Literally no good can come from this.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hopefully it will burn the mouse down from his high horse. Disney needs to die.

I dunno, I think killing a monopoly giant might be good


Never ever

Good, I want to see it crash and burn.

Perfect. Fucking perfect.

The only way this will become even better is if every movie has the reception of Last Jedi and the production of Solo.

Fuck yeah, SW shit is an easy pass

>revenue from its movie division dipped 1% in the fourth quarter

>yfw you will see disney die in your lifetime

>tfw in 2050 they start construction on a theme park in a replica of the death star in space.

Walt Disney!? I thought he was dead!

Is Amy Pascal in charge now?

*blocks your franchise*

They're shit because all they care about is money and diversity quotas, like most major studios

There is no soul, no heart, just corporate mass production. It's like eating a happy meal instead of a home-cooked meal from your mother.


>Walt Disney has announced plans

Shit isn't better than shit, Satan.

Disney has so much cash reserves that they are going to try and buy more studios if nothing else works. Even Dreamworks is not safe.

>Star Wars doesn't have enough diversity, they said


I think star wars had all this mystique around it because we got one trilogy every thirty years.


>jar jar in the middle
That meme where Jar Jar was supposed to be a Sith Lord was real wasn't it?

Pretty much. There was magic.

Now Disney is trying to release a Star Wars film every single year. There's no breathing room.


It honestly annoys me that neither JJ nor Kathleen can hold a lightsaber properly. Are they retarded? There's no science behind holding a sword or whatever like a normal person...


George Lucas did not have the SJW mentality and that's why he didn't get any credit when he subtley peppered his casting choices with non-white actors. No-one complained when Jango Fett and by extension Boba Fett were revealed to not be white because George Lucas was not doing it to meat some kind of quota. For better or worse he always picked actors based on who he thought was best for the role.

People with the SJW mentality always make a big deal out of the fact that they cast a character of such and such skin color or gender specifically to meet a diversity quota, and then they act like they deserve a damn medal for it while acting as if no-one has ever had a non-white actor in a movie before.

Star Wars was always diverse but that's because the actors who George Lucas liked were not always white. Just like how Kathleen Kennedy gets all the credit for "muh female empowerment" in the new movies and acts as if Princess Leia and Mon Mothma never existed. Kathleen Kennedy did not introduce empowered women to Star Wars-- she just took away the sex appeal.

And that's not even considering how diverse the aliens in Lucas' movies were. Most of the aliens in nu-wars look like they come from the same planet.



Yes it was real, and I'm sad they didn't go through with it.

Why is Bob Iger making the announcement and not Kathleen Kennedy?

>tfw Christopher Lee and Carrie Fisher are no longer with us

I am glad this picture exists.


>Ewan's bulge

Kennedy: (holds up Star Wars and 3 billion in box office) "I made this."
Iger: "you made this? ...I made this."
Kennedy: :(

>Y-you must perform sexual favors for me to be on this movie
>No thanks, I already tried that with Weinchad

MEW checked

Hi, Mike Stoklasa

lulz, Disney still makes most of it's profits from TV and the parks. The movies are where they see big growth, but if it all failed tomorrow the mouse would still be top dog.

to hold one properly and naturally you had to be the kind of kid who spent a lot of time pretending a stick was a sword

neither of them were


I unironically want Lucas back. I take back everything bad I ever said about him.

Same here. He IS Star Wars.

im not wrong though

Even at his worst like Attack of the Clones, the movie still had its moments where it felt like there was real love and care involved. Even if it didn't turn out objectively good it's still a fun movie to watch. The Sequels lack any kind of soul or real passion. Just soulless focused group tested shit.

I know

I think I still have this vanity fair cover framed somewhere.

God, I wish I was him. Rolling around in patreon bucks all day, fucking Jay, locking up Aids in the cuckshed.

What a life.

I wish Lucas had put the nosferatu alien in Mustafar rather than Utapau.



