FUCK Disney

FUCK Disney

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Has Rian's trilogy been confirmed? I thought he was just saying he would like to do one

Milk it dry

Very cool

Obi Wan movie has not been confirmed in any way

Yes starwars.com/news/rian-johnson-writer-director-of-star-wars-the-last-jedi-to-create-all-new-star-wars-trilogy

more like soy wars

wish they'd make good RPG video games instead

None of those are canon. Not even TFA and TLJ

M-maybe after they make back their 4 billion, they won't have to play it safe anymore and we can see new, interesting things. Right? Right guys?

Why are you pretending this franchise hasn't been milked for profit since its beginning? christmas specila

like who gives a fuck, not like its a kubrick movie or something.

This definitely won’t get real old after the third movie
Kathleen is a moron

I know it's not going to but I hope to god that Solo flops in some way
I need evidence that there's a reason to believe that film as an art isn't dying

FUCK yeah more Star Wars.

Force Awakens was good, Rogue One was super dope, and The Last Jedi is just going right over everyone's heads. Prepare your anus for more good new Star Wars.

>That's... a lot of Star Wars!

that commercial is more kino than any of the Disney Soy Wars flicks

>FUCK they ruin my star wars experience it only supposed to be the originals and prequels its now fucked when they make more now everything is fucked fuck I cant be nerd anymore my life is fucked there is more star wars movies than 6 maybe i can forgive sequels but no fuck they make even more i must suicide now fuck

tbqh I wish they'd just skip the generic female protagonist and have some big sith vs jedi battles and stuff

maybe historical stuff like KOTOR

I really hope you get paid for that.

>Rian Johnson

>Oh shit people hate TLJ what do we do
>Uh... people like that show, what was it, Game of Crows, right? Hire them


>going with Rian after The Last Jedi underperformed

Literally what the fuck are they doing? I thought Disney loved money. Is this new Star Wars some sort of social experiment? It's just baffling. Every single movie Marvel makes hits it out of the park. Every single Star Wars related movie has exec stepping in and firing/hiring new directors and doing massive reshoots. Heads should have already rolled at the very top of this thing.


>"Lots of Star Wars for all of our Star Wars fans! #starwars #theforceisfemale #resist"

Fuck I just want more of that TIE Fighter anime. Disney won't deliver anything good anyway.

These 2 jews are going to make JJ and Rian Johnson look like fucking geniuses in retrospect. If you thought TLJ was bad (and it is), you just wait a few years and we'll be breaking new unchartered abysmal grounds here.

Star wars is dead, it's official.

not if you do what I've done, which is not engage in the nuwars universe, and live as if it does not exist


We're in Hell

maybe for you, but my non-"legends" copy of X-Wing Solo Command arrives on the morrow.

Whatever. It's not like there hasn't been a flood of Star wars content since the beginning. Half the people complaining about there being too much star wars probably also whined when disney canceled out the thousands of books, games, and comics and other stuff they've gone through over the years. How does making those stories into movies instead change anything?

who cares people will just keep throwing money at this over and over again. life continues.

media dead, media sucks yadda yadda yadda


Just turn your brain off, bro.
But seriously though do just lock this shit out of your brain. Stop caring, don't watch any trailers, it's all shit so why bother getting into it?

Remember back when the prequels were the worst things we had? I want to go back...

>The year is 2035 and you decide to go to the movie theater
Your options are:
>Star Wars: Episode XXVII
>Star Wars: The Liberation of Kashyyyk
>Star Wars: Vader vs Maul
>Star Wars: Greedo's Revenge
>Star Wars: R2D2 & BB8
>Star Wars: Yoda
>Star Wars: A New Hope Remake
>Star Wars vs Star Trek

This, should say Rian Johnson kinos

>Star Wars: R2D2 & BB8
Made by Terry Gilliam in the fear and loathing style.

As your attorney BB-8 I advice you to take some mescaline and go to the circus circus show on Ryngar 8!

