The Horus Heresy

Would it be the "Black Panther" for whites?

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/tg/ and Sup Forums might both end with an "EE" sound but they're not the same

A forgettable tv-tier shit movie directed by a hack and shot by an incompetent woman yet shilled religiously by people who are either incapable or unwilling of providing even constructive criticism to anything with a large budget?

>incapable or unwilling of providing even constructive criticism to anything with the Mouse's stamp and their lunatic SJW boss breathing down their neck


Watched the new Star Trek Discovery episodes with Terran Imperium. And it underlined how underwhelming every scifi series and movie has been compared to Warhammer's over-the-top scale on everything.

Whats this from?

Looks like the Lord Inquisitor but I can't find anything new on it.

Considering there are multiple major characters that are non-white. No. Including but not limited to Vulkan, Ahriman and even the Emps himself was from Anatolia.

The Horus Heresy is unfilmable however. Simply too much going on that even smaller stories require a working knowledge of the basics of the franchise. To the point where I doubt even a long running television series could accurately portray it. There's simply too many characters, battles, worlds and subplots. And this is without even going into all the dumb shit books like Legion introduced.



Anatolia was still white (europoid caucasian) at that point.