What's his endgame?

what's his endgame?

Same as his endgame for every season of the fucking show: GETTING IN HIS SISTER'S PUSSY

To fight Ben Solo when he lands to conquer Westeros

He has no endgame now that his daughter died

dying in an unsatisfying way to speed up the ending

you would too if given the chance. admit it

literally this. i mean look at him, if he ended up on the throne the final would be rated 2/10.

his sister will sit on the throne in the end and die from the same poison her daughter did after a final battle. muh everyone dies and le whiter walkers win!

He's too complicated of a character for the shit writers to handle so he'll probably just die like what happened to baelish

Making white superiority great again

he's probably popular with women so they will kill him last.

Rumor is he's gonna side with the zombies to get his hand back


/thread tbqh

He's going to kill his sister after she miscarries and goes crazy, then he'll either commit sudoku after or die of a stab wound she inflicts on him as he strangles her. Pure kino.

He's popular with everyone that has a brain, he's one of the few likeable characters left on the show that isn't a mary sue character.

Smart people like Cersei too.

dubs of truth

she's one of those characters you love to hate, kind of like joffrey but more likeable.

I love to love her, user. She's going to look so cute with a baby belly.

He doesnt have an endgame.

They assassinated his character for le quippy and kool duo.

He’ll be killed off in a quick fashion for gasps.

she had a baby belly during the filming for season 5 that's the only reason we didn't get to see her in all her glory ffs, fuck that kid.

yes cersei is being turned into a more sympathetic character with the whole mommy thing. I wouldn't be surprised if the real father turns out to be somebody other that Jaime to remove the incest problem.

Her real body is amazing. If I was her brother I'd want to impregnate her too

t. Not Jaime

those nips are meant for ravishing

it's definitely jaime, or else dabid wouldn't have bothered showing us the scene with them in bed together. the incest problem you're talking about is probably the biggest part of jaime's character.

Could be moon boy for all we know

ending up in jon/dany kingsguard

He will either die protecting his sister or live defending his brother. Mark my words.

Does it matter? his character has already been massacred by Hack&Hack all that left is to give him an unsatisfying death...

He gonna finish what he started

Is there really anybody out there that doesn't think this will happen by now? It's so obvious.

It's pretty much the only thing I'm still looking forward to in this fucking shitshow. Despite dnd's best efforts to ruin him Jaime is still the best character in the show.

>He didnt see the leaks