If the chinks keep telling them to stop SJWing up Star Wars, a lot of good will come from it.

I spot soyboy mouth

Who's the Nosferatu alien? I tried to search, but results only came up mostly for the actual Nosferatu vampire character.

>We could have had the Shakespearian twist of the fool being the grand conspirator, making Jar Jar's obnoxiousness fit into and contribute to the story, but normies got so pissed about Jar Jar they forced Lucas to scrap the idea, in fact ruining TPM themselves when the reveal would have made the dumb kiddie shit kino in reteospect
This is what happens when the ignorant masses don't give an arteur the chance to tell his story and just jump on mainstream hate bandwagons

remind you of anyone Sup Forums?

He had the ugly, monster-looking alien be a good guy because he didn't think an alien race being good or evil would have anything to do with their appearence. He was a true liberal, not a progressive, so he just didn't make a big deal about it and subtly portrayed his values in a way that went along with his work rather than derailing it.
This guy

I just watched Attack of the Clones for the first time in years and honestly it's kino as fuck. It also has prime hershlag in an insane amount of sexy outfits. It becomes a lot less cringy and a lot sadder when you look at Anakin as someone with zero game and sense of how to act around women because he never had a real father to show him how. All he's got is a celibate disapproving warrior monk dad stand-in who's only watching after him out of obligation to his old master and Sheev.

It's better than people give it credit for. It has real soul and fun and you can feel that George poured his soul into it. Compared to nu-wars its a masterpiece. I legit enjoyed the whole thing this time around


>tfw we, a whiny bitchy ungrateful fanbase, ruined the prequels, drove its creator out of making movies, and now it's in the hands of soulless corporate Jews who will grind every last penny of worth out of the franchise while shitting all over everything we loved about it.

We thought Lucas ruined Star Wars, but it was actually us. Now we suffer the consequences.

La creatura...

Everyone looks so happy and unJUSTed in this pic. Also
>billy dee, harrison, mark and carrie together
>this will never happen in a movie ever again
Fuck Disney.

The prequels would've been unalloyed, undeniable greatness if Lucas had

1. Outsourced the dialogue to someone like Kasdan, while retaining control over everything else and
2. Cast Anakin better.

As it stands, they're flawed but unbelievably beautiful movies with massive imagination and, like you said, soul.

Based China. They see right through the mouse's bullshit.

>Disney still makes most of it's profits from TV and the parks.
this is completely wrong tho

>that pathetic curvy effeminate soytrooper armour
fucking awful

I agree with the first point, but I think Hayden was actually a pretty decent choice. The problem was his approach... He tried to mimic James Earl Jones' cadence and timing but it doesn't work if you don't have that bassy timbre to round it out. With a higher tenor voice it just sounds wooden and weird

>he actually believes this

>everything we loved about it
I tought plebs were not admited here

That logic

>dipped 1%
That's all? I'm disappointed.

The anti-big business, anti-capitalist sentiment on this site is deeply concerning,

Oh god this prequels apologists, the direction was awful also, the sets design, the overall story not just dialogue, the characters, the special effects

It's just his total lack of chemistry with Natalie Portman, which was pretty necessary for a tragic romance that dooms the galaxy.

It's especially weird considering when casting the OT, after getting his finalists for the big three roles, he kept having different combinations of actors read together until he found the chemistry he was looking for.

I just can't believe what we got was what he was gunning for.

Well duh, Carrie is dead.

>the direction was awful also

Here's your (You)

>inb4 regurgitated opinions of a Milwaukee film school dropout who made his living shooting wedding videos until his ironic YouTube video went viral

Based reddit frog poster.

I've been seeing threads all day with people talking about a thousand different possible Star Wars projects. Is this how (((they)))'re dealing with the upcoming Solo trainwreck, by throwing a ton of shit at the wall and hoping some will stick?

