Alt-right movie getting praised and getting 100% RT score

>alt-right movie getting praised and getting 100% RT score
How did this happen?


white liberals are braindead

please let this meme to spread to normie space

someone actually went and made this image and gave it a hashtag

imagine if you all grew up and stopped watching capeshit :^)


Just because its not white nationalism doesn't mean its not radical racial nationalism.

only white people can be alt-right racists

give up on this meme its terrible

Hi Disney


But they're not being racist they're preserving their own kind

are you hoping for normies to share it? whats the aim?

I don't know how to is in the live action version, but the cartoon books it's actually accurate

>forcibly take black people from their country, enslave them, beat them and firehose them for 50 years
>”lmao they’re just like the alt right when they want to be left alone!”


How about that shit?
Everyone knows preserving your people and culture is racist racist racist.
Go to community college.

Black people can't be racist, sweetie.

What about niggers

jesus christ this circle jerking is making me sick. Whats next? you guys gonna make out while watching a jordan peterson compilation?


..and who were the people who helped the whites get those slaves in Africa? Ruling class Africans. They enabled the slave trade of their own people just because they wanted to get rid of the lower classes and make a profit.


nimble navigator


Yep, got a slot open if you want in.


You really gotta hand it to Disney. Making a film showing what a country can become under policies of isolationism and nationalism (ie. being left alone) appeals to conservatives. Since all the characters are black, liberals will eat it up without second thought.

why are alt righters the biggest cry baby pussys?

He's not, the whole movie is kicked off by the fact that he's against all of that shit and Killmonger takes advantage of how different his policies are to lead a coup against him

>Spend most of the past year deriding Black Panther as “we wuz kangz: the movie” and insisting it would fail
>Realize it’s not going to flop
>H-heh heh I’m not mad because Black Panther actually supports my worldview lol I was only pretending I wanted it to fail

The absolute state of /poltv/

Alt-right isn't a color. It's a state of mind.

Still a nigger

Oh no, they got to be slaves in America instead of slaves in Africa, or more likely the Middle East where they'd be castrated. And then their descendants were freed and they were given the magic of EBT.

>greentext strawman
heh people i don't agree with are dumb the absolute state imagine being X etc etc

so he's nothing like in the comics. more like blacked pussycat.

>so he's nothing like in the comics
It varies wildly depending on arc and writer

they were the natural response to SJWs, to keep the balance something even whinier and bitchier had to be born


The double-think and cognitive dissonance... my God, I feel it already.

>See user? TOLD you African blacks are/were wildly advanced, rich, and successful!
>"point out facts of OP's pic*
>Bu-b-b-bu-bu-bu *head explodes*

Well if it's any consolation to the legit alt-righters the movies going to flop overseas. Black cast films never do good over there in Asia, and they account for a large chunk of the box office. America only contributes a little compared to foreign. My prediction is the film ends up somewhere near or above Doctor Strange,

you got owned admit it

>that time a comic book writer decided Storm and TChalla had been in love for years because they both were from Africa
>Even though they'd had literally no interaction beforehand
>So he retconned an autistic child love backstory

Comics need to be burned

India seems fairly interested

Only white people can be racist. That's by definition. Look it.

It's going to ride an initial "hype-wave" in box offices, then it'll peter out and just be another example of the fall of Hollywood to capeshit, with a dash of shameless racial pandering thrown in for good measure.

The real impact happens when the rioters start burning airports for denying tickets to the influx of people wanting to reach the promised land of "Wakanda".

I know someone that bought a ticket to Wakanda, it reads "Rwanda". The man is in college...

how so

...said some black woman college professor.

It might have trouble in South America as well. They're kinda racist against Blacks too like the Asians. There's a lot of classism in Latin America, that's why you'll notice so many of their super models, actors, singers like countries like Brazil are usually their Italian, Portuguese, Polish, German descended population heh.

*superior mongrel intellect*

>Only white people can be racist