No sticky for John mahoney

>no sticky for John mahoney

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mods weren't even born yet when frasier was still on the air

He is a white actor.

Black Panther virtue signaling is all the rage.

>Okay, I'll tell you what chair I want. I want the chair I was sitting in when I watched Neil Armstrong take his first step on the moon. And when the US hockey team beat the Russians in the '80 Olympics. I want the chair I was sitting in the night you called me to tell me I had a grandson. I want the chair I was in all those nights, when your mother used to wake me up with a kiss after I'd fallen asleep in front of the television. You know, I still fall asleep in it. And every once in a while, when I wake up, I still expect your mother to be there, ready to lead me off to bed... Oh, never mind. It's only a chair. Come on, Eddie.

usa wasn't in the 1980 olympics, user. they boycotted it after the ussr invaded afghanistan

That was the summer Olympics


I've never watched Frasier.
Should I? Is there a good quality copy out there/on a streaming service?

Literally whomst've?

You should, the whole show is on Netflix

It hasn't aged well and it was never great, but it is still okay.

There was one earlier. Lurk moar, faggot.

my mistake


literally who

He was gay but too white for a sticky. Unlike those daily blacked threads.

I enjoyed Striking Distance.

Mahoney's quote in the movie still resonates, "Loyalty above all else except honor."

Sup Forums about to get haunted again.

It's fun enough but definitely not an essential show.

Is it on leaf Netflix?

If you do, be patience and ready for tons of aids type of secondary characters.

He had is plumbing f'ed up due to colon cancer. He could of been a bottom, however he did date females before cancer caused his junk to not work.

I feel like I could Say Anything to him.

The thread from yesterday was just sad. 40% of the post was "Who?". He was a nice guy.

I love you in buckskins
ba da da da dee bah booow

The only side character i didn't like was the trekkie that had a crush on Ross. Well, Rosserella the 5 boobed woman fanfic was fun.

Oh heavens no! I couldn't bear to relive that horror again

>Boycott olympics in the 80s because Russia invaded some dirt land.
>Proceed to overthrow and interfere In governments in South America for the next decade put them in decades of dysfunction and disorder.

Makes sense.

Frasier is the type of show you watch when nothing is on TV before bed.