
Well, friends, what does it mean for you?

It means that you're making me start hate black people. So kudos because I imagine that's what you wanted.

The top one is probably the biggest thing that never happened, ever.

Sup Forums buttpain

inb4 pol/tv/eddit somehow finds a way to turn giving underrepresented groups role models into a bad thing

>Only just starting now.

Were you in a coma since birth?

what it means to me?
lot of asslicking and dishonest criticizm as a movie
>action movie
>action awful
>still fine

Representation Matters is the most cringing and embarassing thing I've heard in years.

I didnt see Brown people. She must saw another movie.

I don't think its a bad thing but people with a certain political leaning are going to go into this movie thinking that it can do no wrong just because it fits in with their agenda, and people who think the movie is shit (like all superhero movies are, black lead or not) are going to be branded "racists"

Sup Forums doesnt care but they are laughing at faggots like you pretending to not cringe at this shit

white guilt is one hell of a drug isnt it?

>unrepresented group role models
Black Panther has no dad.

>Sup Forums doesnt care

my sides

This is genius level marketing by Disney, it's turned Black Panther from a movie to a symbol of black pride that only racists won't watch. You're not racist, are you Sup Forums? You're going to see it opening day like good liberals, right Sup Forums?

>Well, friends, what does it mean for you?
A comfy Thursday night out at the local kinoplex.

I'm not your friend, buddy.

my 2 year old looked up at me and said shiiiieet

black guy comics that got cancelled for 50 years because nobody bought them. but now it means something because reasons

>tfw want to see this opening night
>tfw no niggers in my country to ruin the experience
Feels good.

Unironically this.

Hancock? Blade? The Incredibles? The Avengers? Catwoman? Spawn?

If none of these movies count as superhero movies with black main characters to black people because blacks aren't the vast-majority of main characters in those movies, if it's so important to them to be portrayed on screen as the majority of important people then why don't they move to a country where they are the majority?

There have been both black superheroes in movies and black superhero main characters in movies multiple times before, but it seems that what they really want is to be the majority of roles, which reveals how chauvinistic they are.

Why should white people make accomodations for another race's chauvinism?
is it moral to give blacks better representation and opportunities at your own expense when what blacks actually want is not equal or proportionate representation but to be the majority?

I would watch it, if I didn't know they want to use an eventual, possible success of the movie as a pretense to shoehorn even more blacks in roles that don't pertain to them. They used the same strawman with Wonder Woman. I am not even gonna watch Infinity War at this rate.

>giving money to a nigger-glorifying cuckmovie

what are you doing?
If you want to see this drek just pirate it in a few weeks.

>superheroes can be brown people too

Bullshit. Seven year old kids don't talk like that unless you coach them to, you vile lying cunt.

there are already plenty examples of black superheroes in movies and many more in tv.

Little kids getting happy that they can see black superheroes is actually pretty great, but didn't the parents know that there have been black superheroes for a while now?

Black Panther, Storm, Black Lightning, Jon Stewart, Bishop, Blade, Luke Cage Cyborg, Spawn, War Machine. Hell, Nick Fury has been black since 2001. Did they never buy them a comic book about them?

It won’t matter how much of the cast is black, Disney is weak ass shit.
There’s nothing about this movie besides the ad campaigns paying for schoolchildren to see it, that would make “the urban market” pay to see it.They’ll get a bootleg or torrent a camrip.
Black people or not, a marvel movie is watered down Disney crap: No blood, no edge, no sex, means no black market. Blade will still be better because it isn’t a pandering mess.
The reviews for this one don’t mean shit, the box office does (as usual) and it’s nothing more than a typical bullshit Disney superhero movie.
Though if it does bomb, they’ll blame racists, because why not?

Why are these people celebrating consumerism and gulping up corporate trash??

Don't they see that they're a part of a marketing machine?

Um, sweetie, black superheroes just started existing this year.

And you'd better let a black person of color take your seat if they can't afford tickets.

>My seven year old grandson exclaimed "Superheroes can be Brown people too?!

They're too far gone to realize they're being used

it's similar to when Ghostbusters 2016 got spun into a symbol of girl power. You're not sexist, are you? Because if you didn't like this objectively shitty cashgrab it's obviously because you hate all women.

Can I keep my popcorn at least?

>"I teared up watching Wonder Woman because I got to see a woman do incredible things."
>imaginary superheros mean more to women than real life woman scientists, artists, and activists

Nah senpai, the entire cast and crew has to be black for it to count. It's not about representation or equality, it's about dominance. They want to be kangz remember, 'black excellence' and all that

shit i just realized the kid is retarded :(

I remember being a kid and seeing shit like Rocky and Predator and thinking the black dudes in those were cool as fuck. Why are black people in roles suddenly such a big fucking deal?