Star wars is the gayest shit on planet fucking earth.

>go to the movie theater
>forget your anvil

Capitalism breeds innova-

There's always been a distinction between the movies and other stuff in people's minds. Fans do like the games and the books and the comics, but the films are held in a special place above those things. For a long time no matter how many comics or whatever there were, you still only had the three foundational movies; Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. There was lots of derivative stuff but none of it shared a medium with the originals, nor had the same official mark because of the lack of direct involvement from Lucas or anyone else on the original team of the OT. This is why there was way more outrage about the prequels than any as bad or worse piece of the EU, the prequels trod in sacred territory because they were movies and had Lucas's hand on them.

Or at least, the movies used to be special. Disney doesn't seem to want to treat them that way and with the release schedule they're pushing the movies won't be special at all in the near future.

This is a literally a last ditch by Kennedy to save her job and why the trailer for solo was delayed

Ask the normies at my Super Bowl party who shouted "More Star Wars?" and "ugh" at the Solo trailer.

its a globally recognized IP which has been re-purposed as a social platform
the dipshits who love star wars and buy merchandise are being indoctrinated on a global scale

If his next movie flops, they'll change the director again and the second trilogy in NuWars will die of chaos as well.

>caring about the canon of children's movies

>Star Wars: A New Hope Remake
It's probably the second one by then.

>implying any of those would be made aside from XXVII which would have a 90% female POC LGBTQ cast

thinking "muh opinions" can change what is or is not canon

The Last Jedi underperformed. Massively. But Disney can't admit that especially considering the number of journalists who they have in their pocket praising the film.
Solo is an unmitigated disaster. Iger is pissed for obvious reasons. He handed Kathleen Kennedy a golden goose and 5 years later, she's somehow turned that goose into a cripple that won't lay eggs.

Solo is being sent out to die. This gives Iger just reason to fire Kennedy. He can't fire her for TLJ because that would be admitting it was a failure. Expect every journalist to torch the fuck out of Solo. This also "proves" to the public that journalists aren't in Disney's pocket.

can't wait for the Sup Forums denial
>guardians of the galaxy WILL BE THE END OF MCU
>ant-man will be the end of mcu
>doctor strange will be the end
>how about gotg2....yeah...
>black panther..will...end...mar-vel
>you just wait for the...infinity..war
>h-han solo m-movie....disney...bad..haha..

Can't wait. Can't. Fucking. Wait.
For your white ass to get obliterated by disney.

They are all socialists, rapists, pedophiles, feminists and coke addicts.

Who the hell's gonna watch all that? The financial report confirmed The Last Jedi performed WAY below expectations, Solo's gonna bomb. They're running this franchise into the ground harder than an AT-AT on Hoth.

Haven't seen any of the films you listed, and not just because the last one isn't out yet. They all seem the same.
Not worth my time, not worth my money.


If I never watch TLJ, and it might actually be possible that I never will for as long as I live, then that flick doesn't concern me and from my point of view it basically doesn't exist. The canon for me is undamaged

competition breeds innovation. When you control the market there is no need to innovate. You just choke off the upstarts and feed the pigs.

i dont think anyone actually believes any of these films will be the end of disney/ mcu
most people just hope they tank
one shit smear in a sea of profit isnt going to change disney
its just nice to see the shit smear

Lucas had a lot of good ideas but didn't know how to put them into film. He just needed a good director to say no to him and an editor to cut out all the stupid shit the director missed.

>implying star wars movies won't be put on ice after the failure of ranger soylo and episode 9

If you haven't seen any of them then them being all the same should be no issue for you. But you should watch guardians of the galaxy, it's the only good movie on that list and also the only one that has basically nothing to do with the rest of the MCU. It's a great sci-fi movie

That's a lot of galaxies far, far away and I can't fucking wait to explore them.

And you cunts will still watch them all.

