Black panther is a hit

>black panther is a hit
>Wonder Woman is a hit
Slap them together and you get Vixen
So when will WB finally give us a black female superhero movie ? Who should Star as titular lead?
For me? I'll say Nicki Minaj

She got her own animated series and nobody cared

nicki minaj has a very big ass

Go on

Diversity Trifecta.

it was like 3 half-assed episodes

Only if John cena plays B'wana Beast



T-that's actually not a bad idea.

>a hit

They want a movie that can sell worldwide. A movie featuring a black woman would bomb in the US and not even detonate outside.

What did he mean by this?


Margot Robbie as Vixen
>Inb4 pleb

nicki minaj is fucking smoking, so they'd never put her in a movie. think MORE DIVERSE

They already did Eartha Kitt and Halle Berry as Catwoman. Why the hell not.

this but unironically

>Vixen, B'wana Beast and Animal Man vs Ra's Al-Ghul
>call it "Forces of Nature" or someshit
It would be kino

prove it


>Ra's Al-Ghul
>Not Poison Ivy and Floronic man

Comic Ra's Al-Ghul is an ecological terrorist who wants to cull humanity. It's better than that weird moralist take Nolan did.

Okay guys, civilization is over. Pack up your things and back into the caves it is.

She's a pretty bad actress even by CapeShit standards

If they were hits, how come I didn’t see them?

Checkmate atheists

imagine actually getting aroused by this type of dance