Which movie character fictional or not had the most onscreen confirmed kills?

Which movie character fictional or not had the most onscreen confirmed kills?
That is kills by their own hand and not atomics or WMDs or proxy killers.
In one movie or a series of films who is the master death dealer?
My vote is John Rambo through his trilogy he racks up major commie kills.
Next would be Zatoichi the blind swordsman just through the sheer number of films he's appeared in(26 not including his TV show)

Rambo vs. Zatoichi? The outcome depends entirely on loadout and arena.

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Kenny McCormick

God from every movie ever

If the person isn't fictional then surely at least some of them wouldn't be filmed

God IS a WMD

True, American Sniper racked up way more kills then depicted in his movie, same with Audie Murphy or Vasily Zaytsev.
But I'm just going for onscreen kills.

Topper Harley from Hot Shots Part Deux. They even did the research

I dont like the question. Certain movies just throw kill counts out for the lulz. Id like to find out which dramtic movie had the most kills. If its just any movie ever Id think it would be Watchmen

this post, best post, war truly is fantastic.

That's pretty good, but would Topper's 2 movies match the bodycount of all three Rambo or even Robocop films?

Not going by the movie kill count but by the individual character killing people with guns or his own hands.
Otherwise TFA and the like would be in contention with 5 planets getting blown up with one button press.

literally the only answer

Legolas from lotr and hobbit trilogy
dude has like 15k kills

the guy from Harikiri has 4 kills and 3 technical kills where he takes the top knots from skilled warriors, an embarrassment worse than being beheaded. Good dramatic film.

Oh ok. So only speaking from the violent impact from the movie Rambo. It also had the best tactical reloads on film other than The Way of The Gun.

Get that .50 up nigga

Smith from Shoot Em Up kills 141 people in the movie. Even uses a carrot in one scene. Good shit.


The guy that shoot Alderaan in the Death Star

Bombardier, Enola Gay...


Truly a man of taste. Tatsuya Nakadai's face while he is fighting is truly terrifying in a Japanese aesthetic, he literally looks like a demon from hell.
Audiences in the theatres at the time must have shit there pants seeing that face.

Read the OP again dingus


How its it different than tambo shooting? Its only a bigger gun

Is it onscreen? Do you see all 250,000 people die? Read the OP, retard.

WMD's don't count, In the movie he only killed a handful using his own strength or personal weapons.

It's a crew served weapon and a WMD, we're looking for tragedies not statistics.

I think his killcount his higher in hard boiled

need to rewatch this

More like Tatsoya lmao

Commies aren't people so he really didn't kill that much

Kersey is up there - by the third movie shit gets so out of hand and he is single-handedly mowing down over 50 gang members in the streets with a machinegun



entertaining, but the kill total in 3 has been passed by other films

I just love how a novel AGAINST vigilantism was spun into this

>Harikiri has 4 kills and 3 technical kills
Good flick, but how does that even rate... that only works out to like 5.5 total. Even the bald friend samurai from Seven Samurai had more on screen kills than that.

I was thinking about John Woo as well. Not sure which movie has the most though.

Honestly, prize probably goes to like a Troma flick or something in that vein. I'm sure one of the Toxie sequels outpaces at some point.

70's NYC was a truly magical time, something out of ancient myth like Camelot.