Yay Star Wars! So diverse!

Yay Star Wars! So diverse!

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well lando was in the ot and no one gave a shit so what's the issue?

That was then, this is now

So Lando should be white in the new movie?

Lando was never black

Right wing SJWs got internet access in their trailer parks.

Unironically this

Childish is playing him.

Props to JJ Abams for allowing black people finally get representation in the SW universe

Lando character was made and cast black as a result of media attacks on George Lucas for lack of diversity and no black people being in star wars. Yes my dear padawan SJW and diversity politics have existed in Hollywood for more than a few years.

>could have filled the group with interesting aliens
>nah just fill it with black people

i love how absolutely fucking devoid of creativity everyone who's working on nu-wars is

>blacks aren't aliens

Aussies never sleep

smug nigger high on his own hype

Sup Forums should never direct

>Yes my dear padawan SJW and diversity politics

why are Sup Forumstards so afraid of him?

Lando literally dressed like a pimp.

Because he’s not white and they are scared of losing their retarded superiority complex

because he gets unconditional acclaim for being a "talented black artist." it's racist bullshit

Atlanta is kino. Sorry that busts your ass.

To be fair he’s come a long way since Bro Rape

only shitty miserable people take pride in their skin color over others'
that's why there's so many racist white incel shutin anons on one side and ghettopoor blacks on the other
murica truly a melting pot

i don't watch smug nigger bullshit made by overprivileged racebaiting crybabies

>Lando approaches Khaleesi
>Redbone music starts playing


It's actually critique black culture quite a bit on that show user. Maybe watch something before assuming shit.

There are no niggas in space

does it critique the victim complex ubiquitous among blacks and their and irrational hatred for everyone they deem "white"?

>right wing sjws
At least you admit there's injustice done unto conservatives

>irrational hatred for everyone they deem "white"

lmao you should start a tumblr

i'll take that as a no

He's unironically the best actor in that movie

You are such a faggot.

He's mediocre at best. I don't know why Hollywood keeps pushing him.

Can I measure your tree?

Not this time, because Lando was an established character way before all the sjw shit of today.
It only makes sense to have him in the story, why wouldn't he be?

it's because he's a negro

Purity Test passed. This time!

Black Clark Kent, all he need's a Lois Lane

honestly my problem with the cast is they are all too recognizable(except for han). It just messes up the tone for me, like i'm watching a skit or parody.

No answer to anons question. Yeah, passing on that garbage.

Lmao faggots actually judge Atlanta like it's some YASS QUEEN nigger shit
I mean yes its some nigger shit, but its good nigger shit, doesn't lean on the victimization more on just the culture
>that fucking invisible car

They already know whypipo are on the hook and there isn’t really anything iconic for urban youth so they’re dipping their toes in.

Maybe if fans didn’t still buy every toy that comes out at age 30 they would have respected their original fans more.

Pretty sure yeah.

leave my boy bino alone

Nigga he had a skit show on the early days of YouTube
Did a non-black indie movie based on one of their characters
Got some chart topping songs
Wrote for 30 rock
was on Community

he's good on a lot of spectrums my dude, fucking KYS, this isn't some fucking out of nowhere negro (((they))) are pushing