Jazz thread. You guy's like Ornette Coleman? ha ha just kidding lets talk about the reality show.
Jazz thread. You guy's like Ornette Coleman? ha ha just kidding lets talk about the reality show
I feel bad for Jazz. His mother is fucking crazy.
I don't have any of the webms. I just saw there was no jazz thread and wanted one.
i dreamed about jazz last night
i don't even shitpost in these thread wtf
even though there so many images of his that show off the fat, it's this closeup of his face that repulses me the most
fuck off faggots
Has anyone put their benis in that tight turd cannon yet?
tfw you can't wait until Jazz is 18
based jazz poster
that's a man
what happened in your dream user?
le atrocidad
New kinosode today, right?
>mom blocks your puberty and gets a camera crew to follow you daily
child abuse desu
Would love to keep this thick little faggot as a dungeon slave
Everything I know about Jazz is shes a small penis trap.
>im in
her life is fucked, absolutely fucked
hopefully she makes enough money from this stupid show to coast through life because its going to be fucking hell
I legit find him/her cute. Not quite skyler-like, but acceptable.
Do we really need the same thread 10 times a day, every day?
>Do we really need the same thread 10 times a day, every day?
it's clearly a shilling campaign or either literal faggots being trolls.
Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with her?
I actually do really like Ornette Coleman.
fat boy with tits and long hair...
feel bad for him tbqh
>it's clearly a shilling campaign or either literal faggots being trolls
point proven
The kid needs serious psychological help with his gender dysphoria delusions. He’s living in a fantasy world and everyone else is just going with it like it’s acceptable.
it's no mystery, unless you are completely accustomed to the recent way politics of gender have change this show is one of the strangest things on tv. not to mention the popularity of trans porn on this website. it's silly to think this is some shill or troll when these threads qre always successful and it's obvious why people want to talk about this.
>He’s living in a fantasy world and everyone else is just going with it like it’s acceptable
and it's being televised, welcome to the 21st century :)
that huge kitchen trap
Did she change her hair or something?
He must be on antidepressants and antipsychotics, something like a combination of prozac and zyprexa. That weight gain is insane.
"Skylar's" friend "Britt" was on them too and didn't become a whale.
subhuman of the muttville
the TV (read: television) part is new but not the rest:
Herodian commented that Elagabalus enhanced his natural good looks by the regular application of cosmetics.[45] He was described as having been "delighted to be called the mistress, the wife, the queen of Hierocles" and was reported to have offered vast sums of money to any physician who could equip him with female genitalia.
they generally cause massive weight gain, you could easily put on 100 pounds
I have a cousin who looks like jazz
Om nom nom nom
Yep! There will be a stream up later for it
I believe in one of the episode's when Jazz is talking with a therapist or something, he says that all he wants to do is stay in his room, watch tv, and eat. He's clearly depressed and using food for comfort.
Do Americans actually do this?
what's her number
Is this a current image? She has a cute belly.
Is s/he related to Abella Danger?
No idea
I want to feed Jazz.
Are those tiddies real?
What gender is it?
Yep. She confirmed on his YouTube.
no, they forgot the large fries and coke
you guys realize that these threads are made by utterly disgusting trash human beings right? Their sole intent is to normalize and fetishize these sick abominations. No normal human being would keep making a thread about this creature.
be fat ?
He does see a therapist of course. I unironically think he had a major breakthrough in that past-life regression session. It's so obvious but he can't bring himself to say it because of the massive implications it would have on his life, family and worldview. One of the most tragicthings I've ever seen. I had (satirical) thoughts to kidnap him from abusive mother and raise him up right, take him camping and play catch. I just want to have hope that he can escape and be ok someday instead of an hero :'^(
>normal human
>Sup Forums
quickest transition ever recorded
>mommy why am I a girl?
>Because you were born a girl baby
>but you say I am a trans so I am not a real girl then
>Trans girls are real girls, they are the most beautiful girls
>*grins* but does that mean I was not always a girl?
>Well when you were born there was a tiny mistake, the doctors thought you were a boy
>oh, and then what happened?
>I always knew you were my princess, when you were baby you liked to play barbies, and you would walk on my high heels too, you would always tell me wish you could be a girl, so that's why you are one now
>oh yeah wearing your shoes was fun, I don't really remember saying that stuff though
>Well you did, you knew you were a girl since you were 15 months old
>since I was a baby?
