Dumbing of Age

Last night, while Patreanon was dead to the world, THIS happened.

So yeah. Ryan officially lives, but I'm pretty sure we can put to rest the question if Amber attempted to use disproportionate force in her act of "self-defense".

Also, is psychopathy contagious? I think Joyce might have caught a touch of psycho.

To crib a Twitter meme...

>I'm a deeply religious character.
>Despite the number of trials and tribulations set against me, my faith in God has not been lost.

Also Joyce:
>I wish you killed this person.
>The Ten Commandments don't matter to atheists, so I'm in the clear.

Like, I can understand the anger, but this is just character assassination.

Well Joyce, we can't start going around killing people who we think are pretty bad people now can we? And hopefully someone was wearing a wire, cause that's probably a confession of attempted murder by Amber

>Also, is psychopathy contagious? I think Joyce might have caught a touch of psycho.

He did try to rape her, my dude.

It might not be psychotic to want someone who tried to rape you to die, but to burst in on someone who disfigured your attacker for you (more than you already did), and start assaulting them for not killing in your name?

Ehhhh....a touch off the sanity scale if you ask me.

God was misquoted, it's only a deadly sin to kill other Christians. It's one of the "Tag,Not-It-Forever" defenses they use.

So what's the defense from Willis' inner circle of fans to all this? Are they deciding that two wrongs totally make a right?

Well that's intense.

I'm actually kinda glad that Amber can admit what she was doing, even if it's only Joyce (with Dina present).

I totally get Joyce wanting to kill Ryan, too, but I'm not entirely how that's gonna square up with her general world view. I mean she already was a vengeful aggressive lady but killing is a pretty big no-no.

>So what's the defense from Willis' inner circle of fans to all this?
It's really all over the place.

Willy has thrown them a real moral curveball here since there is no perfect "right" answer. Some are arguing about the efficacy of the death penalty for lesser crimes. Some are arguing if Joyce is the bad guy for hurting Amber's psyche in this strip.

It's the most divided and scattered I've seen the Patreon comments, honestly.

Greentext the best ones.

And when I say "greentext" I mean to greentext them. It's the best way to paste comments without getting the thread deleted.

The funny thing about the Ten Commandments, that people always leave out is that in the story, everybody breaks them.

Including Moses. Literally.

> the efficacy of the death penalty for lesser crimes

Are they actually implying that someone should be given death for petty shit or just stabbing someone without murder? Like come on....

>Some are arguing if Joyce is the bad guy for hurting Amber's psyche in this strip.
Other than not actually thanking or comforting Amber, I don't really mind anything Joyce is doing.

Also, Ryan isn't really a person as much as he is a cookie monster who's obsessed with roofied ladies instead of macaroons. So, I dunno what sort of ethical quandary I'm supposed to be sunk into. Sure, don't kill people, but kill all the half-baked webcomic characters you want.

There's really nothing funny or absurd enough, and I'd rather not tempt fate. Especially since I'll be posting the new comic in less than an hour anyway. Cerb hasn't even been posting on Patreon for a long while now.

It's all just pretty disgustingly polite discussion where everyone feels the need to practically apologize when they disagree with one another. I'm sure it will carry over in a similar fashion when the strip hits the main site tonight if you're curious.

>Are they actually implying that someone should be given death for petty shit or just stabbing someone without murder?
Ohhh, yes. There have been plenty of people on Patreon and on the main site who think Ryan should have died for his crimes since the get-go.

a good writer could do something good with this. Someone who thinks themselves a good person could and should wish someone was killed, and then feel like shit for thinking it. she could have actual guilt and complicate her relationship with god and her moral life.

But I'm sure she'll stop caring immediately.

That's Dark, Joyce. Like holy shit.

*tips fedora*

And Amber tried to kill him. So they're even.

Tonight, Ruth barges in on Amber's impromptu dorm room party, and gets ready to offer some sagely advice from one damaged sociopath to another.

Also, I can't stop seeing the little mark on the crown of Ambers head as a tiny mouth that's talking for her while her back is turned.

Might as well have the entire cast standing outside the room waiting to witness Amber the almost murderer.

>Three other girls came forward
How convenient that they only came forward off-screen and during the timeskip, instead of when the reader could actually see the events and thus create additional stakes that would support a position of arresting Ryan as soon as possible.

Other than that, this all feels like padding. Maybe it's just because the pacing of the comic is already slow enough as it is.