>the sets design
Those were great. Especially in TPM, RotS
>The overall story
The fall of the Republic due to the incompetence and laziness of the Jedi, the corruption of the centralized government, Jar Jar the manipulator, everything about Palpatine, the Clone Wars and how they were set up..? Not good? What do you want, Shakespeare? It had a direction, it was a tragedy with brief victories. That doesn't make it a bad plot. It's infinitely better than
>the notEmpire has a super Death Star, let's blow it up!
>The Last Jedi

>anyone who doesn't like the prequel does so because of redlettermedia

This is how disney do it, and every corporate shit, just throw shit until commoners get brainwashed into liking it.

>the direction was terrible
It is meant to be a tragedy. The direction is of course in tragedy (a terrible thing).

i saw bob iger casually passing through starbucks on the disney studio lot today shortly after he announced dumb and dumbers new star wars trilogy.

>Great set design in TPM
Like Otoh Gunga
> Fall of the Republic due to Jedi laziness, Corruption of centralized government, Jar Jar the manipulator
And Black Panther its abour black excellence
>Better than the JJ reboot and TLJ
Not a compliment, it's all shit

Kind of like how we are now with Rian Johnson


oh fuck off shill

>mainstream hate bandwagon

of course in 1999 the wolrds greatest movie franchise would colapse over social media

>Like Otoh Gunga

>And Black Panther its abour black excellence
It's about Hollywood agenda and sowing division among 53%+10%
>Not a compliment, it's all shit
Propaganda for soyboys < children's movie.

Hayden had the perfect looks for the roles. His facial expressions were also absolutely on point.


Episode count
100 (planned),[2] 400 (proposed)[3]
Run time
approx. 1 hour per episode[2]

Star Wars: Underworld is the working title of a proposed live-action television series that would be set during the timespan between the films Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. George Lucas first announced the series at 2005's Celebration III.

Over the next few years, a variety of writers were hired, over fifty scripts were written and art designers worked on visualizing Lucas' ideas. However, in 2010, Lucas announced that the series was on hold due to budget constraints.

Producer Rick McCallum commented on the plot of the series: "[Lucas] envisions somewhere like 100 hours between Episode III and Episode IV with a lot of characters that we haven't met that have been developed in some of the novels and other things. We are really excited about that. Finally, we could have the opportunity to answer everybody's questions once and for all by the time we finish the series.";[17] "It is going to be much darker, grittier. It's much more character-based";[17] "Think about bounty hunter, that's all I can tell you."[18] He also called it "Deadwood in space" and "Empire on steroids,"[19] and compared it to The Godfather.[20] Lucasfilm's Steve Sansweet also described the series as revealing the "greasy, seamy underbelly of Star Wars."[21]

In 2014, Stephen Scaia revealed in his Kickstarter campaign that he had been a writer for the series, and was involved in several story elements, including Lando Calrissian losing the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo, Solo and Chewbacca's first meeting, as well as an action scene with Boba Fett.

>war between expandable clones and expandable robots
>one guy controls both sides
>half of Jedi Order dies like retards first day of the war

Literally the shittiest war in movie history.

>dipped 1%
that doesn't sound bad until you stop and think about how absolutely fucking absurdly, retardedly huge the company is and how much "1%" actually means.

Don't talk shit about Hayden. He's /ourguy/.

If Disney didn't die in the 80s, it will never die.

Why is the ST afraid of making attractive alien women?

>billy dee, harrison, mark and carrie together
>this will never happen in a movie ever again

It very well could have, but for God knows why, the movie "For the fans" script didnt allow it to be possible.

Intentional misunderstanding is a curious phenomenon.

Doubles and Star Wars tanks Disney's live action film empire. Kek's will be done.

>Deadwood in space
That sounds badass. Why did Lucas not produce a bunch of awesome material he has so much to use what with the books and all. Just put that shit on the fucking screen damn. Lazy fuck.