>Yeah, you have always been my girl
>do you think I will get to be a boy sometime too?
>No because you are not a boy, you are mommy's girl, you know mommy loves her baby girl right? It makes mommy sad that you don't want mommy to love you
>sorry mommy I do love you, I don't want you to be sad, I love being your girl
>I know honey, you will always be my baby girl, but please don't ever say you want to be a boy again
>ok mommy will you forgive me?
>Yes, I forgive you baby girl, now go get ready we need to go to your parade
>ok mommy I'm sorry
it's weird if you genuinely think you're a vampire or a werewolf medical doctors generally don't help you become one
David Foster Wallace once wrote a piece about David Lynch. In the piece, he coined a new term: "Lynchian". Wallace described a Lynchian tone as "the unbelievably grotesque existing in a kind of union with the unbelievably banal."
He described a husband beating his 1950s housewife to death because she bought the wrong brand of peanut butter. "I told you to buy the JIF," he'd say as he's clobbering her to death. This, he said, would qualify as almost perfectly Lynchian.
I think "I Am Jazz" enters into Lynchian territory. The .webm above shows a simple domestic scene. The women look like average suburban moms. They're relaxing on the couch. One imagines they might be discussing casserole recipes when we cut to them. But it slowly dawns on us that in the living room, with placid expressions on their faces, they're talking about the woman's transvestite son's genitals.
Despite the obvious subtext and the producers' hope to normalize this horror, the average person is totally disgusted. Nevertheless, the viewer is fascinated. We're drawn further into this. The sheer naked horror of what they're saying, the blase quality with which they're saying it, it creates this brutal paradox that almost rapes the viewer's basic sense of what is decent.
No that was when she started her bulk
Listen to this woman (female) talk about these same things and the bullshit they are shoving down kids throats, she actually makes sense.
>If I were to say, "Doctor, I am suicidal. I am an amputee trapped in a normal body. Please, surgically remove my leg." I'll be diagnosed with body identity integrity disorder. But if I walk up to that same doctor and say, "I am a man. Sign me up for a double mastectomy." my physician will.
g-guys am I b-based yet?
dirty pig
La goblina
Lonely Woman is my favorite jazz song of all time
honestly delete this
>I will say this up front, this is an observation, not a claim about causation
>but I am completely implying causation and without it I would have no point for writing this dumb article
damn got anymore anti-trans content? shit makes me feel like im living in brave new world
it was pretty quick
i think i was walking down the street with someone (i think it was my mom), and then jazz passed by riding a bicyle, and then i told to the person next to me "hey, that's a transsexual, i know it from the threads on Sup Forums"
it was weird because i saw jazz's face crystal clear
based taste
>"hey, that's a transsexual, i know it from the threads on Sup Forums"
that's hilarious
is she bulking?
And its beautiful.
Men gave their lives fighting to protect this lol
Loved her as MJ in the new Spiderman
>> You're OK for surgery, just be careful about your weight
>>Binge Eat until oblivion to not have surgery.
With the pression of her crazy mother and her fucking show, it would not be surprising that it is the only way for her to keep her genitals intact.
It the same things with "my big fat fabulous life", it begins as a positive show, with (so-called) empowered individuals and at the end, you get a freak show with wrecked life for crazy people.
>hurr people died
this is liberty, whitey
you can go die some more whenever you feel like it
Reminder that this guy is the producer of this freak show. How does that make you feel Sup Forums?
He also tried to make a show about the KKK, what a madman.
Hurr liberty hurr
Im azn fag
There is actually lots of stuff like this on youtube, it just never gets talked about anywhere because it's not politically correct, but there is still common sense out there that's for sure.
Dios mio
Linebacker bulking to play for the patriots next season
Skyler has grown up.
you're a bigot if you don't support this thread
she looks like she fucks black guys
...la horròr...
>You will never tease Jazz while slipping his femme dick back and forth into your mouth and laughing at his inability to ejaculate, as you prod his boipucci with your fingers, his face twisting in humiliation and pleasure.
iran my benis in2 ur mudder!
so hot
>Chewing with an open mouth on television
North Americans are absolutely revolting
you can still ejaculate without getting hard
what kind of gayboy are you
Isn't Jazz eating due to depression?
This might just end up in suicide.