Anyways, last night's password was "comforting", which is a change of pace for Willis by using a word that isn't in the actual strip itself.
Meanwhile, tonight's password is "phonybaloney".

>Hail Amber, She Who Stabs in Darkness

>Hey, so you're a crazed split personality girl who almost killed a guy, and I'm a depressed Canadian with nothing to live for and my power hungry granddad won't let me not have a job. So I guess we should be best friends or something now?

Hang on. Joyce knows that Amber stabbed Ryan, but STILL thinks that Amazi-Girl and Amber are two different people somehow? Seriously? Willis feels the need to continue the "lol, no one can tell Amazi-Girl is obviously Amber" joke even in a strip like THIS?

Joyce is....Joyce is not smart.

I think at least 3/4 of the rest of the cast that knows Amber knows by now.

Maybe Willis is just trying to play up the whole innocence angle that Joyce allegedly holds.

>Oh, by the way my manipulative and violent girlfriend is moving out and I'd like you to take over her job of maintaining an emotionally and psychologically abusive environment for Mary that is secured by violence.

Joyce also doesn't really interact with Amber that much.

Fuck you, Joyce, you could have stopped this ages ago by going to the cops right after Ryan ruffied you.

Is it just me, or does this strip not really follow from the last one?

Finally, we get the concrete mention of other victims. I'm kinda surprised it didn't come up when the social media thing was going around, but I guess the low quality picture and his commonly used name weren't enough. I hope they're all pre-Joyce or she might have some guilt to work through. Or maybe that's why she's kill crazy.

Ethan, Danny, Dina, Dorothy and Ryan know, by my count.

Does Willis think any of these people are relatable?
>you don't want to be comforted? fuck you i wish you killed him
>i tried but didn't abloobloo
This is unimaginably stupid

Rapin ryan dindu nuffin he a good boi goin to da church all Sundays.

>tfw you didn't kill someone

>I tried.
What stopped her?

Slashing is rather ineffective for killing people as all the major blood vessels near the skin are pretty difficult to reach while you're standing opposite a person.

Gee user, you sure do know a lot about how to effectively hurt people.

I like to run around at night in a superhero costume and violently work out my parental/black chick issues.

This is just futher proof that Willis is a real psycho

Does he even have friends? I miss the times when young outcats used to become try-hard Goths and find some friends cicles to sustain them until adulthood, instead of sociopathic artists who live forever thinking that they are in the right

Willis should be permanently banned.

We all know it's him spamming these threads, and unlike QC, its not even entertaining to mock.

>inb4 "HAHA I'm totally not Willis spamming these threads and "he's" too thin skinned to spam his dumbass comic here every day!"

This don't make sense, he isn't getting views from his site and wasting content from his patreon

When's Mary?

if she hadn’t wasted all her time on transformers, she'd know to go for the neck

>We all know it's him spamming these threads, and unlike QC, its not even entertaining to mock.
You have it pretty backwards. QC is the most banal shit around and there's nothing fun about mocking it because the material you're working with is so trite. It's why the only joke anyone can come up with is repeated variations on whatever chick having a monster schlong. This Is Me is the only truly mockable thing in QC while DoA has a moment like that once every other week.

Slashing the neck isn't the best way to reach the blood vessels there, it's stabbing from the side in front of the spinal column then cutting towards the front of the throat.

Fuck off Willis.

You're spamming your shit web comic to get more doners.

Its transparent as fuck, and goddamn pathetic. "haha it's dumb and he's sensitive" is even more fucking pathetic.

what if youre willis

...How is "Sup Forums likes to repeatedly circlejerk over something they all hate" not the most obvious reason for DoA threads that comes to mind? This isn't that complicated, guy.

Fuck off Willis.

I can think of a dozen webcomics off the top of my head that are either better than your dumb shit, or better to make fun of.

But no, I'm sure there is just one user who is so dedicated to your shit comic, who totally isn't you, that never misses a single update, and feels the need to spam it here multiple times a day.

And that dedicated user certainly isn't Willis, aka you, despite this never happening with any other web comic.

Do everyone a favor and saw off your hand already, you useless piece of shit.

>Not wanting to murder rapists
What do you see as positive about rapists, OP?

Outside Amber's door.

>I can think of a dozen webcomics off the top of my head that are either better than your dumb shit, or better to make fun of.

