How long has Sup Forums hates game of thrones

Seriously some of your responses to the Star Wars news are surprising. Is it mostly the later seasons that diverted from the material are bad? When did GoT go bad?

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>How long has Sup Forums hates game of thrones

what did he mean by this

When it cast Emilia Clarke.

since like season 2 or 3

>When did GoT go bad?
when this line was uttered

>watch this big scene where the Lord's of the North declare that Jon Snow is more of a Stark than even his brother was.
>Reaffirm their allegiance to House Stark.
>Declare him King
>They still call him Snow.

Season 3 was the last consistently good season

Honestly worst actress they could have possibly chosen.

The show ended with the Red Wedding, that was clearly all D&D cared about when they signed up. Everything after that has been a desperate rush to cut as many plotlines as possible and end.

Always hated game of reddit

Season 5. Don't listen to the idiots who point to any earlier breakpoint, they're just fishing for (You)s.

>When did GoT go bad?

I only really like the first season. They changed WAY too much from the books after that. And there are many bad actors in that show.

Casting/acting in the early seasons was pretty good though.
It's only lately that Emilia, Quasimodo and Boy George have been given larger roles.

Yes there are some great actors mixed in with shit ones.

The exact moment when Tywin died and Tyrion was treated like a good guy for doing it while he goes on a rape and pillage spree in the books afterwards and is far from moral le meme dwarf.

The definitive answer


Since Season 2 afair.

>Is it mostly the later seasons that diverted from the material are bad

somewhere between these two costumes

After season 3, when the focus shifted from intrigue and politics to action and dragons.

Yeah, what did she mean by that?

>When did GoT go bad?
season 4/5

by the end season 3, the red wedding.
((they)) saw that everyone was shocked by what happened, and then almost EVERY episode ended with an "epic" moment or speech, so people react and generate buzz

just like at this:
this is the audience that GoT is aimed to, i'm not memeing

how many times have seen daeneris give a speech in front of brown people while some sort of epic music plays in the background? that's what redditors want

hey can someone post that picture of king robert and he's like screaming and stuff?

>only good character in the show trying to kill the genocidal psychopath bitch
>audience cheers when he fails
Fuck I hate this earth

You don't understand OP. If you don't follow GoT then you haven't seen what happened.

D&D, the showrunners, were fine with the earlier seasons where they were just straight-up adapting the books. But when they ran out of book material, and had to start coming up with plotlines themselves, the quality plummeted tremendously. And I'm not talking about some Sup Forums meme-tier low quality, I'm talking actual low quality. For another point of reference, one of the two guys wrote X-Men Origins: Wolverine before doing GoT.

Season 1-4 had bad moments but Season 5 is the first that just felt off to me it's hard to describe. I guess it's the sand sneks that gave the feeling that D&D write horrible O.C.

the director or whoever was in charge of the episode, said in an interview that the battle was seen from jaime's point of view, so the audience would "emotionally" side with him, because all his comrades suffer horrible deaths..
and since they know daenerys is one of the "good guys", the audience would feel confused

but as you can see, the audience didn't see it that way

How did we go from this... THIS.

Is this actually from GoT? He looks like a fucking persona.

>Dr Qyburn, I'm King's Landing

Sup Forums started hating it in season 4 because that was the first season that aired after it got popular due to the red wedding going viral this

this might have worked, if they hadn't undid all of his earlier character development that made him somewhat sympathetic by making him a rapist for no reason.

Name my band Sup Forums


this is one case where the Sup Forums hates it because it's popular doesn't hold up, the writing has been in a spiral since then from solid to complete nonsense.

Season 3 was the peak.
tywin's murder at the end of season 4 was the end of game of thrones in it's prime.


I hate her character more than anything else in GoT. She always makes impulsive decisions based on emotions without thinking it through.



Sup Forums started hating it around season 4ish

Needed the costume departments money for cgi

Not entirely. Sup Forums started to shit on it becsuse it got popular, but as it got more and more popular the jews started pandering to normies, ignoring the books and making more and more oc

This. It started getting bad in season 3 but it had had 2 good seasons so you had to give it the benefit of the doubt for a while. By halfway through season 4 it was clear it wasn’t going to get good again

"Ok Mr Weiss, here are the latest costumes for Dany's entoura-"
"I'm... I'm sorry sir?"
"B-But we've already made the majority of the outfits on the show out of leath-"
*sighs* "Yes sir. We'll get right on it"
>David: Also dye the whole fucking lot black.