>yes boi, in fiction evathang's possible

It's actually kind of scary how easy these people fall for it
Not a single drop of critical thinking

Because people in the US are obsessed with race issues

>tfw didn't start to hate this black superhero shit until recently
>tfw a spic
I went fucking crazy over Static Shock as a kid and never gave a thought about him being black. Now these recent years I'm starting to hate every movie because I'm tired of this racial bullshit these fuckers are trying to push.

I wonder if people still call Carl Weathers Apollo cause they still don't know his name?

lets tone down the casual racism, mmk sweetie?

Those were supporting characters you fucking nazi, black people need to be the star! Maybe look past your white privilege once in a while and think of others #WE

Go to africa and start your own movie biz nigger

Nothing, because Blade was way cooler.

Because they're in lead roles now. That's pretty rare to see a black guy that's not just comic relief or a sidekick.

>my obviously too young to give a shit about skin color relative said something that no normal kid their age would say and that's extremely political.

Lefties, nigs, cucks, roasties, feminists and all the other cunts do this, why do they have to lie so obvious??

>blue checkmark

>My seven year old grandson exclaimed
That's bullshit, that never happened. Why do liberals constantly make up lies? Remember when Trump won how they fucking made up stories of spics and fags being beat up and traps killing themselves? They're pure evil

It started with the police shootings garbage that lead to discussions of “ systemic” and “institutionalized” racism which sold the narrative they’re being repressed. Rather than having a violent and regressive culture, it’s the powers st be that keep them in that position.
It’s profitable being a victim these days.

>lead roles now

Tell me Undercover Brother wasn't a superhero.
I dare ya.

Check Sup Forums. They're too busy sperging out about the memos and FBI shenanigans.

Dude kids even go for toys that look like them if theyre available. They're have been studies done about this.

I mean I guess if you laugh at how ridiculous nigs are you care about them in a weird way

The entertaiment industry means that much to them..

But they ignore how they're running around the streets causing crime every waking hour. Seems like their priorities are in order

Is this the same 7 year old that cried when Trump got elected? Are they doing this meme again? Might as well have said: "I was so happy when my 7 year old grandson said 'At last, we are free from the shackles of slavery and chains of oppression. A new era of diverse superheroes has come upon us, and it has filled my heart with joy... and why that's Powerful.'"

You sound incredibly racist.

It means I have to see a lot of shitposting about a stupid superhero mvi I don't care about.

I want this movie to suck so bad, could you imagine the public freak out if like a white guy ended up saving everyone?

I can't wait for lefties to defend Wakanda's wall and anti immigration policies

The Star Wars toy line would like to have a word

some soulless corporate blaxploitation capeshit flick

It did happen, but it's been pretty rare.

Back then, a character being black wasn't much of a factor. He just happened to be black and a character.

Now, race IS their character and it shan't be separated.

Obviously it doesn't matter if kids don't like the new Star Wars. It's just a factor.

You know exactly why

How do we know that hasn’t been retcon for the mainstream adaptation?

Representation does matter, just not in bad childrens' superhero movies. It's just corporations abusing the beliefs of idiots and the idiots of course will lap it up.

>throwing all previous movies under the bus
Why is this such a common tactic? Every review is "wow all the movies before this one sucked this one is so much better"

I want to like the movie. I like the idea of a black hero. But this marketing is dishonest and tribal.

>start hate
Nigger if you don't already hate them you haven't been paying attention.

We are all alt right here.

The movies are garbage anyway. If you want a black hero, read a comic. Steel is cool.

>underrepresented groups
Niggers are overrepresented in media

I’m hoping for a Static revival. Used to watch the shit out of it as a kid.

Social media was a mistake

Head back to plebbit please.

In music sure. Not in film though.

When's this movie coming out again?

I only watched a few eps but yeah it was nice. I'm afraid of the Jaden Smith as Static rumor for the movies though.

Stop being a dishonest faggot. Movies like Hancock, Blade, and Spawn were released before obama and social media popularized identity politics and polarized the races. Back then nobody cared or spent any real energy thinking about these things, therefore, your comparisons are completely disingenuous.

No black people in my country though so it probably won't be as huge.

You have enough privilidge as it stands

So you're saying a person's race didn't matter?
Got it.

How big is Wakanda and how do they hide it from the outside world?

Marvel force field cloaking bullshit.

No, i'm saying you can use black superhero movies pre obama&social media to make assertions about black panther because the american consciousness regarding racial identity has completely changed since then. In point, for all intensive purposes, black panther IS* the first black super hero movie.


So it's sort of like Gorilla City in DC?

That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
You're acting like people didn't talk about race before social media.

What will he think?


Who fucking cares. Niggers deserve to be gassed.

Danny Glover

star of Predator 2 and no one had a problem with it
every Denzel movie since 1985

This is problem with marketing strictly to one race of people. Where there are no blacks will there be anyone to watch this movie? I think they really fucked up with segregating this whole thing.

Especially in film

>for all intensive purposes

>Jon Stewart
He looks Jewish and not very superheroy

Did you use to have political power Germany?

shhh user, the SJWs don't like it when they're proven wrong