Okay. You're probably right. There are better bad webcomics out there. We just like to make fun of this one, and we come back to it all the time.

>But no, I'm sure there is just one user who is so dedicated to your shit comic, who totally isn't you, that never misses a single update, and feels the need to spam it here multiple times a day.

Actually, I think there's at least three Patreanons who regularly post threads. It's hard to tell, but it's definitely not just one guy.

>And that dedicated user certainly isn't Willis, aka you, despite this never happening with any other web comic.

...have you not SEEN all the other webcomic generals on Sup Forums? Questionable Content? Ava's Demon? Homestuck? This isn't the weirdest thing Sup Forums likes to talk about, you know.

The fact that you responded to at least three different anons who aren't even the ones who post these threads, and think that we are all Willis, amuses me greatly.

Best of luck with your illness user. You should read my...er....I mean...Willis's comic sometime. I think you'd relate to Amber.

The comments in response to this comic are sick. They all were wishing and hoping Ryan was dead. A few of them were even going as far as to say that all rapists deserve death.

We live in a society. Mob justice is not something people should be glorifying, least of all those hypocritical feel good 27 gendered chuckle fucks over in the comments section.

He should be taken to court for attempted rape, not lynched. These so called open minded people are just as bad as those they hate. Disgusting trash.

Hey, Willis.

this comic is fucking Bananatown.

>phony baloney job


>No one wants to do anything and everyone is finding ways to be sad.
Bring back Danny. Fuck this comic.

If Joyce and or Amber turn around and go full Frank Castle in the future I will take back everything I said about this comic

>God was misquoted, it's only a deadly sin to kill other Christians. It's one of the "Tag,Not-It-Forever" defenses they use.
It's more correct to say that it meant "Do not murder". Killing in war, capital punishment, or because God said so (which includes basically all non-Jews) is a-ok.

The comments on the main website, though, are much less divided. Most posts are either about how murder is good sometimes or that they know where Joyce is coming from, with very few about how, no, murder is a bad thing.

Pic related: it's some of the best ones.

Aaaand I only now notice that I had a duplicate comment there.


In context I don't think Joyce is bad, or even wrong, for wanting Ryan dead as long as the story treats her attitude as the result of a highly emotional state and something she needs to come to terms with. The main issues are that she wasn't there and it's an easy matter to say you wish someone had killed him when you're not there, and Amber is clearly upset by what happened so Joyce comes off as very callous. Then there is the fact that at every step of the story Joyce has refused involvement or responsibility for helping stop Ryan.

>Three other girls

Okay, now I'm legitimately pissed. All the while all this farting around was going on, three other character's we've never seen have popped out. That means Sal's 'durr fuck the police' attitude and Joyce's 'but what if that means I have to leave the school'? dipshittery meant those other women were either attacked, or were in Joyce's position of being afraid that their rapist might come back. Good job, Willy. You've made a terrible decision even worse in hindsight.

In times past, "rapist" was defined as "black guy who had sex with a white girl and her family found out". And since everyone held your opinion about rapists, it was time for some good ol' fashioned mob justice!

See, here's the thing: WE know Ryan is a terrible person. We know he tried to rape Joyce, stalked her, and may have assaulted other girls, too. We know this because we are reading a comic strip and the facts are given to us.

The real world lacks an omniscient third-person narrative. Here, someone might be an actual rapist. Or they could simply be a douchebag. Or they could have been falsely accused... say, over a $35 cab fare. Or as punishment for refusing to have sex with someone. Or because their accuser didn't to own up to a consensual relationship and told their partner/family that it was rape. There was even a case recently where a girl and a guy had consensual sex, but she had a hickey. Her friend saw the hickey, assumed that the "victim" had been raped and over her protestations, made an accusation to the local authorities.There have been people freed after decades in prison due to false, bungled or malicious prosecutions because new forensic tests and evidence prove their innocence.

If we're talking about unrepentant serial rapists and violent fiends, sure. Into the wood chipper they go. But for the rest... let me turn that question around: what do you see as positive about killing someone whose absolute guilt you can't know?

lol, if you don't support vigilante murder you are an upper class white misogynist. And a troll.

You know what would be great? If one of the three other girls is making a false accusation by claiming that what happened to Joyce happened to her. Turn it around on Joyce by having someone profit from Ryan's actions and risk the case against Ryan should it be revealed that she's a fake victim.

