Dead or alive thread?
Dead or alive thread?
He's Australian
I forgot, does Tina (Jamie Pressly) wrestle in this?
Ayane best girl
Literally the worst possible choice
More holly valance please
best slut
I wish the Tekken movies had his much talent and passion
Such cinematography
Good flick, needed 50% more barefeet shots that linger 500% longer.
This movie fucking sucked but it was the good kind of suck to watch at two in the morning on cable.
I always mained Jann Lee too. Damnit.
Best movie based on fighting game was the Street Fighter one with the Chun Li shower scene.
>only 1 Asian girl
Sorry. It takes more than 1 to carry all those white girls.
Based Kevin Nash used this kino to draw all the dimes
Actually this is Jann Lee user, Christie beats him
Helena there is fighting a nameless mook
easily the best girl in the movie
You forgotjo bollz.
its a shame that such movies arent made anymore
Tina is best girl. Jamie Presley was a horrible choice though
You take that back.
>perfect choice
I once reached a point where I could play the game for an hour without fapping afterwards.
>You will never have a threesome with prime Jamie and Devon
Just fucking kill me already.
devons ass is flat as a tac
>Eric Roberts appears
I'm checking your digits, but I'm sorry to tell you, it really doesn't get more pleb than maining Jann Lee.
Not only this, but she literally has a bulldog face. I mean to each his own, I know, but really?
It's cute.
And I think her face is alright, honestly.