Would Blade Runner 2049 be a successful hit if it didn't lack merchandise and advertising?

Would Blade Runner 2049 be a successful hit if it didn't lack merchandise and advertising?

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It would never be good. The original was never good. You retards need to stop pretending that a guy you like being in a movie makes it good


Blade Runner is shit, replicants look, act, feel exactly the same as humans and that's the big genius "point" of the franchise.

Im glad it wasn't successful and so is Denis. He knows that if it was, the Reddit nu-male Star Wars crowd would demand:
>Joshi standalone when!! xD
>I hope they bring in a fat Asian for the next film to teach the Resistance about hope!
>Why was Wallace always mansplaining?
He truly cares about the Blade Runner universe and so made a film that was highbrow enough and long enough to ward off Reddit. Only patricians will watch this Masterpiece and that's how it should be.

>it was meant to shit!
>it was a financial failure on purpose!

No one said its shit, its great. But it was never going to be a box office success when they didn't try to appeal to a mainstream audience. The length and depth of the story reflect that you brainlet faggot

It made its budget back and a couple millions more, any investor for a sequel to fucking Blade Runner of all things should be grateful to their god that it did that well and know that projections are to scam idiots into pumping in more capital.


>buying rick deckard the chickenhead
lol no

When did NECA figs start looking like current non-Marvel Diamond figs?


It would have gone better if they didn't spend money on making all that shit

Fuck off faggot.

It will be remembered as great in 15 years.

They haven't. The actual figures look pretty great in person.

This IS a troll thread though.

>Doesn't like reddit runner
>so hes reddit
makes sense

More people on here liked it than on reddit according to the polls


You read the polls wrong slash you are the guy who keeps posting it.

Why didn't you just put a "/" in?


Look at how big the Goose's brain and balls are. LOL

To annoy you

maybe he dictated his post