What did he expect? This movie is we wuz kangz propaganda
>Imagine you're a dedicated MCU fan
I really can't
>he unironically believes this
I live in an upper middle class white neighborhood. I literally don’t see black people
I imagine no matter what poorly made shit is on the screen I will flare a soy drinking grin and twinkle my toes at all the based black men around me
>When I was younger, all we had was Billy Dee Williams in Star Wars and a handful of brown extras in the Batman franchise. Black and brown children need a movie like Black Panther to boost their imagination and help them to dream the impossible.
>The Marvel film is also packed with social commentary
>Moreover, Coogler clearly wanted to give women a strong narrative. While Boseman and Jordan are excellent, the women of Wakanda effortlessly stole the film. Lupita Nyong’o as Nakia was an independent boss
>Then there is the supporting cast of warrior women who helped to light up every frame. Black Panther is as powerful for Black women as Wonder Woman was for white women. Not to say no Black women were moved by Wonder Woman, but there was a specificity in Black Panther that was palatable in every frame.
>At times, Black Panther falls into the superhero trappings of CGI fighting that sometimes looks like a cartoon
this is movie criticism, shitload of 'muh niggers, mug stryng womyhn. no word about anything else and only 1 sentence about it's visual aspect
>Niggers: The Movie (stong women edition)
have fun
>black warrior woman
is this annoying as fuck to anyone else? the propaganda and politics aren't even trying to be subtle, it's right in your face. I can't enjoy shit like this. Marvel should have just approached this movie like any of their other movies, leave politics out of it, don't parade this around like a revolutionary milestone. It's not. It's a shitty, ugly looking superhero movie that happens to star all black people. Nothing more.
if you’re still a dedicated mcu fan in this day and age you deserve much worse than niggers ruining your movie, namely being publicly executed