She’s been like this ever since she started smoking pot

>she’s been like this ever since she started smoking pot

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What a fattie


Looks like someone left a female skinsuit lying around.
The pic makes me hard as a denizen of /d/.

she just...lies there


I’m 24. Been smoking pot since I was 12 and smoking pot everyday since I turned 18. I would smoke up to a quarter a day because that shits pretty cheap around here in Miami. I recently gave it up. Today’s the 40th day since I smoked. I never realized how much of an inconvenience that shit is. For any daily pot smokers out there I would seriously consider quitting if I was you. You feel better, smell better, are more social and now I have all this extra money. I’ve literally saved $1000 since I stopped smoking pot. Don’t get me wrong, I have like 9k in my 401k and 3k in cash I had previously before that but still. It’s a waste of time and money. You literally look and feel like OPs picture after a while if you smoke everyday.

that image is actually true. ive been smoking pot for years and it turns you into pic related

No shit
It ain’t as harmless as all the liberal soyboys claim it is

I just started buying cocaine instead
It's much better


Good ol heroine for meeèdddd

I would imagine consuming that amount of any drug would be a hindrance.

Jesus dude, a Fourth of MJ DAILY?

It's highly unrecommended to smoke this much pot in the period you did. The brain is still at formation until you're around 25. You'll never get those brain cells back.

>if you're high on drugs 24/7 you don't get things done
Next you'll tell me this applies to every substance or activity.

I unironically want all stoners to die. Useless and cringy fucks

Yea I was pushing a half a pound a day at one point so smoking a quarter wasn’t really shit.
Good coke is hard to come by now a days desu. At least in Miami. Last time I did some good blow was in Texas. The Mexicans got that on lock now.

>mfw I haven't smoked weed in over a year now despite having a multiple day habit for a few years

Yea I know and I box. My brain is pretty fucked desu.

>smoking pot kills brain cells

Jesus what 1970s textbook did you read this from?

No sense in being an asshole, that dude is on your side and there’s an entire army of retards who would argue against you guys

I'm not calling you a liar by any means, I'm just curious how a person could possibly consume that much in one day.

underrated and underinflated

weed smells like niggers

not a fan

>next you’ll tell me that applies to any substance or activity
I’ve never thought about this before.
If you’re high 24/7 you won’t get things done, but you also won’t get anything done if you’re playing basketball 24/7, or watching movies, or reading, or eating carrots 24/7

thats nice I'm on too many mood stabalizers I'm a zombie anyway
quitting must feel good
I never feel good even after having months without
it's better than drink or heroine so there you go

I remember watching this while high on a marijuana. I kept thinking that the film was emblematic of my generation growing up during an artificial recession in the years after the twin towers were saudi'd by some jews.

I was really high

You've probably decimated your IQ

stop boxing seriously

>tfw Sup Forums posts my fetish

Says the person posting anime on Sup Forums....

daily reminder that most pot smokers have low paying jobs

>inb4 your doctor smokes
>inb4 you make 150k at google

Potheads really are trash. The most useless people.

>half a pound a day

You know that lying to a Burmese knitting forum won't make you any cooler, right?

I literally make $160k at Google and smoke pot daily. Do you want proof?

He said he was selling a half pound a day and smoking a quarter of an ounce regularly

Remember the one with nigglet doing slam poetry? Ugh.


it just makes me really tired and lazy, never understood the appeal

I am once I get into the navy. I been boxing for 2 years and I’m actually okay at it. I’ve never been knocked out cold and have won a couple amateur fights though but I have had at least 20 concussion in sparring.
This is what happens when you fall for the daily pot smoke meme. Your only options to help yourself are boxing or volunteering yourself to fight for Israel.

Seriously for any 14 year old lurking who thinks being a daily pot smoker is a good life it’s not.

did they adapt the cell saga into live action?


It's ok, junkie, I'll allow you to believe what you want to believe :^)

I unironically want all animeposters to die. Useless and cringy fucks

And I unironically want kike worshiping retards to die.
Fucking freaks.

>Oh yeah? Well I don't have to fantasize. I suck Brad and Leo's dicks all the time.

