Shows Over wytpipol

>Social justice activists at a New York high school successfully shut down a production of “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” after a white student landed a lead role.

>Protests of the production began when an African-American student quit Ithaca High School’s musical production due to the role of Esmeralda being given to a white classmate.

>“It shows you that theater wasn’t made for you," the student told the Ithaca Journal. "And it shows you that, if you can’t get the parts that are written for you, what parts are you going to get?”

>Student activists then banded together under the umbrella of Students United Ithaca and wrote a letter that included a list of demands, saying that, while the young lady cast as Esmeralda was “a stellar actor, singer, and dancer” any production would be “lucky to have,” she couldn’t be cast in this role because she is the “epitome of whiteness.”

>“epitome of whiteness.

She should get a lawyer and sue all of them personally. Das raycisss.

>implying gypsies can’t be white

this is a major victory for The Movement these kids are hella brave and on point

Good, whiteness needs to be eradicated.

If you're non white and you're not taking advantage of this, then don't complain if your life is shit.
Get your dreams made true by aggressive diversity.

Hahahahahaha crusty mayonnaise BTFO yet again

all those students are the epitome of whiney gimmie dat nigs

It's now ok to be openly racist against white people and normies are acting like everything's just normal and fine. There is no hope.

>Protests of the production began when an African-American student quit Ithaca High School’s musical production due to the role of Esmeralda being given to a white classmate.

Seriously all because a nigger got angry she didn't get what she wanted.

>against white “people”

Nope. Learn how racism works, sweetie!

El abominacion...

>"if you can’t get the parts that are written for you"
>Esmeralda, a Roma woman, was written to be played by sub-Saharan black person.
Haha, w-white fragility in action, r-right guys?

>parts that are written for you

Esmeralda isn't black

But... But Esmeralda was white in the novel. She wasn't ethnically a gypsy.

Where did this notion even come from that white people must amend their culture for the benefit of non-white people, while non-white people get to exclude white people because they're white?

You see, originally the idea was "We're all the same, so let's treat each other as if we all were one race". It didn't work, and racism didn't disappear.

>whole thing cancelled because uppity black didn't get her way
That'll get you some friends.

she was probably a spic even though in the book she was a French Romanian and Disney fucked her up by making her look Spanish

So we're dealing with non-white privilege now? Christ it's an unending vicious cycle isn't it?

end black privilege.

So logically, it must be wypipo's fault. As soon as they're gone, racism will end and the worldwide utopia will surely begin.

ayo lemme get dat *smacks lips*

television & film

it'll be those lyte skinn niggaz at fault

crackas BTFO

Fuck off to reddit
Also do Americans actually watch Fox news?

are you arguing the validity of the story based on its source
also you dont watch a website

>Americans don't even know fox is both a "news* tv channel and "news" website

>a play written nearly 2 centuries ago
>somehow written for someone in 2018

>100% french, was kidnapped by gypsies in Hugo novel
>is portrayed as tan romanian in disney film which becomes new headcanon for sjw nogs

Normally I’m against this type of bullshit and believe the roles should go to the one most qualified, but come on Sup Forums they kinda have a point. And I hate niggers being cast for white roles just as much as whites being cast in brown roles.

the funniest part about this is that the movement is BEING LEAD BY THAT WHITE GUY

what kinda shit is this anyways

Is he what is called a "soy boy"?

what point is that?

You should google the 5 biggest corporations that control all consumer media output, then you should google what ethnicity holds a controlling stake in these corporations that dicate to the population what is "right" and what is "wrong"

>Also do Americans actually watch Fox news?
Considering it's been proven to be the most balanced of all the media, yes they do. They also are the number 1 cable news channel.



Are you sure he is a white guy and not a (((white guy)))?

His name is Ari, sounds ljewish

So am I right in my assumption that they're acknowledging that a BLACKED Asgard is an offense to both sight and sensibility?

what a coincidence


it's okay to be white

>>>an African-American student quit Ithaca High School’s musical production due to the role of Esmeralda being given to a white classmate.
>>“It shows you that theater wasn’t made for you," the student told the Ithaca Journal.
>>"And it shows you that, if you can’t get the parts that are written for you, what parts are you going to get?”
>a nigger
She's a fucking gypsy you cunts aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh

>It's okay to be white

Imagine auditioning and and getting thepart because you're the best singer. You text your mom and stuff.

Then this shit happens


>epitome of whiteness
el ogro de las americas...

