What are some movies worse than Black Panther? I'll start.
What are some movies worse than Black Panther? I'll start
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98%. Pathetic.
schindlers list has liek 96 or 97 i think
Wow this one might be as good as Thor Ragnarok
Jew status: gassed
Status of both of these movies: BLACKED
OP reported for hate speech
Maybe its really good guys
i always wonder why modern critics inflate mcu capeshit so much? i mean have they not seen similar films from years ago?
Im sure black panther is fine but if its 8.5/10 then what the fuck is terminator 2 or die hard? actual beloved films that have stood the test of time ? (and thats just comparing it to a film in a similar genre)
disney has yet to be able to crack a film out of the 7/10 rating if we are being honest
Shill it again, Sam.
Lol I approve of this thread.
*blocks your path*
Die hard more like try hard.
>Die Hard
Best bad review ever written on a movie by the idiot Roger Ebert himself. Recommend you Google it, hilarious and perfectly illustrates what a fraud hack retard he was.
>Paddington 2
>Black Panther
>both 100%
what's next?
While virgin white bois will spend their entire days wasting their time lowering the score for black panther on IMDB and RT, posting screencaps from twitter on Sup Forums and Sup Forums, black men will be busy fucking their women.
Because, you know, somebody has to do the white man's job.
isn't BP the greatest movie of the past three decades? How can regular movies even compete?
Spaghetti Westerns eternally btfo
I'm mexican so I can't be racist white boy
How many Oscars will it win? Does it set a record for wins, nominations, or both?
Lower Tomatometer compared to Black Panther, but still rated higher.
Well done, well done Kubrick, HOWEVER
post more of these threads that undermine new scores pls, it's the only way to stop people giving so much of a shit
Hahaha look at this damage control from Grandpa.
How can Kubrick even compete?
now im actually mad
How the ever loving FUCK did that classic get 29%?
lol not even fresh
Looking at this list, I think we all need to accept that Black Panther is the greatest cinematic masterpiece of all time.
As you wish.
Retard he’s saying while 100% people gave it a positive review it’s average score is 8.6 which some of the movies posted have higher score
Because it's fucking terrible.
Keep trying to damage control klanboi.
So is Thor: Ragnarok. At least Hook has this scene - youtube.com
>all that shitty cgi
what ps2 game is this??? XD
But that's wrong, you fucking retard. Hook is children-film KINO with one of the best soundtracks of ALL TIME.
Guys, it's okay to have terrible tastes and confuse nostalgia for quality, just don't try to argue that Hook is quantifiably good in any way.
> cgi
You're baiting or brain-damaged, there isn't a CGI frame in the entire scene except for tinkerbell's wings (MAYBE).
>removes your wig
I-is that your picture there?
Y-yeah. Now I've done it.
You should delete it, senpai
How can comedy even compete?
this is a good thread user, it's making me actually laugh at the hypocrisy
RIP me. *Waves from the frontpage of the huffington post*
shows what you know mega pleb. i didnt even watch this movie as a child and i can still see that its an excellent children's film
poor guy. don't worry, you're not that bad looking unless you dont have kids.
>there are people out there that think masterpieces and timeless classics are worse than marvel movies
>these airheads are allowed to vote
Hahaha look at this JUST guy.
Comedy gold
It still doesn't make any sense
Are you saying it's logical that some critics would have significant problems with films like It's a Wonderful Life or The Godfather and give them rotten reviews, but literally every critic with RT access thinks Black Panther is worth watching
>there are people who think the percentage pertains to anything beside the specific movie
No all it means that all critics think that The Black Panther is at least a 6/10 movie. That is what Fresh is.
It isn't, and if it's good, it's "good" in the context of being a thoughtless action movie with Marvel characters and quips
It's going to be the same shit that every other Marvel movie is, except there'll be more hip hop on the soundtrack and the visuals will get a fresh coat of paint, although the CGI will still look like a PS2 game
Lawrence of Arabia, The Godfather, and ALL THE REST!!! 100% doesn't happen.
ITT: bait
Let it never be said that "virtue signalling" is a meme. It's like how no one in the audience for a speech by Saddam Hussein wanted to be the first to stop clapping. These professional critics know what will happen to their careers if they don't say the right things.
I'm in my late 30s, come on, is that the best you can do? Time JUSTs us all.
>when the alimony hits hard
Your saga is the best thing in this thread
Umm, did you just imply Saddam Hussein's speech wasn't GOAT?
Only the average score means anything on rt. If 100% of critics gave the film 5.1/10, it's going to be 100% but the average score suggests its actually a pile of shit. I feel like it's only Americans who conflate the meter with the film's quality, in which case you need to stop immediately
Thor Ragnorok? More like . . . .Bore Ragnorok!!!
the absolute state of alt-right damage control
Don't try and associate me with that infantile political """movement""", im merely explaining how rt actually works and why Americans are dumb
Wait is that how RT works? They scan a bunch of review sites and if the score is > 50%, they count it as fresh?
The perfect movie.
> t. uptighty alt-righty
I dont know how they determine what makes a movie "fresh" but yes they simply aggregate several review sites to provide a general consensus
> Only the average score means anything on rt.
That's not true. The only score the media reports is the tomato-meter. Ipso facto it's the closest approximate to the movie's quality. :^)
But I mean what do they consider fresh from a single review? Surely a 5.1/10 from some guy does not count as fresh. Even in America you need a 6/10 to pass a class
Even by your revised alt-right standards, Black Panther is still better than half the films in this thread, including Terminator 2.
8.4/10 and 90%. Is the Elephant Man even human?
he is an elephant you mong
That's because the media knows how dumb the masses are and will exploit this flaw in society
It seems like the reviews from other sites can only rate it fresh or rotten while people who use rt as their review platform can rate the movie out of 5 which I think needs to be 3 if they want it to be fresh. However when a movie obtains fresh status, it's not an automatic process. They don't have some sort of threshold where if a movie achieves x amount of reviews it becomes fresh, it is done manually, probably for marketing reasons
How can I take RT seriously with shit like this?
Also Black Panther only has 60 reviews up, those 60 reviewers ended up liking the movie.
It will still be a while to get near 300 reviews, then there will be reviewers that might not like it, find more issues with it, and drag the overall score down.
Because Ebert wanted CGI SETS GODDAMMIT
That fucking does it.
i've been privy on rt's processes since at least 2012
What "achievements and pioneering techniques" did this movie come up with? That seems like a very odd reason to give a movie a high score
Panther status: DESTROYED
How long before RT adds a contemporary rotten review to this?
These are all early reviews. The score will drop by the time the film comes out.