Why didn't they put the Ring in a locked box so no-one could put it on?
Why didn't they put the Ring in a locked box so no-one could put it on?
ring would have shrunk between the atoms and gotten out
Because then the key would be the most sought after item in Middle-Earth.
the eagles could've flown the box away
a mithril box, only penetrable by giant spiders
This always bothered me. Why would they allow the Ring to be completely accessible, merely dangling from a chain on Frodo's neck, when they all knew that it would tempt and corrupt everyone around it? What they should have done is put the ring in a box, locked it, threw away the key, and then give each member of the fellowship an identical box so nobody would know who actually had the Ring, wouldn't be tempted by it because its locked away and wouldn't be able to put it on either.
An idea that makes sense in a Sup Forums LoTR thread?
2018 sure is weird
>breaks open all the boxes
so frodo was pretty useless in the end ayy, couldn't even ditch the ring properly. samwise did most of the work. why doesn't he get most of the credit?
Because if one of the fellowship, say, fought a balrog and fell down a chasm and died, they wouldn't know if they still had the ring
Good point especially since Gandalf could hold a letter that contained the one ring, having it be put in a strong locked box into a backpack would of helped keep the fellowship from falling apart.
Because he didn't share the loan.
Was Sauron a cyclops? Why did he only have one eye?
The ring could have compelled anyone to open the box. It's just as easy for the ring to make someone put it on if it's just lying there as it is to make someone open a box (even a very strong locked one) to put it on.
Why didn't Aragorn send his invincible ghost army to mordor and kill sauron?
why didnt they put the ring on one of the ships the elves were running away on? even if the elves didnt want it shititng up the undying lands they could throw it in the sea halfway across. fish dont have fingers to pick it up and nazghul clearly fucking hate water.
Because destroying the ring was the only way they could defeat Sauron permanently.
If they didn't throw it away he'd still conquer them with his massive orc army.
>Acting like the ring wouldn't be whispering to them through the box and causing them to fight over the box, and eventually break open the box to take the ring for themselves
Why didn't they just spit on the ring so it'd be all ewwy and Susan wouldn't want to touch it again?
I think the Ring would do that whispering thing so you would just know which box its in
I wonder if you can put the ring on your cock?
Would it hurt?
Can you Sauron fuck a she-elf with it on?
Would it be a good root?
Would Sauron be offended or impressed?
Kek, Sup Forums Btfo again
He promised them peace after the fight. You can tell he thought about it after the battle when they asked to be freed. He had to much honor and released them instead of using them for another battle.
Why didn't Frodo just put the ring around Sam's cock and force-feed him viagra?
Cast the ring into a gold ingot. It might not melt, but no-one can put it on.
People always trying to find loopholes and problems in a series of films that are air tight
LOTR honestly has some of the fewest loopholes of any story. Just about any loophole in the film either does not exist in the book or is explained in the book.
legit, it's a 10/10 masterpiece. if you ignore anything setup by The Hobbit films
Why isn't Gandalf more helpful?
>inb4 rules
He ignores them often already.
Also why doesn't Arwen kill fukkin every orc with her water horses instead of letting hundreds of people die in a war?