He killed millions...
He killed millions
And for nothing
He was hired by the company contracted for the second death star
Truly he is a bigger monster than his father
Yeah. Millions of FASCISTS.
so your saying the Death Star was an inside job?
>2 million
bullshit. most of the death star's internals are devoted to the mechanics of the craft. it doesn't need a crew of that size
I wonder how many people Anakin killed with his own hands.
His father was the commanding officer and he was conveniently not onboard when it blew up. Really makes you think
>sand """people"""
implying its not too fucking low
>He killed millions...
based white ally
And That's A Good Thing
it was probably mostly droids with a small army of troopers and personnel
i think you're onto something here
proton torpedoes can't melt steel beams
Having different political opinions makes it ok to kill?
What are you a muslim?
Depends on the ideology. I'd gladly have a million Nazis or ISIS members die.
What are you some kind of radical centrist?
More to the right.
It's mostly mechanical, I would assume. Needs a cooling system that takes a large portion of it. Plus, maybe the Empire didn't go cheap on the apartments department.
>Star War: A New Hope is about a young man who lives in a desert and becomes radicalised after the military kill his family, is indoctrinated into an ancient religion and joins a terrorist group and helps carry out an attack that kills millions
plus most of its systems would be automated. they don't need 2 million crewmen to press the on and off buttons
I think you're still underestimating the sheer size of it, it's the size of a small moon after all so 2 million would be easy for something so massive. It would require engineers and mechanics just to operate, has hundreds if not thousands of squads of fighters probably and soldiers to defend it or deploy and those staff require food and such so there's support staff too not including droids. Many of the engineers might have families too.
>has hundreds if not thousands of squads of fighters probably and soldiers to defend it
so where were they when the rebels attacked? plus the surface is covered with guns. it doesn't need fighters to protect it
They could've built entire fleets for that money and material and the rebellion probably wouldn't have had the same support if they hadn't built a giant planet killer then nuked Alderaan. Yes it's impressive but probably not the most efficient means of actual control.
they never anticipated a small sortie of fighter craft to be a vulnerability so all it's defenses were tailored to a full scale assault. you clearly have no idea how important the exhaust port was, they made a whole movie surrounding the creation and discovery of that port
a nuke analog is exactly the best method of retaining control. as said above, the station was invincible against a conventional attack and the exhaust port was like learning a nuke will just fissle out if you fire a handgun at the ICBM just right
no. the exhaust port was a just a lucky mistake. erso engineered the fault in the reactor, not the exhaust port. the rebels needed the plans so they could find a way to exploit the fault, which turned out the be the port
Their capital ships could already destroy planets the amount of ships they could've built for the same price probably could've fucked a planet in not that much longer than the death star.
>implying the rebels weren't fascists
>Disney ""canon""
Fuck off
What was that conversation in Clerks about independent contractors working on the second Death Star when it exploded
rogue one is not about "the creation and discovery of that port"
i think he was referring to the younglings
Not sure why anyone would cheer for the rebellion, they are basically a modern Taliban, and the empire only did what was necessary to fight a bunch of terrorists
It was an allegory with a builder working on a mobster's house for big cash, and getting killed in a shootout, saying he knew the risks but took the money.
It's funny, but I doubt most had a choice about working on the Empire's biggest black project.
In a row?
>Implying Nazis aren't authoritarian centrist
>Implying ISIS has a coherent political ideology beyond religious zealotry
Yeah so what?
>"it's a kids movie"
what makes Star Wars so great, and what Disney is missing in their movies, is the fact that they ARE actually kids movies, they just always contain really horrible shit.
George Lucas's completely autistic ignorance towards tone is what made Star Wars so memorable and entertaining. Episode III features both cute R2-D2 antics as well as child murder. Episode VI features a main protagonist being forced into sex slavery by a slug as well as cute spearchucking teddy bears. It has the quality of an old fashioned, unsanitized fairy tale from Europe where some everything is really cutesy until a kid misbehaves and has his head cut off or something.
Luke is basically space Osama Bin Laden. Rebels around the galaxy cheered when he committed an unspeakable act of terror. After that he got the Emperor and his right-hand man killed, all to sink the galaxy into anarchy.
Based Kylo had to step in and stop this religious fundamentalist and his backwards beliefs. Honestly he didn't deserve to live.
Yeah he should have just let himself and all his friends on Yavin get blown up plus all the planets that would get blown up forever and ever afterwards if the Death Star was allowed to continue. I fucking hate Empire apologists. It's spelled out that they're evil but there's always someone saying that they weren't.
Super successful vietcong
the thing was the size of a small moon and was completely hollowed out with hallways, it was dense with walkways and places for people to live. its not like a planet where people can only live on the surface area
2 million sounds reasonable
And every single one of them was party to the attempted murder of him and his friends. Self defense, brother.
>was completely hollowed out with hallways
we have no idea how much of it was like that. it could very well have been just a small section of the star devoted to command & control
>2 million sounds reasonable
2 million doing what?
How many of those were clones?
I also don't buy the line that people use about the families of Stormtroopers being on board. This was the DEATH STAR created by the EVIL EMPIRE. It wasn't Picard's Enterprise. Is that families thing part of the new Disney canon?
it's just dumb revisionists trying to make luke look like a bad guy
>He killed millions... (mostly soldiers/military personal)
Yeah, this happens in wars.
