Who should direct the next Star Wars films?

Who should direct the next Star Wars films?

That's a long list of horrible suggestions.

Even Del Toro would be wrong for Star Wars and he's actually good.

Pardon the irony but why do people complain about everything? Isn't there more to life?

If they want black directors they should unironically get Africans.
Shit like 2016 but with a Star Wars budget would be surreal.

Zack Snyder

Hey how about no one taking on Shart Wars

whypipo should hand over all pop culture they've created to other people because it's their turn now

George Lucas

I see no difference

I don't care because I'll never watch it

Epic Fan Claps Back At Kathleen Kennedy's Lowkey Patriarchal White Supremacy, And It's Beautiful

how about we get the first rumor(hack snyder making a seven samurai type jedi film) that popped up when disney bought star wars to happen?

How about we kill Star Wars instead?
Fucking millenial fucktards and their fucking nerd culture.

Its funny you say that on a board dedicated to complaining about tweets. People see those tweets at least. This is just an echo chamber of angry virgin's posts that will never be read by almost nobody.

wtf i love the tweet now

Literally makes no difference. The suits tell you what to make. Just look at Lorde and Miller.

Unless you're Rian Johnson making the second part to the backbone trilogy of films which are the direct continuation of 30 years of story, character, and mythology. Then, confusingly, you are given free reign to do whatever the fuck you want.

Then why are you here you rat shilling cunt?

How about a chinaman to get the savage orient to watch it

>literally all I care about is the director's skin color and/or genitals
Is there an end to clown world?

>ava duvarney
pls no

Niggers don't even have to steal anymore, white cucks are giving them everything.

No a chinaman will want to put attracive people and decent fight choreograhpy in it. Can't have that.

This wouldnt improve the effects, simply multiply the number of badly modeled apache gunships shopped into each scene by several orders of magnitude.

They ll no doubt dub TIE sounds over the top mind.

I hope they give sw to niggers and women so the movies will get even worse and people realize they need to shut the fuck up. Males are better action filmmakers than women, unless youre Bigelow and she wouldnt fucking do SW

Well hes a great character writer...and that movie was supposed to be character critical so...

It's cultural welfare you swine.

How about no one taking on Star Wars and letting it fucking die

lol look at everyone talking about del taco now that shape of water won a few awards jesus christ the attention span of a fruit flies

>efiminate atitude

Why am i not surprised..

Shape of Water was just OK but Del Taco making an alien-centric SW movie would be pretty fuckin cool.

>no asian directors ever mentioned
Are asians truly honorary whites?

Wes Anderson Star Wars when?