But...you don't have to watch any of these movies if you don't want to? Why not just let people enjoy their Star Wars.

>Star Wars: A New Hope Remake
Another one?

i think you mean goys, user

Fuck off you lying kike, GotG is the same exact drivel you expect from every Marvel movie just with a sci-fi overlay.

>they're giving Dumb & Dumber films to direct
fucking lmao if true. I never cared about star wams and care even less now but disney kikes are something else.

Geez no one at all saw this coming when Disney started making them, they never do this

I just wish Star Wars remained a solid trilogy of films that people fondly remember from the 70s/80s instead of transforming into this nightmare that just won't ever end.

Like sure, Back to the Future has some liscensed media every now and then like the Telltale game and the upcoming manga from the One Punch Man guy, but for the most part, it's just a trilogy of good, fondly remembered films from the past, and that's it. It doesn't have an endless barrage of constant sequels/prequels/cartoons/video games/toys every god damn year.

>He thinks I haven't already seen one(=approx. all) capeshit movie

Lucas oversaw every aspect of production on the original trillogy. He edited all effects sequences and advised the two directors on Empire and Jedi. The music, editing, designs and everything else were passed by him not despite him. Star Wars is Lucas.



>David Benioff & DB Weiss

Delete this.

>Not worth my time, not worth my money.
And you think somebody on Sup Forums have seen Beauty and the beast in the theater?

You people literally do not fucking matter to disney. You white, male, virgins, that don't leave your mother's basement. I hope you do realize that, right?

if you want a good sequel series, just listen to the thrawn trilogy audiobooks

reddit go

So the Skywalker saga is going to end with episode 9?
What a disappointment this trilogy will be. The Skywalkers deserve better.

Jesus Christ, stop giving Rian Johnson Star Wars movies.

Unironically this

>Being this much of a moron
lmao, The OT and PT are nothing compared to this new trilogy. I'm excited to see what new twists and dives IX will take us through. TFA and TLJ were genuinely some of the best movies of this decade.

Lucas was smart enough to know that if you put out a new Star Wars movie every year, you make Star Wars movies less special. Star Wars has gone from being an event to being a mundane common occurrence.

>thinking the money-driven whim of a bunch of Hollywood Jews can change what is or is not canon

>Solo is being sent out to die.
But, except for the stupid casting, Solo looks great.
That will cause even more problems for Disney, because then they can't fire Kennedy.

>there will never be a star wars and capeshit containment board

I still immensely respect Zemeckis for keeping that as a trilogy and not letting any greedy execs ruin it just for a quick couple of bucks.

Star Wars became so big and financially lucrative it was always going to be driven into the ground eventually

Keyword being "for me". But objectively speaking it's canon.
Not that it matters anyway, all franchises lose their plot at one point and a shitload of garbage is afterwards considered canon.

TFA and TLJ were both the highest grossing films for their years, and some of the highest grossing films EVER. You don't know what you're even talking about Solo will be a smash success that will blow away any other listing for 2018.

Yeah, no

Just look at the James Bond franchise. The longer of takes between movies, the higher the expectations

God just let the franchise die already.

Imagine the knuckle dragging redditors who are going to eat this shit up time after time.



Yeah, obviously you guys need the room for more political discussion threads.

Yeah, it's so good they didn't shit on BTTF. You may end up wanting more, but it's better to have that feeling than for it to be answered in the worst of ways with shitty cashgrabs

Soon, user. Soon. After they have milked the franchise dry.

Yeah that massive second week drop from TLJ was because we don't matter and mean nothing to Disney. I bet Disney is HAPPY their film studio lost them $250 million. And that's from ALL their movies.

shill pls

Glad Bobba Fett was canceled

Good news is, we'll probably get a "Logan" out of this shit at some point.

Bad news is, this is gonna ruin their theme parks.

Skywalkers are a genetic dead end.You really think the'll let "white" Kylo get redemption and marriage?