>bigger monster than his father
They nuked 2 planets and a moon with the first death star. Alderaan alone had 2+ billion inhabitants, mostly civilians, partly loyal to the empire.
>Luke is basically space Osama Bin Laden. Rebels around the galaxy cheered when he committed an unspeakable act of terror.
No, he is a war hero.
The Empire enslaved/erased other races/planets and hunted down people and executed them for the last 20 years, the destruction of a whole planet was just the final straw. They needed to be stopped.
I guess I took the bait, sorry.
Did Luke get pussy after the destruction of the Death Star? Did other surviving rebel pilots get sex either?
Probably not too many at this point, they were there though. One of the comics is about a clone trooper that goes up with the station.
luke is too pure for such low things
So Luke is a virgin and he never got laid after the battle of Yavin??
Do you think a clone life is worth less than any other?
As opposed to actually individual human being, yes.
>literally died a wizard
aircraft carriers have a crew of around 6thousand people, but wtf do they all do right user? not like they actually need that many people lol
the latest, most advanced american carrier has a crew of 2600. i doubt they're all critical to its operation
Are identical twins worth less than individuals?
OK, sure, let's drop it to just 2000 men. An aircraft carrier is about 1000 feet long. The moon has a radius of 1079 miles. Just to create a string of aircraft carriers around the moon, you would need 11,221,600 people to crew them. 2 million is low.
based by the numbers poster.
you're assuming that the death star isn't mostly automated, which it almost certainly would be. it's not a 16th century rigged ship
Of course it does. I would happily mow down a room full of commies.
You still need a reasonable amount of security to cover the whole thing. Just to have one guard per square mile, you'd need 14 million of them.
actually the movies show the opposite, almost everything is done by a person at a console
and as TFA shows us they even have live janitorial staff that aren't droids
>what is every war ever
Is Sup Forums really this dense?
so every single turbolaser is manned by an individual crewman behind a console? i don't believe it
into the trash it goes
>war is about ideology
It was already established that the rebellion had essentially centralized itself and declared war on the empire.
Please don't try to lump security in with consoles. You're an idiot for ignoring what the original trilogy showed us, but my argument is that a base the size of the moon would require 14 million stormtroopers, for a very loose and ineffective security force.
No, clone life Is just as equal.
It's funny how we see numerous lotr threads trying to poke at even the slightest misconception in it, while plothole:the movie doesn't attract nearly as much shitposters
No, he's a liberal.
but they can penetrate ray-shielded exhaust ports triggering a chain reaction
that's how they mostly start, then other obvious advantages on the outcomes become relevant.
Why? Because you don’t like sharing?
How selfish.
why would a space station carry millions of ground troops?
Are you illiterate? I've said why twice.
Please tell me what Officer rank Vader held.
That's right, he was not an officer in the Galactic Empire
It really and unironically made me think
I mean, the Death Star was a fucking space station, there will be people there.
didn't you know?
there is good genocide and bad genocide. go with the times dude
>so where were they when the rebels attacked?
In dogfights with X-Wings. Nearly the entire attacking force was wiped out.
Shut it jew-di
The second they destroyed an inhabited planet, everyone on that station was at war and legitimate collateral damage when a counter-offensive was mounted in defense of the second planet they tried to destroy.
The CLERKS debate is about Death Star 2, because it was incomplete it arguably had civilian contractors/conscripted labor still on board and they didn't have time to evacuate when it went active during the Battle of Endor. But that said, they likely knew DS2 was a bad deal, so they may have felt dying during it's destruction may have been an acceptable price to pay if it saved their own homes from being destroyed or threatened.
are you? why would a space station whose construction is devoted mainly to powering the craft and it's massive weapon need millions of security guards? only a small section of the death star is manned or enterable. the security is the many surface cannons, which i doubt are each individually controlled
When you kill your enemies, new ones come out of nowhere for no reason.
Because communism is degenerate. Btw, you're not fooling anyone.
It's people trying to seem intelligent by being just clever enough to realize that Luke killed a lot of people, but not intelligent enough to really see the whole context
We literally see security patrols at regular intervals throughout the Death Star, when Luke and Han save Leia. We also see humans at all of the consoles doing the work, and making all of the decisions. All of the evidence shows that humans do the vast majority of the work on the Death Star. At this point, the burden is on you to prove automation.
>When you kill your enemies, new ones come out of nowhere for no reason.
That's unironically how it goes in real life.
>We literally see security patrols at regular intervals throughout the Death Star
>We also see humans at all of the consoles doing the work, and making all of the decisions
yeah, in the manned section of the station. why should we assume that every corner of it contains crewmen? also, people at consoles doesn't imply lack of automation. automated systems still require some input and maintenance. that some of them might be monitoring a scanner of some sort doesn't mean every part of the craft is being manually operated. most ships have one bridge devoted to the whole vessel, not thousands and thousands of them
they were all space nazis
who cares
And those ships require thousands of crewmen, for a vessel that is literally thousands of times smaller than the death star. If you've got actual evidence post it, otherwise I'm done arguing with your baseless bullshit