I like how it also implies that the three girls made the same decision as Joyce when it came to reporting him, in that doing so would be a bad idea.
Because, you know, anonymous women we've never seen nor heard from before until now have no autonomy of their own and are indebted to the whim of God Willis.

We had absolutely no idea that Ryan was a repeat offender until now. There were some hints, sure, but no actual/definitive evidence. Like I said before, even if one person had come out and said "Yo, this nigga on rape-crack," that would have at least raised the stakes by that much.

I think that's a problem with Willis' writing: He doesn't know when and how to raise the stakes of a situation. For example, as stated before, Ryan could have been discovered to be a repeat offender, making his capture/arrest that much more of a priority.
And when Willis DOES raise the stakes, as far as I've seen he does it in either an anti-climactic way or in such an extravagant way that it fails to make sense and comes around as being cheesy. Respective examples of this include Ryan calling his intern friends at Robin's midnight rally to fight Amazi-Girl, all of whom have their asses handed to them and just allowing for Ryan to escape, and the Toedad Saga, in which bringing a gun on campus leads to a car chase which ends in a rollover in which nobody is physically wounded save for Joyce who sends Toedad flying with one punch and only breaks her wrist, among other physical improbabilities.

All he really needed to do to not make it look bad was to mention someone coming forward before the stabbing or to change Joyce's dialogue to something that indicated that other victims had gone to the police but lacked any evidence.

I also really want a story about Amazi-Girl fighting a deadly and flamboyant cabal of drug dealers flooding the bikepaths of IU with Rape-Crack done in the style of a 90s comic book.

So pretty much cementing that Amber is on her way to becoming a serial killer. She just needs her first notch.

>People unironically read and enjoy this shit
>They even try to have in depth conversations about it
wew... I thought I was autistic

In reality, chances of that would be fairly decent. For example, in the Bill Cosby debacle, one of his accusers stated that he raped her on a certain date in the Playboy mansion. Thing is, the Playboy Mansion has cameras on all the entrances. On the date in question Cosby not only was not at the mansion, but I believe he wasn't even in the state. People make false accusations on trending or popular issues for all sorts of reasons. Because they want to extort the victim, because they want to "help" a cause or an investigation, because they want the attention and so on. This isn't to say that every accusation is automatically false or suspect, but the possibility exists.

Now, that's in reality. In this realistic, grounded and as accurate as possible slice of life cartoon by David Willis, we all know that all three accusers are 100% in the right. But here's a question: how did they know to accuse Ryan? Willis has said Ryan uses rohypnol, which causes memory issues, the person its used on won't even remember what happened. How did these women know it was Ryan? Did he take a polaroid of him next to their spread legs doing a thumbs-up? Combine that with drinking and their IDs of their attacker are going to be extremely shaky. I'd even go so far as to say worthless. Imagine you're the prosecutor and all of a sudden three women come to you and want to testify against Ryan. Awesome! Great! We'll bury him for sur- Wait, you say you were drinking and he gave you rohypnol? A drug that blocks out the victim's memory and yet somehow you know it was him and what he did? Ah, shit...

I've said this before, but Willis' handling of this entire plotline is not only ignorant, but actively harmful. I can understand characters making bad decisions, but that they're painted as the correct and right thing to do is what rustles my jimmies.

His fans are the worst I have ever seen.

They wouldn't be slam dunk witnesses, but they could still be valuable to the prosecution if they filed reports, had rape kits performed, and were tested for date rape drugs. If the prosecution could prove Ryan was at the same location around the time the assaults occurred they could show pattern. In real life prosecutors would be far more concerned about whether or not they have dna evidence so they could skip all the issues with witnesses and drugged victims.

I'd really love to see Christopher Priest take a crack at the Rapin' Ryan sage, he loves complex situations for the sake of exploring their complexity.

>They wouldn't be slam dunk witnesses, but they could still be valuable to the prosecution if they filed reports, had rape kits performed, and were tested for date rape drugs.

Key word "if". It's been about six weeks in-universe since Joyce's attack. Rohypnol only stays in the bloodstream for 3 days. Likewise, unless the girls got a rape kit done shortly after being assaulted... I don't know how long you can have a test done, but I'm guessing it's less than six weeks. Unless Rapin' Ryan was out rapin' while he was stalking, there'd be virtually nothing that they could provide. Joyce's statement that they've come forward now indicates that they didn't file reports or have tests done until he was already in custody. Which means there's no physical evidence or reliable first-hand accounts. If Ryan's MO is preying on girls at parties, than him being there is just circumstantial.

