I am skilled in the arts of war and military tactics, sire

I am skilled in the arts of war and military tactics, sire.

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best part of the movie

Are you?

>king literally murders a person in front of everyone
>noone gives a shit

I know its just UK and shit, and not actually a part of Europe, but dont they have laws there or something?

It was weird seeing Isabella being portrayed so sympathetically because t bh she was a rather treacherous whore irl

You're talking about Braveheart, one of the most historically inaccurate films of all time. What did you expect?

*want to defenestrate intensifies*

It's fiction dumbarse.
What actually happened is Edward, on his death bed, gives orders to have him banished. After he died they ignored his orders.

...in your son's rectum, sire.

>Kills the king with his call for freedom right before being beheaded.

>"You have bled with Wallace..... Now bleed with me"

Maybe third best part maybe.

Who's Noone?

Piers Gaveston (who i assume phillip is based on) was exiled before Edward I died, but Edward II allowed him back where he proceeded to cause a lot of problems.

>has his guts ripped out
>Still managed to shout freedom

>>"You have bled with Wallace..... Now bleed with me"
I always thought this was rather wack


This was before Magna Carta.
King could do whatever the fuck he wanted.
If he killed some extremely powerful Duke or Lord’s son he might have a rebellion or something on his hands but apart from that no one would give a shit.

Based Longjeans

Wallace died in 1305, 90 years after the magna carta was signed.

Magna Carta was signed in 1215 lad, Edward I ruled from 1274 till his death on 1307. He was born around 15 years after it was signed.

based performance

He didn't fly so good

>skilled in the arts of pounding the prince's ass and faggotery

Doesn't even matter. He could easily have said he was a traitor and killed him. It's not like anyone was going to question him or start a trial or some shit, let alone one with a notorious presence that Longshanks had. The guy was like 6ft 4 or something ridiculous, and was the literal embodiment of a strong king that was both feared and hugely respected even outside of that. He represented an age of nobility, right to rule and everything that it meant to be King.

Well, maybe not 6'4. I suppose I could look it up, but at any rate, he was tall and had a very imposing presence. He is remembered for his strong ideals and adherence to what it meant to be noble, and despite being feared for being a huge dude, he was well respected for it.