I’m not one of those “WHITE GENOCIDE NOOOOOO” people but this is blatant racism desu
60 years ago it would have been whites bitching about a black kid in a school play but now it’s the opposite

Dumb niggers don't even know where gypsies came from. Did you honestly expect anything else? Their only reference point is a Disney film. They pribably think Pocahontas was just high yellow.

>just realized that white people are were black people were 50 years ago
>and vice versa

proofread you fucking swine


Imagine those white kids right now, they must be pretty redpilled right now.

I wish. Probably not tho.


"white genocide" is just using one of the expanded UN definitions of genocide invented mostly for shit that was going down in African countries in the 90's,which is a deliberate attempt to dilute or replace one existing ethnic population with another, which is obviously happening in "white" countries.

I don't like the terminology, but it was basically an attempt from 90's era evil white nazis to use the vocabulary of the kind of people who are probably totally on board with "white genocide" against them.

Is this nigger slang?

it's okay to be white


I truely wonder at what point normies will wake up and take a stand against this monsense


When it's too late

It's okay to be white



el atrocidad...

Is there an outlet other than fox news that has covered this?

Fuck niggers, this is some bullshit

Nah, the real problem is that they let five kids bully the entire school.

He’s just trying to get that chocolate pussy, you can’t blame him

>the parts that are written for you
Unless there were gypsy students at the high school, I'm pretty sure the part wasn't "written for" any of them. As an Indo-European people, a white person would be closer to a gypsy tham a black person or a part-native Hispanic. But that shouldn't even matter because colorblind casting in theatre is a long-established tradition, I've seen productions of Othello where characters other than Othello were black (which would make no sense in-story because Othello's darkness is a unique point of note) and you were just supposed to use your suspension of disbelief, because all that mattered was giving the best actors the roles their acting fit.

So glad I'm not in school with these animals.


I'm glad to see Fox News is covering hard-hitting topics like local high school plays.

I somehow doubt they were adapting the Disney version. Esmeralda is French in the original source.

So some nigger literally chipped out because she didn't get to be a brown girl from a cartoon she saw as a kid, despite they weren't even adapting it. Probably didn't even realize Esmeralda in the cartoon was a Roma either. Niggers actually do think they are a part of European history. Thanks BBC.

quite honestly this is why the stage is dead. They never found a way to compete with other artforms in terms of entertainment value, so they reduced themselves to political stunts and stupid gimmicks.

I'm usually pro-race changing as long as it makes sense for the character and keeps the spirit of the character or is a explicit AU. But this makes no sense. Esmeralda wouldn't have been black. Did no Middle Eastern, half-Asian, or Hispanic girl audition? They would at least be closer looks-wise to the popular Disney version. Where are they getting that Esmerelda was written black?

>nigger quits because she thinks gypsies are sub Saharan
So now niggers are having things shut down because they're too stupid to know they're factually incorrect? What next, demand hollywood cancel the next movie that depicts Jesus with a non-african actor?

Esmeralda was Gypsy, shes not African, which are sadly 100% European

God Niggers are so fucking stupid, they think anyone with dark skin has to be African



delet this

>students, parents and the faculty no longer need to watch a shitty school play
SJWs, the accidental heroes

Esmeralda is White, you fucking retard

Esmerelda was French though, some gypsies gave birth to a deformed son and swapped it with some French couples baby.

Even if you go by Disney's Esmerelda, she's medium-dark with Caucasian features, not a full-on Nog.

Also, in 17th century France who the fuck is gonna believe that anyone would want to fuck a nigger when theres all kind of beautiful white women everywhere? HAH fuck suspension of disbelief

DAILY REMINDER: the ((people)) pushing the "56%" mem are trying to play the European whites against the American whites in an attempt to keep us fighting each other. You're smarter than that; don't fall into the trap.

you mad white boi




>dark skin
>isn't black


It's not a cycle, there was never a time when whites showed up in a black nation and whined until they got special privileges. What's being done to whites is a crime without precedent.



she's aware of how much rejection there is in the acting world right? Is she going to cry racism everytime? What a baby.

If anything, Disney's Esmeralda is too white for a gypsy. Gypsy != Romanian.

Different kind of gypsy. Roma come from India, pikeys come from Ireland, but both are equally terrible so I understand the confusion.


Not a bongistani but I never understood what pikeys actually are. As far as I understand they are actually ethnically Irish, but for whatever reason adopted roma culture?


Liberalism = racism against whites