Polanski's Rape Victim "Wanted It", Says Tarantino Anonymous

What a fucking scumbag. I suppose you assholes think that this is "cool". And this on top of nearly killing Uma Thurman, choking her and spitting in her face! I was the biggest QT fan. I'll never see him films again. Fuck Quentin and fuck YOU for supporting this sick ASSHOLE.


>Howard Stern: Wait a minute. If you have sex with a 13-year-old girl and you’re a grown man, you know that that’s wrong.
>Robin Quivers: …giving her booze and pills...
>Tarantino: Look, she was down with this.

Other urls found in this thread:


And who gives a fuck what you think? He didn't rape anyone, he just gave an opinion. Considering it's on the Howard Stern show I'm willing to bet this has been taken out of context anyway

Well Uma is a stupid cunt for marrying the asshole who almost got her killed.

Go figure.

>Rich people and celebrities have a shit lifestyle
discovering this in 2018? really?

>Hey man he was taken out of context!



Stern: ...this mad man, this director who raped a 13-year-old

Tarantino: He didn’t rape a 13-year-old. It was statutory rape…he had sex with a minor. That’s not rape. To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down—it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world. You can’t throw the word rape around. It’s like throwing the word ‘racist’ around. It doesn’t apply to everything people use it for.

Stern: But he drugged her! And then he overpowered her, that's rape.

Tarantino: No, that was not the case AT ALL. She wanted to have it and dated the guy and—

Quivers: She was 13!

Tarantino: And by the way, we’re talking about America’s morals, not talking about the morals in Europe and everything.

Stern: Wait a minute. If you have sex with a 13-year-old girl and you’re a grown man, you know that that’s wrong.

Quivers: …giving her booze and pills…

Tarantino: Look, she was down with this.

He is correct about there being a distinct difference between real rape and statutory rape that people really seem to brush over.
A charge of statutory rape is most often levelled against men who have had consensual sex with women under a certain age, whichever arbitrary age limit has been selected by your state legislature.
You might be young but you can still consent to sex, as has been established, the age limits are wholly arbitrary.
So even though you may have had loving,consensual sex with a sexually mature girl and not in any way forced yourself upon her, you are still lumped in with all the other rapists.
There are many cases of high-school sweethearts, for example, where the male is only 1 year or so older than the female. A disgruntled family member or scorned lover can get you busted out of spite and the poor young man will carry the label of sex offender with him for the rest of his life.

He's unironically right here though


>Reminder that Woody did nothing wrong and Mia Farrow is a crazy woman

The mother and daughter conspired together against Polanski to try to extort him. The girl and mother agreed upon everything.

>Wanted It
that's objectively true. so now teenagers besides being unable to consent shit are also unable to want shit?

Well he's not wrong, she was a slut.
Still, not a thing you are allowed to say.

When people talk down about statutory rape its usually on the case that it's a girl right in the cusp of being legal with a guy over the age.

Thinking 13 falls into this category is downright retarded, 16 is the reasonable age of consent for a civilised country and anything under, especially 3 years younger is rape.

Also Hollywood has been on Polanski's side for years, why is this an issue now?

He’s finished, unironically.

They're not arbitrary. The majority of minors who engage in sexual activity with adults grow up with psychological problems. The shit damages them. They don't understand and are not ready mentally for it. This isn't a moral question. If you have sex with a minor, you are most likely committing or perpetuating psychological harm. Even in cases where they think they want it. This has always been true, it's just something we understand better now.

>why is this an issue now?

Everythings coming out of the woodworks.

Look everyone, it's a woman making up laws with her headcanon! Neat!

>>>Tarantino: Look, she was down with this.
He's not lying. You guys fucking forget what being a teenager is like.

Stop projecting, just cause you got fucked as a kid and didn't like it means that it applies to everyone.


>making up laws

You are aware that Age of Consent Laws are actual things, right? Not that it'll make a difference to you, go back to posting cunny threads.

>You guys fucking forget what being a teenager is like.
>13, drugged, a grown man penetrating me

somehow my childhood differed from yours

And you are aware rape and statutory rape are different things, right?
"Statutory rape" is literally a feminist re-branding to make it sound like rape.

>there will never be Kill Bill 3


>"Statutory rape" is literally a feminist re-branding to make it sound like rape.

Kids can't consent. Without consent, it's rape.


>statutory rape

You know the crazy thing about US law, which you probably don't. If the defense can prove in any way that the girl was sexually active before the incident in any way at all, the defense has a ridiculously high chance of beating the case.

>making hollywood sin movies at 13
I'm guessing hers was too.

>tell me how i'm guilty of this
>well you fucked your adopted daughter and married her
>yeah but how am I guilty

>old gawker crew in full force posting it everywhere because this is their chance to hit the weird guy, liking feet and saying nigger
>even reddit is shutting that shit down, because its an obvious hit piece that everyone heard about already
>Sup Forums eats it up
the last bastion...

They can consent to having their penis chopped and replaced with a fake vagina and being injected with hormones, but can't consent to perfectly natural sexual intercourse?