This. S4 was a small step doen. S5 was a fucking massacre of my patience and ability to give a shit.

GoT was/is shit because the books are shit.
D&D ran THE FUCK out of the show and made it
the most succesful ever so I can see why Disney hired them.

go home dabid.

your pizza is here george

left to right:
cuck, manlet, nigger, retard, oldfag, soyboy

>while he goes on a rape and pillage spree in the books afterwards
Did I miss some book or something? Diddn't he just wind up at the fat merchants house, then traveled and met the NotBlackfyre Targ, traveled the river, getting captured, then a boat while getting feelings for Penny and only now became part of some sellsword legion?
He is indifferent to many suffering, to others not. But in no way would I discribe him as evil. He only cares for his own life which is not that damnable.


since the start the books are trash and the show is terrible too, that was my opinion from the get go, I don't care what Sup Forums's opinion was at the time.

Season 5

Dropped it as soon as I find out they're diverging from the books and giving Robb a strong womyn waifu. Glad I cut my losses early. And from what I hear, all the meme shit in new seasons makes that look like a trivial thing in comparison.

S5 - not the BEST season
S6 - not really well-written. rushing it a lot
S7 - holy shit GoT is awful now, what the hell

Each season has a bigger budget & cooler action scenes than the previous

Each season has worse writing than the previous

when stannis burned shireen

Why ?

why what?

he fucked an underage whore, saw that she didn't like it and was probably enslaved, then he fucked her again

Season 1 was GOAT television.
2-4 were fucking great.

Season 5 was a bigger disaster than the first World War, putting GoT into the same bin as the Harry Potter movies and the Star Wars sequels.

this desu plus sand snakes

Everything also looks way shittier somehow.
The costumes in particular.

Oh well, you have to think in the context of setting and time.
That is no real atrocity.

This was the moment I started losing faith in the series.

and it gets even dumber when the stupid bitch comes to assassinate the prince with her fucking whip in an enclosed space


Once the writers found out that decent writing was unnecessary and all the normies thought that unexpected character deaths and quips counted as great writing.

The Red Wedding was the beginning of the end.

they caught him in a weak moment when he had cooldown on everything useful

Mountain looks ok, otherworderly enough.
The Tyrell fucking shits on the other hand...

Season 1-4 were golden age

Season 5 had some bad sections but still felt enough like thrones to be enjoyed

Season 6-7 are just fan-service. This was inevitable when you have the plotlines like stark reunion, dany coming to westeros, jon/dany/tyrion all together, etc. Game of Thrones was always supposed to be realistic but now we have stuff like dany saving jon beyond the wall at the last second. It sucks that we'll probably never see the final book in this great story.

Season 5 is when it started going downhill, it's still enjoyable imo but it just doesn't have the depth it used to, season 4 was the peak.

Even though I agree seasons 6-7 were a step down from the rest, saying they're fan service just feels like a cop out, because even if the events in 6/7 were intended from the very beginning from grrm himself people would still complain about it since they've had a stupid amount of time to produce theories and basically predict what it going to happen, I feel like nothing short of pure genius would satisfy book readers at this point.

GOT has always attracted the redditors.

>Cersei Lannister, I'm House Targaryen

5 was a noticeable step down despite having probably the best episode in the entire series. 6 was an improvement. I'm one of those plebs who still loves it though, to be honest.

Since season 4. A few contrarians before that but season 4 is when everyone who actually liked the show dropped it.

Red Wedding ruined the show. The popularity soured and a million normies came to the show. These normies didn't like the show for anything other than ebin shock value and boobs but still bandwagoned. When they started to complain about how confusing and boring the first seasons were (they do this, ask any normie fan and they'll say the first seasons are bad), D&D had to dumb it down. With the real fans being a minority, What made the show good was gradually replaced with what the new "fanbase" wanted, ie cgi, dumb action, boobs and shit jokes. Today you won't find a single person who liked the show enough to read the books that think it has been good for years. Also D&D got hubris and started to replace book material with their own trash.

>The Redditor outs himself while complaining about Redditors

season 5 it all started with Dorne

You could see the rot in season 2, but it still had moments. 3 was bad. 4 and after was pure garbage.

