>aliens invade Earth
>Earth has any chance of winning at all
Aliens invade Earth
Other urls found in this thread:
>aliens come to our solar system, specifically to our planet for natural resources
Where else would they find mcguffinium?
>Aliens come to earth
>Turns out they die easily to something found commonly on earth
>They didn't plan for it at all
aliens want the challenge/sport.
they handicap themselves, giving humans a fair shot.
>aliens invade usa
>liberals let them in anyway
>aliens invade Earth
>they're actually demons
>all aliens that invade earth are * of years ahead of us even though it would make 0 sense for beings that far advanced to have a need for anything we have
>aliens couldn't just be a slightly different version of humans because Earth is DEFINITELY the only source of humans in the universe
>aliens invade earth
>their "army" is a few dozen flying motorbikes, maybe a hundred or so ground troops and a big flying worm
>every sci-fi setting ever
>humans are the jack of all trades race
>humans are the fastest developing race, being the least advanced in absolute terms but reaching their level of civilization in record time
>humans are the only race to make it to the space age before a global unification of their planet's races and civilizations, doing things "backwards" in a sense
>alien gets shot with .50 BMG
>not a single scratch
>aliens conquer earth
>our lazy hippie descendants demand reparations so they can buy booze and weed
>alien occupiers are culturally, morally, intellectually superior in every way. They even commit less crimes and are more hardworking.
>aliens invade earth
>are beaten by readily available resource such as air or water
>scifi movie/tv show
>it's not HFY
>aliens invade Earth
>defeated by a plucky group of a computer hacker, a fighter pilot, a mom and her child who mysteriously understands the aliens, and the tough black guy who sacrifices himself for the cause
>common cold or the flu ends up being the secret weapon all along
>aliens make contact
>"why do you people put up with Jews when they're so obviously parasitic and bad to have among you? we've been observing you for two hundred years and it's painfully obvious to us..."
>Alien planet
>Two suns
>aliens tech too advanced to stop bullets
>technologically advanced alien race invades earth
>humans defeat them with old earth tech
>Rebels have to blow up Death Star
>Rebels have any chance of succeeding
the majority of solar systems are binary systems faglord
I bet humans are better at war than any other species out there, mark my words.
It's more possible than you think. Imagine going to a 'perfectly habitable planet', it has oxygen, atmosphere, ozone layer, decent gravity and weather... But its life is completely alien to you. But once you get there, you find that your skin is an open buffet for the local single cell organisms floating in the air... Ones too small for the eye to see, until the infection makes itself apparent, and you are eaten alive.
Pure kino.
>ayy lmaos invade earth
>a civilisation has reached the pinnacle of evolution and travels the stars to pawn unevolved apes because resources nowhere else in the galaxy but earth
Name TWO examples of this.
Independence Day
Mars Attacks
>independence day
huh? the alien shields work perfectly fine until the main characters make that virus
>mars attacks
literally parodying scifi movies, particularly alien invasion ones
>aliens invade Earth
>aliens have any chance of defeating mankind's indomitable spirit
>aliens invade earth
>they abduct Greg Lansky and couple black guys
>Aliens invade Earth, Zombie Apocalypse
>All countries instantly band together instead of each aiming to fuck the other over
>Slav countries not instantly imploding while trying to kill their neighbours
Having superior firepower only works if you're committed to nuking the enemy so hard that it destroys their homeworld and everything valuable that existed on it. Nobody does that because almost no one is dumb enough to start a costly war without the possibility to gain something tangible from it.
We have these fancy things called microscopes.
once you get FTL technology war changes into extermination. Why land soldiers on a planet when you can just blast the shit out of any enemy with RKVs? Accelerate an asteroid to 99% the speed of light and it'll crack any terrestrial world like an egg.
you know it is actually not far fetched at all that an alien species would come here for war, liberals and leftists want you to believe that an advanced civilastion is a peacfull one, but that is complete bullshit, we need conflict to evolve and become stronger, so I can totally see humanity searching the stars for someone to wage war against just like america is doing it in the middle east, before that with russia, before that the World Wars, but america is keeping itself afloat only barely with those small conflicts they too would need a bigger enemy
>aliens invade earth
>spaceships just hover at various places
>aliens don't communicate
>creatures begin to threaten humanity
>are easily defeated with Head & Shoulders shampoo
actually reducing the world to molten slag would probably make mining natural resources easier.
But the only thing Earth has that is of value to a spacefaring race is probably genetic information, all minerals are easier to mine from dead worlds and asteroids that are likely much closer. And at a certain point a civilization that can build dyson spheres or dyson clouds can easily obtain enough energy to synthesize any element they want through fusion.
