The next female Star Wars lead?

The next female Star Wars lead?

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this thing

The next star of Big Porg Pizza?

TFW you will never have your own fetal alcohol slave

>shitty screenshot
I know. (phonepoaster)

Why do girls pretend to like Star Wars?

It's an easy way to farm betabux

A solid 9/10 in UK.

I suspect she's got some slight mental handicap, because at that SW debate they were treating her as an

>exceptional individual

They basically let her win the debate.

Gib consumerist gf

She should sue her mother

Mommy didn't love her enough to stop drinking when pregnant.


me on the left

entriest level scifi

The next star of Use Your Footpussy

Why do you pretend to be a girl?

Poor man's Lena Paul

They really do like the new star wars because it was basically made for them.

She's more pleasant to look at than Xenorey

please don't insult Lena Paul like that

I love lena, I'm a bit sad she lost some weight and isn't as thicc as she was, even though she looks more like a much hotter and more grown up jenny, with 10000% more interest in sex now.

What was this?

JRR Tolkien wrote a pretty insightful letter to his son on the subject of women. He explains and rationalizes the distinctions between the genders and one of the things he points out is that women generally do not have strong interests or hobbies. Not like men. However, he added that if a woman is interested in a guy, she can actually turn into an outstanding student of *his* interests and will rapidly advance in skill, insight, and competence insofar as she remains involved with the him.

He adds that this characteristic is not necessarily born from any malice or intent to deceive the guy. It's just the natural female condition to be imprinted with the concerns and enthusiasms of her partner.

This female quality is true both in the specific (what a woman's individual partner deems important) and the general (what society deems important). Star Wars has been made (albeit somewhat artificially) cool, hip and important in the eyes of society. So women naturally develop a working interest and knowledge of it.

So is Jenny like 14? I honestly have no idea how old she could possibly be.

Source on that letter?

is this a girlfriend simulator

This should be required reading.

>From a letter to Michael Tolkien 6-8 March 1941
>[On the subject of marriage and relations between the sexes.]

There's truth in this


>Shilled TLJ
Not /ourgirl/

Lena we know it's you.
Go pesker someone at Brazzers for a Jenny Porn Parody, preferably one in which she gets gangbanged by the RLM guys.

True Sup Forumsposters loved the last jedi

This I can get behind. Hollywood needs representation of fas girls.

She got nothing right, too dumb even as strawmanning, and they let her have the win basically.

Look at the guy on the left. Look at the expression on his face. At this very moment, he knows he is in a potentially financially threatening situation. One faux movement from the clumsy thot and it's over, a piece of history ruined, a month of salary gone. He's trying to act it cool by his reptile brain is on high alert, in survival mode, anticipating for the worst.

These moviefights always have really weird conclusions. I haven't seen many but one particularly strange example was when some guy they were voting for greatest toy of all time and the winner was some guy who argued that the then still unreleased remote controlled BB8 was the best thing ever. Also they usually let the guest (someone who's not part of their usual screen junkies team) win.

How deep would you push your tongue inside Jenny's butt hole?

It probably will be

I'd very much like to kiss her thin fish-like lips while staring into her cold, dead eyes.

>fish-like lips while staring into her cold, dead eyes.
So she also has fish eyes

Also, someone post her lewd pics.

>lewd pics
She doesn't have any, Jenny is pure.

there was one I think.


It better be a transwoman.

I'm sick of Kathleen Kennedy's transphobia.

More star wars? Kill yourself
>thread hidden


>ITT: Betas praising an ugly woman
The fact that you guys praise a 4/10 makes me think of ugly YOU are

Is she the autistic female version of le childhood man?

Does this look like the face of an autistic person?

why is this garbage youtube shill thread babysat? di$ney right?

Kek, have people not caught on to her golddigging ways after all these years?

They want to feel like they are part of something. Same reason they become SJWs. I blame men becoming soyboys and becoming unable to guide women in more constructive directions.