>Season 1
Solid, no issues

>Season 2
Small issues with unneccessairy deviations from the books (house of black and white for example) only book autist puritans dislike it though, still solid

>Season 3
More issues, Stannis is butchered and many deviations but overall it's still great

>Season 4
Big drop. Doesn't feel like GoT as much and there's a lot of sloppyness, bad writing, dumbed down story and it's almost only deviations save for the main plot and events now. Show still do those events justice though and it's enough to make it watchable

>Season 5
Pure trash. Mostly fanfiction, bad writing, more stannis butchering, nothing makes sense anymore. Most people gave up here

>Season 6/7
Literally worse than fanfiction at this point and the execution of a C-tier porno. Nobody who liked season 1 and 2 are left and it's just braindead normies pretending to like the show while not even watching.

>Nobody who liked season 1 and 2 are left and it's just braindead normies pretending to like the show while not even watching.

You're incredibly wrong.

full disclosure i'm not a book reader but I don't understand how anyone could say s4 was bad in any way? it's night and day compared to season 5 onwards.

GRRM is in a similar position to how stephen king was with the dark tower, no matter how it ends it'll never live up to the readers expectations

Season 1 was great, from then on it took a nosedive but it was still good untill Season 4. Season 5 was jumping the Shark and since then it has been fucking garbage.

it's simple
Seasons 1-3 are most accurate to the books, particularly in tone. Despite some weak performances, a handful of contrivances and sluggish pacing, the show is up to this point a highly watchable drama with characters for a variety of people to root for.
Seasons 4+5 completely shit the bed. The previous seasons were all working up to the big horrorshow of the red wedding and everything that follows feels hollow and underwhelming by comparison. Dorne is introduced and is laughably irrelevant for the duration of the show, Ramsay takes center stage as a mary sue faggot and just about everyone who made the show watchable following the RW are killed off.
Seasons 6+ are a joke. Walking Dead grade writing which just serves to railroad John Snow into Emilia Clarke's fat pussy. A slovenly, cynical display of lack of foresight and arrogance. Shame on you HBO, and shame on me for continuing to watch this show, even the final, horrible season still to come.
Fuck you all!

It just feels more sloppy. I think the costumes got downgraded and the writing is just weaker and as much attention to detail and character/world building isn't given. Think about memorable scenes from season 1, there's all kinds of scenes with people just talking like the one with Tywin and Jaime in the tent. How many of those scenes are in 4? I just remember the big action/shock scenes from there.

You're right that it's night and day with 5 though. If 4 is a 7/10, 5 is a 3/10.


Season 1 was the best season just because it stayed almost exactly the same as the books, but as the seasons went on, they decided to keep changing unnecessary things from the books until when they ran out of source material it became literal fan fiction tier. With how D&D writes certain characters and just the writing in general makes me wonder if they've actually read the books because it's just embarrassing how bad things have gotten.

Personally for me my favourite episode of the entire show is season 4 episode 1 and it's not a big action/hype episode, the dialogue in that episode is just fantastic. I feel that way for a decent amount of the episodes in season 4, season 5 was just utter dog shit though for real.

That's why I said it was inevitable in later seasons. If we do get the books it should be better because these plotlines will be able to be stretched out instead of being restricted to 'x' amount of screentime.

It's a damn shame they didn't wait 10 years to start got so we had better material, but then i'm not sure the show would have been as good without some of the actors in the show, maybe i'm just being a fanboy but there's at least 5 characters I can't imagine being portrayed as well as the current show.

Tywin/oberyn/tyrion/the hound/jaime if you were wondering who.

Remember that Sup Forums actually liked S5E8, despite it being 100% OC and in the midst of the anti-GoT wave that was the trainwreck of season 5. This was because it was actually a good episode. This shows that Sup Forums aren't just contrarians.

Something that is really fucking sad is that Season 1 had INCREDIBLE donut steal scenes that not only were great on their own but also were serve to give more exposure to characters we don't know that well in the books.

The scene were Robert and Cersei talk about their relationship and how they hate each other but they are basically holding the entire kingdom together and then finish with Robert confessing that he doesn't even remember Lyanna's face. I think that is one of my favorite scenes in the entire series, sad to see what the series became since it was a lot of potential for more shit like that in the rest of the series.