Thankfully, that's not the legal definition. But I understand your kind if obsessed with making up new definitions for words.


>uncle Geoffrey would come into my bedroom late at night and tickle me in my no no zones
just because your head is fucked doesn't mean everyone else's is

>people start getting reasonable and putting the thing to bed
>feminist outlet digs out old story that he was criticized for already
I thought that if anything, Sup Forums would be the place to make fun of those feminists desperation in this case. But I guess you guys really went femmi huh?

The girl was actually sexually active before she put out for Polanski.
Of course, it never went to trial since you can't predict how those go. They had a very weak case, and everyone agreed a plea will just make everyone's life easier. Especially the prosecution, so that they can get to the civil suit and Polanski's money.

>nearly killing Uma Thurman

Please. She carshed the car cause she's a classic woman who doesn't know how to drive properly. She agreed to do the stunt and now she is acting like a complete pussy.


fuck Uma almost ruins the Bride character for me even though I love Kill Bill

Why are pedos here so adamant about defending having sex with a minor. It's not like it being illegal is the thing preventing them from having sex.

Tino is a fucking weirdo even by our standards

>2 consenting adults
>actually not his adopted daughter

foot rape

Then the mother and Polanski need to stand trial. When do the adults start to bear some responsibility for protecting kids? Kids lives are literally worth shit. You can leave ur baby in a parked car or at a sleep over at Neverland and the only one who pays the price is the kid. The laws should hold parents accountable for the safety of the child and when they can’t do it, the hammer needs to be dropped. Fucking sad state.

Yes yes, blame Sup Forums and not Pedowood for protecting for decades plenty of other cases by their friends and families.

It's a matter of principle. Some people simply can't abide by injustice just because it conforms with their political beliefs. Remainders of Zimmerman, defend himself from a savage nigger attack, and got his life ruined. Unfair.
Polanski fucked a slut, and got his life ruined over it. That's unfair too and it's very sad.

What a cruel world we live in? When you can't defend yourself from niggers trying to kill you or fuck willing sluts?


As a former 13 year old, I was down with fucking.
And I knew many girls that were down with fucking. I knew half the chicks in school were fucking at 13, the other half were probably just better at being discreet. I knew of one chick that left school at that age because she got preggo.

Polanski is still a criminal because laws, but a 13 year old is not an innocent pure victim.

Ethan pressured her to do the scene for fear of alienating QT and, given his connections, the industry ,which would have had fatal effects on his then (and now) flagging career. Uma, the dutiful wife, submitted to his pressure. So much for the feminist "roaring, ramape of revenge" tale.

>They can consent to having their penis chopped and replaced with a fake vagina and being injected with hormones

Yes :)

Well its true.

My boy even said "it was statutory rape".

A 13 year old can want sex and want to do drugs.

>But I understand your kind if obsessed with making up new definitions for words.

It gets me out of a lot of jams.

how anyone can have a foot fetish I will never understand

Quentin pls go

Does it damage them?

Or does the fallout from family stress over mom and dad making the love of her life go to jail damage them?

> he didnt want to do drugs and have sex as a teenager

>well you fucked your adopted daughter and married her

How stupid are anons like this?

She was not his adopted daughter. That's very easy to check idiot.

Here's some reading for you , Quentin.




(PDF) google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.theannainstitute.org/wchac-ststs.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiGzaHn6pHZAhWnrFkKHUvKCdMQFjADegQIBxAB&usg=AOvVaw2hoZ9uc81CrT3gOY_A8oUq

All of these SJW tumblr "I hate QT" retards are Sup Forums Newfag cancer.

QT's career will be fine and tomorrow you angry kids will have someone else to be upset and cry about.

No one but femnazis cares anymore.
Even reddit gets tired of it, because everyone but underages have heard about this before.
You're trying hard to push it, but honestly, if reddit doesnt even care anymore and people posting the vid/clip get downvoted then you're on a lost cause

>QT's career will be fine

Nope, I don't think so. Spitting in Uma's face, choking her, forcing her to do her own stunts, and pressuring her with lies and giving her faulty equipment to use, and now defining pedos...No one will want to see his shit again. It was all shit after Pulp Fiction anyhow.

>It was all shit after Pulp Fiction anyhow.


Both reddit and Sup Forums hated this from the start, dont pretend its otherwise. They even defended Spacey on reddit

>Nope, I don't think so.

lol being this tumblr and dumb.

His career is going to be just fine.


>child sexual abuse

Is this about children being molested/raped? Or teenagers having sex?

Are you asking me to read it for you?

Triggered much?

Sorry that your director god is going down in flames

>Triggered much?

lol You obviously don't know what that term means Newfriend.

Thanks for the laugh though. How's you tumblr blog going?

>coping this hard


>dont pretend its otherwise
The only thing thats trying and pretending are all these threads about it.
>They even defended Spacey on reddit
Certainly not for long, if anything. Just today in the wake of this people were saying "I cant watch baby driver anymore because he's lusting baby".
But even those people call this witch hunt retarded. Go figure

>coping this hard

You've devastated me user. How ever will i go on?

