How the fuck did Manchester manage to fuck all these women when he worked as a janitor?

how the fuck did Manchester manage to fuck all these women when he worked as a janitor?

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Because he looked like Casey affleck

cause he didn't look like dis

Because he was physically attractive.

because it's a movie

You are so lost in this kissless virgin beta/Chad Sup Forums state that you think only 11/10 millionaire turbochads get laid.

Almost everyone is getting laid user, even that homeless fuck at the corner of your street

he's good looking and quiet so chicks think he's mysterious

no woman would ever open her legs for a fucking janitor, no matter how attractive he is

start living in real world and not porn fantasies, you cretin fuck


>Almost everyone is getting laid user, even that homeless fuck at the corner of your street
Except me.

The writer worked as a janitor but never got laid because he was a old ugly fuck, in the story he's chad

do you american retards really think his name was Manchester? you have no idea what Manchester really is, am I right?

Because he was by the sea

You just have to become redpilled and start lifting. It isn't that hard people.

Then why is the title about Him at the sea, CHECK & MATE

it was and he lived by the ocean hence the name Manchester by the Sea

he's not good looking though, kek. do you people legitimately think that anyone in movies is good looking?

This is true, if only chads got laid there would be no humans. Its not that chads are taking all the women, is that men on Sup Forums are retards who think they deserve a qt to begin with.


>men on Sup Forums are retards who think they deserve a qt to begin with.
This. You aren't entitled to a qt.

you can't be serious

There isn't a homeless person at the corner of my street

What's wrong with you, he's a Man, a man named Chester, who lives by the sea.
Stop over thinking it.

That's because he is busy getting laid

How do you know YOU aren't the homeless person on the corner of the street user. Mental illness is rampant in the homeless population, you could be hallucinating this whole thread right now.


That smelly broke fuck is getting some punani while these operator tier shit posters whine about being alone , fucking hell

Not even the most unbelievable thing. That would be why the police just let him go with "gee, it's not a crime to be high and drunk and neglect a fire hazard". He was 100% responsible and they should have investigated further and charged him with manslaughter and/or gross negligence.

White people don't get arrested.

I wouldn’t say almost everyone but a good majority of normies yeah

if you can't get laid you shouldn't bother with it too, you don't deserve to have fun and your weak genes aren't meant to be replicated
just move along and patiently wait for your death

its what im doing desu
ive given up on that and im just minding my business

>just move along and patiently wait for your death

That’s what they’re doing here, removing themselves from the gene pool and accepting being shit through shit posting

>gee, it's not a crime to be high and drunk and neglect a fire hazard
Yes, all of those are not crimes
>charged him with manslaughter and/or gross negligence
Not putting the firescreen on is manslaughter/gross negligence? This is the equivalent of someone forgetting to put the toaster off and burning the house down, should he go to jail because of forgetting to put the toaster off?

it was his wife's fault a log rolling out of the fire place isn't going to immediately burst your house into flames that thing was probably smoldering for a half an hour and she didn't even notice it fuck her

>that guy who comes here everyday acting superior
out out

Lifting isn't necessary to get laid. All people here need to do is to stay at your level. If you're 5 or 6 and you want a girl that is 8 then you will never got a chance. Only chad and ugly rich dude can fuck a good looking girl.

>implying its not true

only 40% males ever pass on their genes, as opposed to 80% of females, it's just nature

probably not

This. It's not hard to get laid. Shower. Talk to people. Do things.
That's all you need to do if you are at least a 5/10. For guys uglier, you need to work harder but it's not that difficult.
I was 21, 310lbs, man tits, mumble talked to people, made slightly above minimum wage, didn't have a car, and living with my parents and I still managed to lose my virginity. I actually got laid several times that year.

How did you do it senpai, tell me yer secrets.

some people actually enjoy (or feel they deserve to) living miserable lives without any kind of happiness, not everyone is some "qt deserving m'lady fedora white knight".
but then again that feeling might be the symptom of some serious mental illness

There's a difference between pussy and good pussy.

Look, every one of you faggot can get laid. Even the ugliest fucker in this thread. I can bet money on it. However, don't go expecting landing a heck of a dane. Your league probably consists of landwhales and old women. Scoring a genuinely attractive women is a whole other ball game, so that's where it gets tricky.

but I'm into milf, the whole mommy thing

Honestly I just want a wife and family.

how does a 5/10 like me fuck a 7/10 or an 8/10?

