What is the kino equivalent of this aesthetic?

what is the kino equivalent of this aesthetic?

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where did you find that picture of my wife

Nigger nose



Track 2

Philosophy of a Knife
Men Behind the Sun

And many other comedies.

Excuse me but 1980s Mariya Takuechi is actually my wife

>youtube reccomendation core


Why the fuck am I getting this in my reccomendations?
Same with "Important videos" a couple years back

the grudge 2 or whichever one has the school girls

>Why the fuck am I getting this in my reccomendations?

Everyone did.

Spoiler: it's a proof of concept of Youtube's ability to seed videos and ideas to people "organically". Even with as hamfisted and out of left field as this was, people for the most part aren't saying what they should be saying:

"Why the fuck does Youtube have this much control over what we see, these algorithms aren't neutral in any way"

Instead they think "haha that's curious, oh look at this recommended fun video about coca cola boy I sure need to go shop I'm thirsty".

guys help me
ive listen to this song 9000 times
i cant stop
it feels like eternal youth and bitter sweet romance and better simple times

>no mariya gf


Welp, they got me hooked to city pop for sure now.
Is there a grand plan behind that?

What kind of shit can YouTube pull with this?

Yes shadilay brothers (((youtube))) is pulling the strings, but we kekistani see right through their kike lies

Can't think of a Japanese film but for American Cinemá it is undoubtedly this fun laid back flick

the aesthetic is Twee.

so your answer is a Wes Anderson movie.