What are some good Nietzschean movies?

What are some good Nietzschean movies?

Serious answers only.

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Man of Steel

the villain in the female ghostbusters movie is a nietzschean ubermensch


*reads a single Sup Forums infograph*

2001: A Space Odyssey


the last jedi

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I would unironically love to join a book club that read shit like Beyond Good and Evil for relaxation. I cannot into book clubs that read lite genre fiction.

Alien covenant. David is an ubermensch. He rightfully genocides the untermensch who preceeded him

Richard and Mortimer


delray misfits are pretty nietzschean

What are some movies about mobile posting Sup Forumseddditors?

actually this, and it doesn't fall into the trap of thinking Nietzsche is all "GOD IS DEAD AND FUCK SOCIETY" but rather actually understand's Nietzsche's idea that if god is dead, and all we have is each other, the ubermensh is the man who works to make heaven on earth for everyone.

NEET-chee-saaaan! Explain my suffering to meeee
Imagine needing to become one of the most famous people on the planet to realize how pointless everything is

Sartre. Camus. Nietzsche. I f*cking love philosophy.

>Nietzsche's idea that if god is dead, and all we have is each other, the ubermensh is the man who works to make heaven on earth for everyone
Never post again. It's literally impossible to be more wrong

Damn. I thought Snyder was Christian though?

Delete this!

>the ubermensh is the man who works to make heaven on earth for everyone.

I don't think you ever read Nietzsche outside of his wikipedia article

Not even his wikipedia article. Some christlarping pol screenshot how nietzsche was sad about god at best

>ubermensh is the man who works to make heaven on earth for everyone.


>the ubermensh is the man who works to make heaven on earth for everyone.

The ubermensch does not exist. it is an ideal to strive for. the only way to accomplish this is through evolution. differentiate yourself from the pack and try whatever YOU personally think is the best thing to do. Future generations will determine whether it was beneficial or not.

The ubermensch. That's like Superman.

What's wrong with the Nietzscheans?

>not starting with Greeks

Came here to to say that you're a retard

side from the whole obvious Superman thing....its not a very Nietzschean movie.

It exhibits all the ideals and cliches about morality and life that Nietzsche would spit on

>It exhibits all the ideals and cliches about morality and life that Nietzsche would spit on
Name one!

Whenever I see Nietzsche being discussed on Sup Forums it's just people insulting each other for misinterpreting him almost like no one knows what the fuck he was saying

>most people deserve to be saved
>lex luther is "bad"
honestly they all bleed together i have no idea which plot this one had

>Jesus/Christianity allegories
>basic, simple, Goody Goody vs bad Boy Evil
>Alien saves earth (basically denying earth and man)

Lex Luthor wasnt in Man of Steel
No idea what you mean with the first. His struggle with Krypton is the part about Nietzsche. Inspired by better. I know it's not fully devouted to it.

At least he's not starting with Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>Jesus/Christianity allegories
See >>basic, simple, Goody Goody vs bad Boy Evil
Watch the movie sweetie.

>>Alien saves earth (basically denying earth and man)

The same happens with every philosopher on /lit/ and in real life

zarathustra and antichrist are everything you need to understand nietzsche. Its really not that complicated.

>His struggle with Krypton is the part about Nietzsche
>saving inferior humans instead of making way for the literal übermensch

So it's not like Nietzsche at all?


t. doesn't understand nietzsche (and read neither)
BGaE and Nietzsche contra Wagner are essential

>Lex is evil because he got his butthole fucked by his dad
pretty shit tee bee aich

>look mom I read the first sentence of Zarathustra

The shit people read into dumb superhero movies is astounding


funny how the correct post always is ignored by Sup Forums

There will be blood and The master

does this faggot hire shills to promote his every video on Sup Forums or is it just rabid pol9kteens that cant help but spam their eceleb everywhere they go

calm down, autist

wtf does nietzsche have to do with white supremacy?

>watch the movie sweetie
HAHA this guy thinks a capeshit superman film is more complicated than the most simple of moral dilemmas


Nietzsche was all about affirming life and Earth. Not putting all worth in an afterlife or heaven. In MoS, Superman an alien/God from another world saves humanity instead of MAN, humans saving themselves and ascending to a Superman.

Instead, Superman flies in (over years) and saves the day easily.


how do i become an ubermensch

Not nearly as much as most people suspect


>Whenever I see anything being discussed on Sup Forums it's just people insulting each other, like no one knows what the fuck they are talking about.
Fixed that for you.

You can't. No one is.

Because he is father and mother of fedora tippers and we all think we're the favorite son.

Is Felix an Ubermensch? Asking for a friend.

Read Ayn Rand and grow internet benis.


He is ubermeme, friend of animes.

so like nothing really at all
its just fags being edgy as usual


Conan The Barbieman. youtube.com/watch?v=8fC34Yfi4ds

>Zarathustra has had no influence on superhero comics