

How can DCucks even compete?

Lmao. I'd mock this but it's already too much a mockery.

>No consensus yet.

>RT scores

It's actually a good capeshit film. It's so refreshing to see something with a little more flavor than your usual, cookie-cutter superhero film. A little bit of diversity never killed anyone, just enjoy this fun experience guys.


>A little bit of diversity
literally 90% niggers
"little big" was in Thor, where for no reason they put niggers in fucking Asgard

Weren't they banning people for bad reviews

Iger bless you Based Marvel

>18 Marvel films so far in the MCU
>17 are about white superheroes with occasional minority sidekick
>1 is about a black superhero
>Sup Forums is losing their shit

literally proving thal white fragility is actually real hahahaha

>Fresh: 47
>Rotten: 0
kek'd, how do people still take the internet seriously at this point?

everyone loves it!

These idiots who rate the movie without with even seeing it should be banned. I am talking about the people who blindly give a movie 10/10 as well

fuck rotten tomatoes. it's still a nigger movie.

>y-you guys are hurt now and we are the ones laughing
You wish, faggots. You shills are being laughed at right now for acting like you won something LMAO

proving you like garbage films and capeshit thinking its "smart" and a "movement"

Personally I applaud something like Black Panther, and would encourage a Blue Marvel movie.

But if you don't see why someone would take issue with members of a Nordic pantheon being black then you're a troll or stupid.

There's no reason for Asgard to be multicultural. There's nine realms and could have just done like Martin's ASOIAF and made race organic to geography instead of presenting humanities default as multicultural.

It's as if there is an overarching agenda being pushed by Hollywood!

No one will ever take a RT score seriously ever again after this.

If the media had been honest and hailed Black Panther as Marvel's first Afrocentric movie I think people with good faith wouldn't have been upset.

But when you present it as a diverse movie you're just driving home that diversity is code for no whites.

As my previous post makes clear, I found the multiculturalism pushed in Thor as ridiculous. And if they'd inserted a bunch of whites in BP I'd understand black people's butthurt, but if Marvel was consistent with it's agenda it would have done this.

>purge negative reviews
>get 100% score

Diversity as in diversity in the MCU and capeshit in general, not diversity within "Black Panther" itself jfc

Spotted the Delusional DC Dickhead


That's what I thought after Wonder Woman but it didn't happen

Given the current state of film critisism this movie is basically rotten proof

>fan score
must suck not having any reading comprehension huh?

what's the difference? it's not like actual critics are allowed to publish negative reviews either

Sup Forums on suicide watch

I love how they think we're all gonna be really mad and try everything to bring the rating down when in reality we just love to laugh at these sad retards Kek.

>not giving a fresh review is a hate crime

Armond White will bring it down to 99%



Sup Forums is furious

>Whites are weak and fragile!

Now now!

Diversity kills.

So what's with people teasing Sup Forums about an alt-right movie winning?

im a liberal faggot and even i dont buy these ratings

Does this film have Porgs in it? I won't see it if it doesn't have Porgs in it.

>There's no reason for Asgard to be multicultural. There's nine realms and could have just done like Martin's ASOIAF and made race organic to geography instead of presenting humanities default as multicultural.
You are aware that the Norse gods in Marvel aren't actually gods or even European and are just super powered aliens who inspired the Nordic gods, yeah?

lol. I was never planning on seeing this shit. I have't seen a MCU movie in the theatre since Civil War. When it comes out on Netflix I will watch it for the KANG memes.

>(((black panther)))
to be honest im looking forward to it

>ethnonationalist film does well
>"ethnonationalists BTFO!!"
The state of shills.

please tell me thats an official image.

Neither do I but meta tomatoes hate my animes too.
It's a black movie with no diversity. No asians, no mexicans, no india indians and it calls for isolationism.It's pol as fug. I don't get why pol thinks jews did it. I don't see natalie portman. She was in Thor. A much more diverse movie with space elves.

>film industry and society in general are dominated by whites
>a film has mosty black cast
Yes, it's actually diverse, you dense fuck.


>black panther is pro ethnostate/far right

don't you see Sup Forums. the jews are pushing for full racial separation


>p- please go see our movie go- i mean guys
>don't be such party poopers


>Yet another "le I hate n*****s thread"
People of color live rent free in your heads /poltv/ I swear to fucking god.