A tranny

>Lena Paul
>google her

I always thought this (not that I could articulate it as well), and wondered why people always get mad about it. I always have a blast showing my chick shit that I'm interested in.

I want to fist this chick so bad

'A working interest' would be equivalent to women sportscasters who read the scores and comment on the news in that field. You can see on their faces that they just don't give a shit but have memorized all these stats and second-hand opinions so it looks as though they know what they're talking about.

that mouth needs a cock

why are u posting me?

fucking FAS


Autistic cutie

>lying on the internet
Jenny only notices us when we link her videos and she checks where the traffic is coming from.

Because she's so genuinely kawaii, nigga.

Jesus, ASMR makes me so angry, I just want to punch them in the face and tell them to speak properly.

>gives TJL a good review
>still has credibility among the soyboys on Sup Forums

There are people who liked TLJ you know.

Communists aren't people.

If you fuckers would stop treating a sci fi adventure series for children as a religious text and just go to have a good time at a dumb movie, maybe you'll enjoy it

I l-love her s-so much!! SO MUCH!!!!

I'd make her dress up as a doctor seuss character and feed her chicken tenders

lily is, poki is a slut

Maybe I won't because my religion has been star wars my entire life.

I wish I could see someone bop her smug ugly disney cultist face

Consumerist Whore

Surprisingly nice legs.

Why do so many non-lewd pics of her get deleted?

Did you hear? There's going to be a new LotR sequel. It wasn't written by Tolkien though I'm sure it'll be good :DDD

It's not just me who thinks she'd be a 10/10 trap, right?
She'd be so much hotter as a boy.

They sent her to the premiere... she's only human.

Leave her alone. It's not her fault she isn't very smart.

>my religion has been star wars my entire life.
Then you're the epitome of everything wrong with modern society.

You said you'd stop. You said you were going to stop spamming this girl. I'm going to give you 48 hours to cease all Jennyposting, and then I'm going to have to make your worst nightmare a reality.

I have no interest in this girl, she's a 6 on her best day, but I will meet her, I will charm her, and I will fuck her on the first date. I won't post any of her nudes or fuck vids, but I will appear one day in a video with her. Your delight will turn to horror as you wonder if the guy in her video is her boyfriend, you'll be able to tell from the embarrassed expressions on her face that they've fucked, and then with a little nudge she'll tell the audience the guy is in fact her boyfriend. I won't make her say anything disgusting, but she will say a few things that make it abundantly clear we fucked. I'll make a few "jokes" implying what she's like in bed, and one or two implying we're thinking about having kids. You'll never see her as pure again, every time you look at her you'll think of me fucking her. It will consume you, but this won't be the worst of it.

The relationship will continue for months after this, and then one day out of the blue I'll dump her. I won't say anything overly harsh to her, I'll continue to be the perfect charmer I have been the entire relationship. I'll start publicly dating another girl within days, and then it'll happen.

Her videos will stop for a while, she'll miss a few updates. Maybe post something on her patreon about feeling a bit down or under the weather. She'll post a new video but she'll be visibly sad. The joy gone from her eyes.

I don't want to have to do it, but I'm willing to hurt her. I'm willing to hurt her to hurt you. Don't force my hand.


Had a dream once I bumped into her in a cinema and spilt her popcorn, i apologised and bought her another one (size up) she laughed and said she can't eat all of this herself and invited me to sit next to her to watch the new star wars movie.
Afterwards we went to get ice cream and hit it off. I moved in with her within 2 weeks and we would always tell each other we loved each other right before bed.


>Wookiee crotch
What is wrong with you people


All I wanted from this thread was leg pics, and you couldn't even do that.


>lusting over a dyke

Sup Forums is pathetic really.

54:18 - 50 Shades Darker live show
"Fun for the whole family"?

quintessentially british

fuck that man's waifu, user

I wont forget you user, you better deliver.

She has 1 of those symptoms. I don't get it.


are you really so neurotic you won't fap to a porn model if she's done black? I really want to know if this is real
you mad white bois?

protected off topic Di$ney shill thread