"So you say that my client attacked you at this place on this time, yet you've been unable to identify him beyond giving you a drink and talking with you. And now after public accusations and an online smear campaign, you suddenly come out to make this accusation against my client, a wealthy young man suddenly in the public spotlight. Your Honour, the witness has provided nothing but conjecture. I move that her testimony be stricken and the jury informed to disregard it in its entirety."

DNA evidence isn't strong on its own. All it would prove is that Ryan and his accuser had sex. If they've indeed been roofied, then they couldn't prove the sex wasn't consensual. He could say that she was a willing partner with him, then afterwards he saw Some Puerto Rican Guy hand her a drink and after that, she started to look a little out of it, but he thought she was just buzzed.

"What evidence do you actually have?"
"We've got conjecture and hearsay. Those are... kinds of evidence?"

Again, we know what a shitbag Ryan is, but in-universe, the case against him would be incredibly weak.

>Again, we know what a shitbag Ryan is, but in-universe, the case against him would be incredibly weak.
All the more reason to have an unhinged person kill him, right?

Both in-universe and real life he'd be on trial for attacking Dorothy and Amber, and making threatening statements against Joyce. Rape charges would be withheld unless they got better evidence/witnesses or if Ryan used them as a plea bargain chip.

Nice blog post faggot.

You unironically read this trash?

I do not, no. Like many people here, I used to be a fan of Willis. For us, this serves as catharsis and knowing that we're not one-eyed men in the kingdom of the blind.

I'd like to point out that you came into a thread about something you obviously dislike and don't want to see discussed, only to complain about people discussing it. I don't know what you were expecting to find.

Hide the thread and move along.

didn't try hard enough

Would never happen - in Willis' world women are incapable of making false accusations about rape.

True, but it'd be incredibly easy for any half-decent attorney to spin this.

Defense would argue that Amber and her friends were engaged in a smear campaign against their client, posting baseless accusations online along with his photo and personal information and inciting violence against him. The entire case rests on hearsay, circumstantial evidence, and the testimony of a mentally disturbed young woman who dresses up in a cape and goes around campus punching people at night. Any sensible prosecutor would cut a plea deal to let him off with a few misdemeanor charges.

I'd bet Willis didn't Amber to take a life, despite all the comments calling for death, he probably thinks that's a bridge too far for a character to be likable. Or maybe he didn't like the murderous self-defense occurrences in real-life and didn't want the comparisons.

Cause seriously, if Amber wanted to kill Ryan, he'd be fucking dead. She could probably kill him barehanded based on how Willis writes her.

Assuming anyone ever hears about the cape part.

>Joyce is le uber Christian
>but now she's out for blood

"character development" that comes out of nowhere

Amazi-girl literally somersaulted into the middle of a political rally and confronted Ryan. The Defense would have a field day bringing up Ryan being harassed by a self-proclaimed vigilante.

>I read IW! and SP! 10-15 years ago
>it was the first community I felt "at home" in
>absolutely nobody from back then is still around


Assuming she doesnt Clark-Kents out of the situation sucessfully and nobody even makes the connection that mild-mannered stabby gal is super awesome vigilante and voice of absolute good Amazi-Gurl (tm) (r) (c) (bbq) (all rights reserved)

>still believing the MRA narrative
False rape accusations are extremely rare in the US. Its just that MRAs are great at directing the narrative towards them.

>False rape accusations are extremely rare in the US.
They happen more often than you think, it's just that in most cases with false accusations it's obvious enough that the case never goes to trial.

No. Its more that most rape cases are extremely hard to prove because even if you have evidence that sex happened, you can't prove intent. Most rape victims don't even report because so few people actually believe them.

Saying that false rape accusations happen, but that they do shouldn't preclude taking victims seriously is an "MRA narrative".


I'm sorry this comic is hurting my brain.

Like, this strip has such intense dissonance between what the characters look like and how they're shown and what they're saying

Without the words I would assume the girl with brown hair had wronged the blonde somehow and was apologetic

With the words it seems like the problem is that her attempt at murder was unsuccessful

It's ok, though, I'm sure my blurn is fran

Don't see why people take it more seriously than any other false accusation besides it being an important part of the MRA narrative (their hatred of women). You don't see MRAs whining about other types of false accusations.