I wouldn't label milfs as an easy catch. Depends on how attractive she is. I've met an 18 year old milf with a mutt baby and she was pretty open for a date. I never continued on the conversation though for some reason.

kidnap a hot teen
See "Room" 2015

You're right, according to pornos only plumbers get laid. Goddamn brainlet

be rich/famous/or charismatic as hell
be musician or sell drugs
milfs usually mean 35+ mommy types for guys with incest/saggy tits fetish


get a ripped body to compensate for your average face.

Yeah. You're insane if you don't think an above average guy like Casey Affleck wouldn't be drowning in pussy irl. I've seen uglier guys clean fucking house on Tinder.

This. You can go on multiple dates a week with hot girls.

Fucking lol!!!!

He is good looking (at least above average) and has that "I'm a depressed asshole, please fix me" vibe, women are all over that.

LOL. In the real world, women sometimes go home with guys after five seconds of conversation. There are people having sex all the time without ever having told each other what they do for a living.

Look at this fucking dude, just look at him. You know jack shit about the real world and are accusing us of living in fantasies.

Girls don't give a fuck if you get them to like you. It doesn't matter how you do it, but this guy is 100% right.

Didn't watch the movie, did this guy fuck a lot of women? How is this told in the movie? I don't want to watch but am curious?


>You just have to become redpilled and start lifting. It isn't that hard people.

yes, user. if you get big, women will come to you automatically. you won't even need any social skills - just watch this guy here.

He doesn't fuck a single one but has the opportunity to do so. He denies them all coldly

based /ourguy/

i dont remember him fucking any women after "the incident"

>it's so easy to get laid, even you're an ugly guy!
explain how fewer than 30% of the men on tinder get dates through the app, while over 80% of women do

You have to have game

>for some reason
C’mon. Even fairly lefty normies tend to avoid coalburners. Even if you’re miraculously not one of the 99% put off by it she likely has STDs worse than regular herpes and a kid besides.

because women uses the app for validation, not to get laid

>just be confident!
Game is only appreciated in attractive people

You probably put women on pedestals. Women are repulsed by this behavior.

10000% true

Meh, he’s not wrong that lifting helps a shitton.
Steroid-dudes / lifestyle fags like that video are a different beast.
You wan’t the dudebro bod, or at least muscular twink, not the bodybuilder bod.

you're not wrong

>mutt baby
lol, is there a bigger warning sign??

>telling a guy to lift means telling him to get on testosterone and develop a disgusting roid gut
There's a middle ground you retard. Women objectively like guys with abs

Bull shit man.

I'm the most average dude you can find. 5'9, hair starting to receide, slightly crooked teeth.

Other than that I probably have an average face, and dress in a socially acceptable way.
I got about 10 dates from Tinder in 2 months and had sex with 5 girls.

You just have not to be a complete autist while making conversation, and have decent picture where you look like an actual human being and not a sociopath
If I can have dates it's probably 70% of the men that can

>If I can have dates it's probably 70% of the men that can
Not according to statistics. It's also way harder for non-white men.

is this the thread where we trash talk Sup Forums janitors and play it off like we're talking about a movie?

Janitors can't get laid. It's in their DNA. Have you ever met a janitor irl? They don't go out, they don't socialize.

>non-white men
non-white "men"

i miss the good will hunting threads desu

I know. What an idiot. He was a man named Chester.

>be non-white men
>try to fuck white chicks in white countries
lol, I'm Asian I feel sorry for the pathetic bananas who grew up thinking they were "white" as any Americans until puberty hit.
Stick with your own kind.

>that "I'm a depressed asshole, please fix me" vibe, women are all over that.
Huh. This explains that girl Idated.

Janitor is actually a well paying job if it's full time I'd take that any day senpai

>It's also way harder for non-white men.

Probably true.

However, a female friend of mine showed me how Tinder was from a girl's side and maybe 50% of the picture are just creepy guys in their bedroom, or just dude bros doing selfies in the gym (whixh some girls like, but plenty don't)

If you have a picture with friends that look nice, or a picture playing an instrument / doing something creative / rock climbing / cooking / whatever you actually like, you're already more attractive than half of the profiles really

manchester is the place not his name you retard

>This is true, if only chads got laid there would be no humans. Its not that chads are taking all the women, is that men on Sup Forums are retards who think they deserve a qt to begin with.

>non-white men
lol, most of the white women that wanted me were old, fat, married to cucks who wanted me to be the bull, fucking gross

How did Michelle Williams get Oscar nominated for about 10 minutea of screen time?

Pretty much any man with a job who's in somewhat decent shape and isn't ugly can get laid, provided he's not a social retard.

They're small-town cops who knew him personally and felt bad for him. It's the same reason they tackled him when he grabbed that gun instead of just shooting him on the spot.

>being a newshite bong


I know a 5/10 looking janitor who has a 5/10 gf.

why is this so funny