I'm just gonna let you faggots ponder on this for a while.

I guess some people are too obsessed with the black race.

No one can criticize it harshly because it has black people (but that's okay!)

the reason they actually push the racemixing meme is that both sides will get angrier to a point where they will tear themselves apart ultimately crippling america

If Wakanda was a technological wonderland, then doesn't that just make Iron Man's technology kinda lackluster?

Nooooo! This can't be happening!!

Imagine being a regular poster on Sup Forums, reading this, and thinking you are automatically better than entire demographic blocks because you were born with white skin, and a penis and it helps your confirmation bias to deny your own insecurities.

God damn you people are sad

they all have aids

Aliens just means belonging to a foreign country or nation, and in this case planet.

You guys extrapolate so much from the term as if it equated Asgardians with little green men.

They were God's to the Nordic people's who based their culture on them, and even in the context of the Marvel universe there is no justification why these "alien" beings would randomly be different races when they all hail from the same location.

Without prior mixing a white woman will never have an African looking child.

because nigger sympathizers and purple haired twats are unhappy with the current political climate, they are grasping at anything to push an agenda. they are claiming that this black panther movie is the first film to feature a strong black lead. yet they forget about the ones that came before. Stan Lee is the problem. i hope that old faggot dies TODAY.

The existence of alien empires and the fact that Pym was fighting in a shrink suit during the Cold War kinda already did that

imagine diagnosing thousands of people online at once and also complain about how people stereotype a race

This amount of obsession over blacks is fucking embarrassing.

I swear, /tvpol/ must have had their dad cucked by a Black Man or some shit. Maybe they saw their dad being forced to eat that BLACK SEED.

i don't like niggers and i'm not required to. they don't like me either. get over it


Why is RT treated as the end all be all when Metacritic is objectively the better option?

>ethnonationalist film

You guys realize the conflict is gonna be about Wakandas who want to remain closed off and Tchalla, who wants to open up to the world like his father was going to?

That movie isn't even in the top 100 best films ever, faggot.

>get called a racist because you don't think Black Panther is 10/10

Gee, I wonder why people have a problem with it.


>50 out of 50 fresh reviews
>average critic score 8.6
>top critic score 9.4
is it time to admit that black panther will change kino forever?

>no justification why these "alien" beings would randomly be different races when they all hail from the same location.

There's no justification as to why they'd be human or speak English either...

>get called a racist because you don't think Black Panther
Pathetic Straw-man
You need to step your game up.

>film industry and society in general are dominated by ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((whites)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
What did he mean by this?

There are too many agendas in play to form a clear picture on how well this film is being received. It would be a very brave critic who went against the tide on this one. In the current climate it could be potentially career ending to do so.

The true verdict on Black Panther will be how well the inevitable sequel performs. How many people come back?

The true tragedy of this post is that Sup Forums allows butthurt permavirgins to shit up this board with their harebrained rants about "diversity", or absurd conspiracies. Stop it. Get help.

Wonder woman BTFO


People are going to be disappointed that the plot is rather thin

>I swear, /tvpol/ must have had their dad cucked by a Black Man or some shit

nailed it

cucking is not a crime


Whenever a new capeshit movie comes out Sup Forums is flooded with people talking about it. How is any of this news to you?

Have you seen the sheer amount of BLACKED spam here


The only difference between a fan score and a critic score now is owning a website.

not an argument. stay speechless

>admits datasets will not line up
L O L, you are spouting fucking bullshit and admitting it. There's no way in hell they can commit that many crimes being a minority of a population of 330 million people. It's literally impossible

On the bright side, we now have a new film to add to the pleb filter. From just Wonder Woman alone, I now know which of my friends are retarded. This Panther film will allow me to cut down my Christmas card list in half.


>average rating 8.6/10
That's the really embarrassing part


>Average Rating: 8.6
Why isn't the score and 86% then? This is why rotten tomatoes sucks.

>literally cant allow anyone to give the movie a bad review or you scream racism and russian alt-right bots
>its us who is fragile

it's run by Warner Bros. that's why.