through, like when she can't talk when Trent is in the same room or when she writes that paper about her adult life and how her family issues are all resolved in the future and her mom tears up reading it.
There's a fanmade restored version of the show with the original music. It's pretty good, just look up Daria Restoration Project. Only problem is there's no subtitles synced with that version.
>tfw ywn travel into the cartoon world and fuck daria.
Its one of the most perfect cartoons ever made. It does exactly what it needs to without dropping a beat. And on rewatching i, i actually found it funnier than i recall back when i first saw it in high school.
That would be exceptionally difficult to pull off. You would have to appeal to her on an intellectual level first and then go reaaaaallly slow.
liked the show except for her
>not just draw yourself as a cartoon chad and date rape her