i haven't seen this kino discussed on Sup Forums
it's kino - check it out
i haven't seen this kino discussed on Sup Forums
it's kino - check it out
fuck off normie
what the fuck did you just call me, bitch boi?
Great thread. Please do it again
i cannot believe that girl is 25 fucking years old
It's not kino, it's every c4 drama ever. Teens have sex, adults are terrifying, gays are cool and the Irish are gypos.
im trying my best ok. im just trying to make Sup Forums better by giving back to the community and introducing anons to kino.
My initial expectations were low as fuck and it turned out to be decent up to really good by the end.
So yeah, it's quite kino.
I'm a bit past the half way point. I don't really like it. Seems really formulaic and most of the story beats are predictable. I don't think the show surprised me outside of the first couple of scenes (I was expecting James to throw the oil in his father's face).
It's not terrible, it's just utterly unremarkable. I think the part that stands out the most to me is the song selection used in the show, and even that is just the same faux-retro aesthetic that Stranger Things proved was popular.
Is that the pedo from Black Mirror?