Holy shit the amount of veddit in this post

>bitching about anime on Sup Forums
back to r*ddit, fruitcup

Reminds me of that doll thread on Sup Forums.

>pic fully related

No it doesn't kill brain cells but it hinders brain development which is why teenagers/young adults should stay away from it.

Yes, take advice from the guy who gets his head banged in time and time again. Smoke pot is most certainly worse for you than taking blows to the head repeatedly. I'm sure your body is in a better place now.


>when the couch lock hits you bad and you forgot to hydrate

When are we gonna outlaw alcohol.
>inb4 muh prohibition
Shut the fuck up queer.

>be me
>drink alcohol every day since i was 12
>died when i was 22
No shit smoking weed or drinking every day is fucking bad for you. You can work out too much and eat too much, too.

Reminder that only underage retards claim weed isn't bad for you and you shouldn't entertain their thoughts.



>not being high at all times except working hours.
I have enough stuff, I don't give a fuck about the money.

ditto - especially if i get have some heavy indica strain, i'm literally like pic related

I hope you get shot

Unless it's rare and/or really harmful prohibition usally isn't worth it. which is the main reason I'm okay wioth legalizing pot.

I do hope you're not being sincere, friend.

>we don't know prohibition it doesn't work
>we need up the ante on the war on drugs
Conservatives are fucking faggots and shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Bragging about making money is something mediocre Americans do to feel more satisfied with their mediocrity

>Yeah, I'm not particularly attractive
>No, I guess I'm not much smarter than average either
>I'm not the strongest guy on the block, that's for sure
>I suppose when it comes down to it, I don't have any artistic skills or creative talents
>Well, new ideas just don't come that easily to me
>But even if I'm completely without value in any significant way, and even I lack the individuality, ambition or ability to acquire such value, I'm still really good at directing my blind retard strength towards stuffing my face and earning society points

I don't give (you)s to plebbitors, now back to rabbit please. bye bye.


I am, get shot.

Thank god I finally figured that out and quit

Weed is more dangerous than other drugs precisely because it's so "benign."

You haven’t lived until you’ve seen the anti weed ad compilation video while stoned out of your mind

I love boxing but yea it’s not the healthiest sport to take part in.
Smoking with people. 5 joints 3 of which are smoked with others isn’t much.

Please shoot up your place of work for us. Yell "FOR PEPE".

Only a teenager could think that'd be interesting.

this can happen to your brain just from playing american football proffesionally
and even people who just played on the college team have permenant damage

the padding makes knocks to the head possible which is a very bad idea, they are not built for it same with boxing

is that you, moot?

pfff, what's that supposed to prove?

did pot make you gay?
because you sure seem like a faggot

No, he's in the building next to mine. Literally.

Characters who are literally you thread?

you ever meet him?

Whip your dick out in front of him and take a picture of that faggot's reaction.

Looks like it made him more successful and smarter than you

doesnt make him wrong

Yeah I shout "SOY BOY!" everytime I see him.
At least before he filed a restraining order against me. Now I have to hide in my car.

Nope. It's a big campus.

Now go inside and see what happens.

calm down I was only shitposting, I used to do the same shit and Im a faggot too
I need to know why and he obviously knows things
pic unrelated

Shit bait

you should stalk him and post pics, try and take a shit in his desk

>when Sup Forums tried to make a flag based on this and the threads quickly devolved into faggy design majors rationalizing their poor career choices


shiposting =/= baiting

>You are kidnapping me!
What a fucking faggot

I Know bro. With the weed, Xanax, boxing my brains already kinda fucked at
24. I slur and I’m slow speaking. I used to be honor roll, taking AP classes the whole nine. But fuck.

Only half a pound a day? Fucking pussy.

>I slur and I’m slow speaking
holy fuck dude that's horrible, stop while you can it's only gonna do more damage
you really don't want to get early onset dementia

Yeah same. Weed's one thing, but Xanax fucked me up and I wish I never tried it.
I feel like all of this anti-drug shit only intensifies the problem.
Like it's become a right of passage for teen's to get high and fuck up their brains and bodies as a means of getting back at mom and dad.

It’s not up to me it’s up to the customers. Have you ever sold drugs before?

>le epic meme kike chan
>calling anyone cringey