Rank these franchises from best to worst

Rank these franchises from best to worst

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NoES > F13 > Halloween > TCM

going by the first movie alone
texas chainsaw=halloween>freddy>>>jason

based on their best sequel+enjoyment of franchise in total
freddy=jason>texas chainsaw>>>halloween

F13 > Halloween > ANOES > TCM

They all have some pretty low lows though.

Chainsaw > Friday > Nightmare > Halloween

Friday has the best lore.

Halloween > F13 > Chainsaw > NOES

I never liked NOES films.

F13 is the most consistent out of them all.

Jason Goes To Hell killed Friday.

Having just re watched both Nightmare and F13 series recently. F13 was all good except part 9, X while not officially F13 movie was at least FUN to watch.

Nightmare on Elm Street got fucking stupid after 4. I would say I enjoyed 1 for the horror, and 3 for the fun factor.
>I am the wizard master!
>runs up to freddy
>gets killed

I'll put Nightmare on Elm Street on top because even its worst movies have some amusing kills and scenes. Except the remake, fuck that shit.

Friday the 13th comes second because despite being a mixed bag it has been an enjoyable schlocky series.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre is probably my favourite horror movie of these four series, and TCM 2 was fun. But it nosedived into shit right after that, and the new series based on the remake has been awful.

Halloween should've ended after 3, desu.

elm street series was goat for the effects.

Agreed with this. Halloween and TCM are genuinely great films that turned into schlock franchises, whereas F13 and Nigthmare started out that way. Although overall the sequel I enjoyed most out of all of them is Halloween 3, but it has nothing to do with Halloween as a series so it hardly counts.

And least creative.

The capeshit of that generation

This is mostly correct.
TCM 1 and 2 were gold but the sequels blew.

No. Horror franchises were always a thing.

Slashers were a sub-genre that produced a lot of similar yet different movies. It's hardly the same thing as a monolithic "cinematic universe" owned by a single corporation.

Halloween is overrated. Nightmare is fun and creative. But I agree about TCM.

Slashers were about sex and gore instead of quips though, so they're naturally superior.

Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre > Original Halloween >>>>>>>>> every other corny awful movie these characters have ever been in

The only one you wouldnt want after you is freddy. texas, jason and michael are all retards who you could easily out smart.

Nightmare/ friday/ halloween/ texas

rank lowest of low for each franchise lowest last

Friday has more films, but they're mostly the same.
Nightmare has better films
Halloween has literally 1 good film
Texas has 2 good films

agreed with jason + texas but something about michael makes me feel like unless you have final girl power then he can get you

>Texas has 2 good films
besides original which is the 2nd?

>he didnt like the duel

No contest. Jason comes in second and I couldn't care less about the other 2.

lel @ outsmarting jason and michael. They are literally never-stopping, close to immortal chasers. You gotta sleep some time, boyo

Halloween and TCM aren't good franchises. Elm Street is consistently good and F13 is sporadically good.

Remember that time Michael Myers was brutally killed by Busta Rhymes?

I saw the remake in theater and thought it was fun. Was the hate for not being original?

Elm Street wasnt supposed to be taken 100% seriously and people didnt like that.
Also 90s characters had more fun stereotypes than new braindead ones.

>all this shitting on based JGTH

I would agree with this
I am more partial towards Halloween from that first movie

>there's people this retarded with access to the internet

on the contrary, only nightmare is more creative but that's because you can do everything in a dream
how is texas or halloween more creative than f13?

the newest series of texas is based on the 74 original. texas 3d is the sequel and leatherface (the latest) is the prequel.

they are all losers
even back in the day these movies sucked ass
its like just because soemthing is a horror/slasher movie and is aimed to be scary suddenly everything rational and good writing is a ghost and tossed out a window
Jacobs ladder was honestly the only good "horror" movie i saw and even that was a 7/10 at best

kino intro

if you get out of texas, elm street or crystal lake they literally can't get you
So what's the most random slasher killer, the one that could kill everyone?

Dude big jase goes to new york fucking time square but you are right you literally just have to jog away from jase

nightamare 4 is good except the actress change
nightmare 5 is good too, the only bad is the 6th and the second

Wes Craven's New Nightmare is one of the best meta movie of all time

Second isnt that bad when you view it now imo.
Main guy is a decent actor but his love interest is an unappealing jewess.

I think it is part of the slasher formula to be confined to a place, as both an explanation for them being there and as a location wherein the main characters are trapped yet still have some type of spacial agency.
Can't think of a slasher villain that didn't have some special location and wasn't slow as fuck.