What other types of false accusations do you propose largely effect men and hence, might be of interest to men's rights activists? Why oh why would men's rights activists complain about something that affects men?

It's a mystery, of course. Must just be all that hatred.

So let's use your own assertion. Therefore, we can say that feminists in India, Israel and Ireland all have hatred of men as an important part of their worldview, as they campaigned against gender-neutral rape laws for these countries on the grounds that men might make false accusations against women.

So, if false accusations are such a small and insignificant problem, why was this considered a concern? After all, it's not something to take any more seriously than any other false accusation.


Well, considering that men are significantly more likely to enter the justice system than women, it might be something MRAs should consider looking at if they really cared about false accusations. With more men in the justice system, false accusations will inherently be more likely to occur to men than women.

Of course MRAs don't actually care about either of these problems and would be more content to bash feminists than help men. As your point demonstrates.

>MRAs hate women and that's why they care about false accusations!
"What about feminists using the same rationale? Do they hate men?"
>y-you just want to bash feminists! like all MRAs!
>doesn't answer the question.jpg

First of all, not an MRA. Second, the lack of self-awareness is astounding.

Also, the higher rate of incarceration and stricter sentencing men tend to receive is actually something men's rights activists are concerned with and talk about. Which you'd know if you had more than a paper-thin understanding of the issue.

Jesus Christ, I'm not even an MRA and I know this shit. What's your excuse?

Well, considering the fact that you openly admit that men are intentionally targeted by the justice system, you'll have no problem pointing out all of the feminist groups which are actively working to solve this problem, seeing as the highest concern for a feminist such as yourself is the equality of the sexes.

Of course, you don't actually care about anything other than being able to claim moral superiority while doing nothing, so you have to bash actual activists instead of helping anything other than your ego.

As your multiple shitposts demonstrates.

We both know you are an MRA, you can stop pretending you aren't.

>"What about feminists using the same rationale? Do they hate men?"

There is a big difference between defending your self and bashing someone. Feminists are defending themselves against the attacks of MRA, that is far from the same thing.

>Also, the higher rate of incarceration and stricter sentencing men tend to receive is actually something men's rights activists are concerned with and talk about. Which you'd know if you had more than a paper-thin understanding of the issue.

They don't care about this at, all they do is use it as an excuse to say that women have it easier. This has actually been something that feminists have done work to try to reduce, in part, by addressing rigid gender norms and benevolent sexism. MRAs ironically enough, bash these efforts as SJWism.

We should just type like that from now on

TW: scat

Thank god we have a brave hero like you to protect us from the awful, rigid gender norms and benevolent sexism, like manspreading.

>Of course, you don't actually care about anything other than being able to claim moral superiority while doing nothing, so you have to bash actual activists instead of helping anything other than your ego.
What have MRAs done besides bash women and rape victims? I don't just mean what stances they take, but how have they actually helped people?

Why would I pretend not to be one? See, here's the thing. You're not very bright, and that's okay. But this manifests in an inability to countenance any opposition to your views that isn't from The Enemy.

>There is a big difference between defending your self and bashing someone.

Still dodging the question. Again: how does suppressing gender-neutral rape laws on the grounds that men might use them against women count as defence? By your own words, false accusations are so rare as not to matter. So if they don't matter, why should feminists be concerned about them? You can't have it both ways. If MRAs are concerned about false rape accusations from women because of hatred, then why are feminists concerned about *potential* false rape accusations not acting out of hatred? And why are these feminists willing to throw actual rape victims under the bus by denying them equal treatment under the law just to spite these MRAs? Your own claim makes your side looks WORSE.

"I know you were raped, Billy. But there might be someone out there who might make a false claim about someone with a vagina, so even though that's so small as not be worth considering, we have to let your abuser off with a lighter sentence. Otherwise those MRAs might win!"

>They don't care about this at, all they do is use it as an excuse to say that women have it easier. This has actually been something that feminists have done work to try to reduce, in part, by addressing rigid gender norms and benevolent sexism.

What, you mean like N.O.W. shutting down a bill that would, except in cases of abuse, automatically award joint custody to both parents?

Yes, that definitely helped address benevolent sexism like "women are automatically better carers, so custody should primarily go to them".

Again: you have little knowledge and only buzzwords, vague assertions and snide implications. You've managed to make your own side look bad and outright denigrated them while thinking you were helping.


>tfw you start to understand why they close these threads