>aliens invade earth to impregnate our women
>so pathetic that you get defeated by blatantly obvious product placement
will xenobois ever recover?
Yeah, but we can't take everything into account. Once large scale projects are started with false information, things happen.
There's a million reasons why aliens would war with us, and billions more we probably couldn't even imagine. There's absolutely nothing to say that aliens would be like us in any way at all, so their reasoning and logic, if they even have anything even remotely analogous to those concepts, would most likely be utterly different in every way. Thinking about why an alien race would war with another is pointless because we can only reason things out from our own perspectives and the limits of our own psychology/consciousness/brain physiology.
I was probably about 8 when I watched it and I use H&S. Perhaps I was the one who was truly defeated.
the problem is that besides eliminating possible future competition, which they can easily do by killing the planet through an orbital strike, they have nothing to gain by fighting us. There are no earth-unique resources besides native lifeforms themselves.
>Aliens exist
It's not so farfetched. Aliens could've develop technology so differently that they missed gunpowder.
>Aliens come to earth
>47 kills them all
name 3
What you say makes sense, but it makes sense to a human. As was said in aliens wouldn't necessarily be bound by any reasoning we agree makes sense, or that we could even comprehend. Maybe the aliens are immortal and so have no concept of death, or maybe it just sees biomass and wants to use it for an exobiology experiment, or maybe it just decides to fly by our planet without observing us at all and it's body happens to give off radiation that exterminates all life on earth as we know it.
Bottom line is that trying to figure this stuff out from a human perspective is self-defeating because we by definition can't imagine an alien's thought process.
Evolution (2001). The big monster is defeated by using a fire truck full of shampoo.
>Aliens invade Earth
>Earth isn't already a zoo
That's my point, yes. Aliens in movies usually invade Earth for a reason. More importantly, sufficiently advanced aliens wouldn't be driven by base impulses or experience scarcity. Alien invasions in fiction tend to be allegorical, not speculative. If we wanted to imagine an intergalactic species of invincible supermen, we could, but it's a pretty limiting premise.
>Aliens look like 10 year old girls although they are hundreds of years old
>They have a huge libido and the resource they desire is our semen
>all the eath women vote to form one world goberment to ban interespiecies relations worldwide
>the space lolis destroy the planetary roastie union to smitherens
>every male in the world gets their lolo harem
That’s literally exactly what human women would do in that situation. Pathetic. They really don’t like competition
Holy shit dude. I've seen some low budget TV series when I was underaged and the only scene from it I remember where protagonists fought some guy with energy shield and could never defeat him but then some one pulled out old school revolver and bullet passed trough his shield
Imagine you evolved on a planet where disease doesn't exist or that it was extinguished millenial ago by your ancestors so it wouldn't even occur to you, both of these possibilities are suggested in the original novel from 100 years ago so anybody who uses the bacteria ending as a criticism is a fucking idiot
>aliens make contact
>they're The Culture though so it's all good and literally everyone's lives get instantly and immeasurably better to the point where everyone can basically do anything they want forever with access to near limitless resources
Until it turns out the aliens are making humans infertile or eating them
And you have a fancy thing called micropenis.
Can't remember the name but there's this book where aliens invade earth but it turns out earths kenetic based weaponry is OP as fuck compared to their technology. The aliens literally stop using their tech and start picking up human weapons and shit. The story is about the complications if earth would be winning in an alien invasion.
Sup Forums, where your paedophilic fantasies can be shared with the world with no consequences
There was this old movie about alien plants invading earth and they were immune to fire, but then they all died when it rained.
Also signs
kino and checked
>aliens that formerly hunted human beings like deer and were worshiped as Gods arrive
>desperately searching for an autistic kid to modify their DNA to make themselves more autistic
>some of them go into the witness protection program
>scientist dad sends his kid hyper advanced alien technology via the U.S. postal service.
>this race somehow can't conquer Earth in one fell swoop despite carrying the equivalent of a nuclear weapon on their wrist during hunting trips
>on those trips they're generally hunting the most unanimously agreed upon deadliest trained fighters on Earth and engaging them intentionally in uneven encounters.
>this race somehow needs to conquer Earth despite it not being an optimal climate and having intergalactic ships and a database of similar planets
>a laugh riot bop scoot boopety bop with Olivia Munn and her shaved jawline.
>once you get FTL technology war changes into extermination
That doesn't make any sense. War is generally fought over land/resources/power. There's nothing to be gained from total annihilation. Conquering/assimilating planets makes much more sense.
Man, they are a hundred years old
>Xenomorphs invade Earth
>Gain human qualities, empathy, ability to domesticate beings
>Their biology is changed to less lethal over time; as happens with viruses and other parasites
I can see this happen.