I'm putting together a crew

>I'm putting together a crew


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is it going to be a heist movie?


>i'm putting together a crew

Yeah, not even Harrelson is going to save this shit.

>Chewie: ''Grrr Grrrr''
>Soylo: ''That means disappointed in the cooking of the meat''

what is that hairpiece called?

>of the porg meat

>Been kicked out of the flight academy for having a penis of my own

the bothan comb over

>I'm putting together a stew.

>I guess we're some sort of Solo: A Star Wars Story

Was this really necessary?

>I know what you really are
>Solo then puts a brown cape on and says ''I am Yoda'' and transform into a tiny green goblin

>I'm putting together a poo.

You know, after a certain age a man without a crew can become a bad thing

count me in
the names han, han solo a star wars story

>Han Solo is now a wide-eyed, opportunistic "I want to be the best in the galaxy!" character

Disney don't understand these characters.

>>I'm putting together a crew
>I'm in
WTF, the movie is named SOLO FFS. Han and Chewie don't get along with other people until ANH. Now the movie is a Rogue One- GOTG mashup set in a Star Wars universe.

>Tought we're at the bottom of the box office there but it's fine. We're fine.
>*falcon flies through infinity wars footage*

I spat my drink you asshole




seriously, young maz looks like a fucking chimp

why didnt they use this after he says that then?

>But I still get to mow my own lawn.

Voy Cooauge

someone remake the trailer now, lets have some fun with this pig slop

I'm putting together a moloko plus

You do realise this movie is based on Lucas's own origin ideas for Han Solo, written by Lawrence Kasdan himself, right?

I'm putting together a gunpla. It's a nice 1:17 replica of the Yamamoto circa WWII.

>So what branch do you wanna join?

I didn't like the TlJ trailer and subsequently the movie, but this trailer has me looking forward to it t b h.

>Gruff redneck leader
>70s black chick
>British chick
>Alien monkey thing


Pretty sure that's not young maz user. She said she ran that bar for over a thousand years, I doubt she looked younger ~50 years before TFA.

>I'm putting together a cliche
>I'm in *winks at camera*
>[bad to the bone starts playing]

all action movies these days are heist movies

it's the most brainless and failsafe way of executing a story

>We're gonna start big things kiddo!


>I'm putting together a crew
>Are we some kind of a suicide crew?

>I'm putting together a soy


>ran the bar for thousands of years
>clearly force sensitive
>at the very least extremely knowledgeable in the force to a level the jedi would take interest in
>nobody ever mentioned her ever before

I know nu-wars does some asspulls but come the fuck on

im putting together a jew
fucking speilberg man

what movie is this.

>I'm putting together these two things
>and there you go, it's fuck all

Han Soylo: A Nu-Wars Story

>I'm putting together a crew of amateurs who can't act

A bowling crew?

>So what branch do you wanna join
>The one that's in your pants

Bravo Disney, bravo.

Is that supposed to make it good?

John wick isnt

>[Bad to the bone starts playing]

There were 10,000 Jedi and you probably couldn't name 10 of them.

Maz wasn't trained, nor was she invested in following the teachings of the Jedi or Whills as a religion, she just wanted to run her own little Cantina. She's never shown using the force, she just has some knowledge of it having lived 1000+ years.

Nothing special about her, no need to have known her earlier in the series, for the same reason we didnt need to know about Dexter Jettster before AOTC. He's not super important just because he happens to know about Kamino and cloners.

remix of bad to the bone start playing

It's based on a trilogy of books that Lucas gave ideas for. Slamming 3 books into one film will go about as smoothly as an Indian shit-covered street

No, but im arguing against the notion that Disney is throwing this movie together without understanding the character; This is a storyline Lucas has been sitting on for a decade and was originally part of his unaired live-action tv show.

Ranger Solo

Rench Soylo

>It's based on a trilogy of books
No it is not, I have no clue what the fuck you're getting that from.

Should've just cast Ansel Elgort then. At least he got the look.

Why is it all so saturated and grey. I just watched the trailer again, the colour schemes are depressing. It's a series about alien planets and strange creatures. Make it colourful.

So how do you defend her existence throughout the OT? Like you've defending her presence not being known throughout the PT but there were only a handful of living Jedi during the OT, surely she would be pretty major or vital in the battle against the Empire??


The director has literally said the film borrow heavily from these books you fucking dongus

off to a wonderful start

Disney couldnt care less. Snoke came out of nowhere and built a giant army and a death star planet yet was never seen or mentioned when the empire existed

Sup Forums getting their priorities mixed up so I'll take care of it

what's that hairstyle called ?

That's the point I'm getting at, Disney shit the bed by just acting like nobody would question any of this but the more they asspull the more questions they leave

>what's that hairstyle called ?
the "I was on cheers 30 years ago"

they shouldve cast this alien looking fucker as a main villan who steals the falcon

It'll be a remake of rogue one because the fans liked that, init.

I wonder what Life Lessons Ms Perfect will teach Han Solo. Cannot wait ....

But I am guessing that it won't be as successful as rogue one because felicity jones was fit and emilia clarke looks like a dumb child

cranky old men can't jump or act the haircut

hey Doctor Badger was cool leave him out of this

>I'm putting together a hairline

Han is going to mow his lawn, isn't he?

No way I'm seeing this. TFA was the end for me.

Lmao this dude is gonna her mistake for Harvey Weinstein haha.

Lawrence Kasdan is a fucking bullshit writer. You dumb shills still think his name carries weight round here after everything?

>is gonna her mistake for Harvey Weinstein

He looked like Harvey Weinstein in that thumbnail

He co-wrote this movie with his own son. Says a lot.

Its not that they dont understand. They just dont care. They go about Star Wars like businessmen. Take elements from the original for nostalgia reasons and then mix it up with whatever kind of movies are succesful right now. They have no creative vision for Star Wars because they only ever learned how to make money. Its harder to understand why people like JJ, Harrison Ford or Mark Hamil take part in this. You'd think they made enough money to concentrate on interesting projects.

Hamill and Ford had already quietly signed up for the sequel trilogy with Lucasfilm before Disney bought the series.

Well they shouldnt have. Also, source?

They're shit, but Jumanji was ok.

>Woody Harrelson

He really looks like Harvey Weinstein in that shot wonder how many people will mistake him for it.

>it is based on something interesting
>therefore it is good
Jar Jar was based on Toshiro Mifune's Kikuchiyo.


The moment I lost all interest in a Han Solo origin story. Why didn't they even say his name in the trailer? Imagine if you have no idea what Star Wars is. You wouldn't even know what this movie is about.

yes. soyfags about to get robbed

The moment I lost interest in SW was TPM.

Well, they're trying to market this shit to China. Yet they fail again at the basics. The chinks don't like movies that look dark and bleak. You will never please chinks and SW fans at the samme time but you can piss both of them. Chinks like colorful CGI garbage full of quips and mindless action, your typical Marvel capeshit. SW fans want meaningful entertainment that has a believable magic to it.

crazy how fast Sup Forums stole soy from Sup Forums

Comic relief that tags along the samurai team for his own reason, even when they treat him like outsider. Lucas took shitload of ideas from jidaigeki and Kurosawa in particular, so he most definitely did that in that case too.

>past a certain age, a man without a ship can be a bad thing
What did he mean by this?

is this the starwars remake of this classic?



jesus they showed the whole movie and kristy swanson is hot as fuck but looks awful in that pic

I would've guessed that's a guy if not for the tits.

I can't think of any that aren't specifically billed as heists like Baby Driver or Logan Lucky.
