LOTR TV-Series

Let's discuss Amazon's upcoming LOTR TV-Show.

Do you think it will have potential or is it going to be ruined by LBGT and multiculturalism?

I myself am pretty excited, just hoping they wont fuck it up.



A show about hobbits doing comfy hobbit things filled with pointless hobbit family drama? Kino

A show about a new fellowship but with women and PoC going on wacky adventures? In to the trash.

I'm hoping for some comfy hobbit lanscapes as well, that would be absolutely amazing if they can pull it off.

based frodo, fuck the op, go back to r e d d i t

why the hate?

>I myself am pretty excited

words from a retard

>let's discuss thing

yeah you're not capable of having an actual discussion about this, or anything probably.

Holy fuck, i didn't know the self-hatred and malcontent is so high on this board it reeks through your posts

Will he finally get his answer?

I'm not interested if it's fan fiction like the Hunt for Gollum or Aragorn's time as a ranger. Either show me the canon works or fuck off.