Black Christmas has always been the scariest horror film to me because the killer has no apparent motive and is just a random psychotic.

yeah but he was persuing people from crystal lake, as long as you don't got there you have no problem

Rank these franchises from best to worst

yes but it should've been a different character, freddy doesn't even kill in the dreams wich is his gimmick

For the movies I'd go:

Original Halloween > original TCM > NOES > Dream Warriors > F13 p4 > Halloween 3 > F13 p6 > the rest

Haven't seen TCM 2 though.

chucky could be the worst one but as long as you don't open packages you are good

predator 1, aliens and terminator 2 are all on the same level, god tier. Fuck id say aliens/terminator/predator even though predator 1 is really good the others in the franchise are terrible. Aliens got 3 or 4 good movies, terminators got 2 predator only has one.

Alien > Terminator > Predator
Alien and Terminator both have two good films apiece, Predator has two arguably decent cheesy action films.
Alien takes the top spot because it spanned two genres, horror and action.


I'd say predator, alien and terminator has some really awful movies

Id say Freddy wasnt fleshed out as much in second movie,third one with Wes Craven really expanded it.
Am i allowed to post my fav out of place intro?

predator predator 2 predators and avp are honest films, cheesy action flicks that know what they are
alien and aliens were great but alien 3 and 4 were dogshit, and the new prometheus and the other were shite too
terminator 1 2 3 and 4 are ok but 5 is literally the worst of all the ones I mentioned

Anyone watch that Friday the 13th fan film? I heard it was pretty good

overall: Predator>alien>terminator
Best individual movies: Terminator>Predator>Alien

terminator 1&2 is dope AF, but the rest of the series is mindnumbingly bad, alien is pretty dope and while most of the sequels havent been that great none except for 3 has been terrible. predator series have been entertaining and doesn't really have any terrible ones.

you are allowed cause I love that movie

Alien > T2 > Aliens > T1 > Predator

I just couldn't get into Predator,the characters were cool but the action and everything else just couldn't keep me interested

>51% RT score
Id say Carpenter and Cronenberg movies should also be included as horror franchises.


very fun and underrated movie, shame about the mirror thing

Predator > Alien > Terminator
The first films of each are of equal quality but Predator has the most consistent sequels (if we're not counting AvP since they're shared). I really like Predator 2. Alien 2 and 3 are both decent and 4 is retarded by enjoyable, whereas Terminator drops steeply after 2.

Elm Street 4 is pure 90s popcorn nostalgia flick.
It aged just right.

the yakuza vs predator scene in predators is fucking godlike

a shame that they changed the actress of Kristen, she was pregnant I believe, she still could've acted though

Aye but at least it turned out decently.
It didnt end up like Blade Trinity.


Friday > Halloween > Texas > Nightmare

>It didnt end up like Blade Trinity.
I've seen it just once and don't get what you mean, long time ago

This but the first Halloween is better than any F13. Overall F13 is better tho.

>Halloween has literally 1 good film
hi pleb

Yeah, this sums it up well.

>I talk too much
My dad really likes that scene.

Half of Blade Trinity was shot with Wesley Snipes fucking with director on the set. Whole backstory deserves a comedy movie.

There was one scene where Snipes refused to open his eyes, so they had to CG them

NOES wins because it has two genuinely great movies(OG and New Nightmare), Jason is runner up because it has more 'fun' horror movies, TCM has both one really good one and one really fun one but the others only have fun parts in mostly suck, and Halloween has the most solid single movie but the rest are both less fun and more tedious.

Concerning the new ones I can't believe I'm saying it but TCM absolutely has the best remake of them all.

as a whole

freddy > jason > myers > leatherdong

damn, what an asshole

The first Halloween is the best movie in any franchise, but the ranking is correct overall.

most boring you mean


NoES (best effects, generally the most creative franchise) > F13 (it's pure idiotic trash with occasional flashes of brilliance and a great many tits) > TCM (creepy, only really one good one) > Halloween (just do not into it at all).

the jessica biel texas chainsaw was alright. the daddario one was trash

Both were equal in quality. Pure cash-grabbery garbage, regardless

never hike alone or whatever it was called? it's fine

Was Daddario's the 3D one? I skipped it, and apparently I did well

its dumb fun. treat it like one of the Pamela Springsteen Sleepaway Camp sequels and you'll have a good time.
The new prequel is legitimately good...though watch it with the alternate ending.

best Halloween movie coming through

is it better than the original cut? where can I find it?

TCM > Halloween > NOES > F13

fuck didn't realize we were talking about franchises. Not talking about franchises, this is the definitive ranking for the movies.

>is it better than the original cut?

>where can I find it?

thanks man, gonna watch it later

Great tier
Classic tier
Texas Chainsaw
Absolute poop tier
Scary man in mask cutting people up

Has anyone here watched Intruder from 1989? Some user recommended it on another slasher thread, it's great

>Id say Freddy wasnt fleshed out as much in second movie,third one with Wes Craven really expanded it.
but killing in dreams was his character and they through it out of the window