Would you, Sup Forums?

Id get my dick wet niggy fuck u mean!
My bros wifes sister is 13 bitch has a banging body

Well if it’s settled and everyone is on the same page, why did he flee the country, never to return?

All of you go the fuck back to plebbit. This is just pathetic.





Shit between Quentin and Uma is still tight. It was Maureen Dowd that fucked shit up. Quentin was supposed to be interviewed too, but wasn't asked because Dowd had an axe to grind.

Hey man, who you gonna believe, the rapist or the victim? 99 times out of 100, the alleged assailant is lying sack of shit. And QT has a history of doing dick moves.

What is this post even about?
Uma took the heat off Quentin in her Instagram post and he pretty much finished the job here.
Harvey Weinstein and Maureen Dowd are the real bad guys in this situation (for entirely different reasons).

Im asking you to clarify, since you imply that you already read them, because the urls imply its about childhood sexual assault, not teenage sexuality.

>not talking about the morals in Europe and everything.
Try that in large parts of Europe and you have a decent chance of being killed.
Fucking Hollywood kikes are as disgusting as ever.


Disney REALLY doesn’t want that QT Star Trek to happen

>stalks a nigger
>gets BTFO by a nigger in a fight
>bitches out and uses his gun

Your guy Zimmerman is a bitch, like the rest of you poltards irl

What do you think a grown man giving a 13 year old a quaalude and then fucking her is?

He's actually right though. Her parents also wanted her to date him for the fame, and she wasn't a tiny undeveloped naive 13 year old, she went on dates with him and talked about her other boyfriends. It's statutory rape because of the law, not because he actually forced her to have sex with him. In Polanski's European culture the age of consent ranged from 12 to 16, still does.

>there being a distinct difference between real rape and statutory rape
Polanski did both though, and it was publicly acknowledged by then.
The child asked to be let togo home, cried and said ”no” and asked him to stop throughout the whole process of him a) drugging her with qualuudes (basically the old equivalent of xanax and what Bill Cosby used) in alcohol, forced cunnilingulus, penetration and snal penetration on her.

That’s what this cockroach is defending in that interview.

I'm female who is sick of women using this excuse that all women and girls are innocent little darlings who don't do anything wrong and cannot have sexual feelings and agency until we are almost 40. Polanski was played like a fiddle by her vile family, and she was a promiscuous sexually active teenager, not a child. Pedo is a term used for those who are sexually attracted to children, actual pre-pubescent children, but mouth breathers like yourself would get innocent men lynched the way you throw the term about.

Nah, from 14 to 18. She was 13 tho.

But honestly it's still frowned upon. It's more there so 18-19 years old can fuck a 14-15 years old without going to jail.

>spots suspicious kang in kang-free neighborhood
>follows to ensure no crime
>kang chimps out because OMG U FOLLOW ME!!
>kang attacks
>melee first
>kang pushes melee past mere woop-ass
>life in danger
>resort finally to pistol play

Should have tasered him right away and dumped him off behind some nigger paradise like KFC

>pedophilic jew who drugged and sodomized a pre-pubertal girl and then fled the country rather than let it go to courts is the real victim
>already has more pedo accusations in Switzerland against a 10 year old
Kindly neck yourself plebbitor.

You would follow the guy in the first place?

How come we coddle 13-15 year old girls like they haven't seen a dick yet? high school girls are DTF - why wouldn't they be? Why wouldn't they want to explore their budding sexuality? I remember this one freshman girl telling me how beneficial fucking her bf everyday was for burning calories. Another casually mentioned her 12 abortions.

>she wanted it
As long as parents and society don't want 13-year olds to fuck with creepy old fucks then it's still not ok

>In Polanski's European culture the age of consent ranged from 12 to 16, still does.
as he is French-Polish
both France and Poland have 15 as age of consent

Woody is innocent!

Yes because teenagers always know what's best for them

In order to make this argument, we’d need a person completely lacking in any sort of psychological issue.

Best bet is the DA at the time saw what was up and by rescinding the plea offer created a window to extricate himself from the situation and Polanski to get a punishment (permanent exile from the US) that could in no way benefit the mother.

>have 15 as age of consent
Only for those within a 3 year range.
18 for non-pedo charges.

And has been said before, if it can be proven the minor was sexually active, the defense can beat the charge. Meaning the charge only has a high chance of sticking when it involves deflowering.

>if it can be proven the minor was sexually active
American nonsense. He’d get imprisoned either way in most of Europe.
It’s also pretty clear he wasn’t beating the rap in America either going by his plea-deal and flight when it fell through. (nevermind that he would face regular rape charges and not only statutory ones)

Sure. TODAY.

And considering driving 100 miles in any direction can land you in a completely differnt nation with a completely different set of laws, trying to put this in a US context where the laws stay the same from the Atlantic to the pacific, you can fuck right off with this entire argument.