20 minutes into the film and its ruined

Other urls found in this thread:


21 minutes into the film it is shit upon

>watching cam rip

>buffalo soldier
>in the heart of america

ay yi yi

Or the fact that christian bale is just another Hollywood liberal.

:Dec 19, 2017 - Christian Bale says American culture would be 'much richer' if it wasn't 'all white dudes who are running things'

Don't give Mr Bale the time of day.

Cleverland brown looking motherfucker

Listen to the actual interview. He is actually decrying racially based criticisms of Hollywood.
Buffalo soldiers existed, stop drinking the Sup Forums kool-aid and you may enjoy film more.

>>watching cam rip
paying for the privilege of being Hollyjewed

>Buffalo soldiers existed
Not prevalent integration into the Westward extermination of the vicious Comanche

>Buffalo soldiers existed, stop drinking the Sup Forums kool-aid and you may enjoy film more.
He does look weird as fuck and the mustach is comedical

>Literally a scene when a crying white guy apologizes to a native chief. One that was established to have killed a bunch of people, indians included.

lol - could they have a more shilled cast?
token Native roles played by
> Sphinx
> Kicking Wing
> Pocahontas

> You're gonna stand there, ownin' a fireworks stand, and tell me you don't have no whistlin' bungholes, no spleen splitters, whisker biscuits, honkey lighters, hoosker doos, hoosker don'ts, cherry bombs, nipsy daisers, with or without the scooter stick, or one single whistlin' kitty chaser?

> Hello? Casting?
> yeah, we're filming a Western
say no more. I've got just the guy

>western features buffalo soldiers
I've always liked these guys since Red Dead Revolver, the Buffalo Soldier has the strongest gun in the game

Buffalo Soldier regiment = integrated US Calvary sharing rank with whites

same as
> Shield Maidens existed in Norse tribes
> Vikings series has ALL-Lesbian kingdoms with battalions of women over powering as an invading force

> what's that? Need more "western flavor" to the movie?
> quick insert Ryan Bingham serenading a ballad on guitar by campfire
"damn, Hiram....you are the best movie producer!"

There aren't that many Native actors. What are they supposed to do?

Wes Studi is based though.

Only 3 exist
.....we need Sir Laurence Olivier to ride on a horse and deliver 3 lines in the movie as a Native

>imagine getting this butthurt over one black who probably dies, you come on Sup Forums to cry about it
I seriously cant tell the difference between you and liberal cry babies

Buffalo soldiers served in the Civil War and Indian Wars, as well as manning southwestern outposts. Bale's character was given the authority to conscript pretty much anybody for his mission. It's not implausible that he and the Buffalo soldier became acquainted during combat and remained friends until he was selected for the mission.

No, it's not the most likely thing in the world but it's not impossible.

you're watching your show and then this happenes
but instead of a commercial for subway that takes you out of your immersion, it's a commercials that says "Hey, remember to play nice with everybody"

> black corporal - shot 3 times
> survives
> is tender moment " as hero son" of protagonist that defies racial lines of 1898


There were shit tons of black cowboys cuz things were way more equal put on the frontier

Don't know much about black soldiers on the frontier tho

the last mohican is burning man

>do you seriously watch Hawaii 5-0?
I think you deserve everything you got

glad we got THAT out of the way
> protagonist hates natives, solemn soldier
> begrudgingly must work with Natives
> become friends
> have mutual respect and join forces to kill evil white men

whoa....totally did not see that coming in 2018

>20 minutes into the film and its ruined

in the end the white men are the savages

It's a well known example of really bad product placement. That's what this is, race product placement.

Sup Forums where shills come to hone their meme skills.
Can't even hide their attempts to support movies

Remember when Sup Forums was pushing this movie as the gritty return of VINCE VAUGHN as an action star?

its been 20 years since Pochontas was kinda hot with her Down Syndrome face and tight young body

wait a minute this better not be that fucking /his/ trip fag from yesterday

Oh that's bad. I was wanting to watch this movie but you just saved me 2 hours.

> white woman whose family is butchered by Comanches guns down EVIL WHITE MEN who threaten some Natives at their destination

I'm so woke now thanks based user, MAGA

>this movie
There were a half dozen threads every day about BRAWL ON CELL BLOCK 99 two weeks before it was released
> touting (pre-release) reviews on Rotten Tomatoes
worst unintentionally shitty movie ever made

no, just more lazy plot devices and predictable turns
the bar keeps getting lower

Why are people obsessed with color allowed to live?

>has the opportunity to land unimpeded punches to the face
>instead weakly strikes opponent's forearm with own forearm
who choreographed this trash?

>obsessed with color

> As becomes evident early on, the real, inward journey depicted in the film is the one where Blocker recovers his humanity by learning to grant the Indians theirs. This is a worthy theme and dramatic premise but it’s only partly, and rather unsatisfactorily, realized. While Blocker’s gradual change of heart—which eventually includes the first flickers of romantic interest in Mrs. Quaid—comes across thanks to Bale’s strong performance, the film’s biggest flaw lies in how underwritten the Indian parts are. Though the venerable Wes Studi is a commanding presence and fine actor, his character is given very little shading or dimension, and the other Indians are allowed practically none.

>This adds up to a film that’s beautifully shot and acted, but also meandering, overlong and only sporadically focused on its central issues. As for its politics, in making the story primarily about one (white) man’s redemption, “Hostiles” falls back on a well-worn if still potent dramatic trope while saying virtually nothing about the genocide committed against Native Americans.

crying about it through the internet isn't living user

So the entirety of pol is dead?


It would have made more historical sense to make him an ex-slave cowboy.

This would have been cool, a much larger percentage of cowboys were black than most people realize

Things were far less equal out west. Racial vigilantism was just more so targeted at Mexicans and Chinese. European immigrants were also looked down on at this time especially Italians. Blacks who went west were seen as "more American" than the other races by whites and played up this stereotype themselves highlighting their English language and Christian faith. They were still ostracized and killed.

>much larger percentage of cowboys were black than most people realize
black soldier ends up striking a relationship with the widow and the two homestead in Wyoming. Final scene is the two of them some years later reflecting on the story with their mixed kids

essential muttkino confirmed

Sup Forums - why can't every modern movie be Birth of a Nation?

> more forced interracial couples
so comfy
I was just telling my wife's boyfriend's son about how awesome it is to be a mutt

fake news


>There were a half dozen threads every day about BRAWL ON CELL BLOCK 99 two weeks before it was released

