I'm sorry that freedom of speech is discouraged and thought crime is creeping closer to reality.

I was super excited to see this film and give it a chance until it became apparent that I didn't have the liberty to dislike it or critique it in anyway, whatsoever, without being condemned as a racist.

Maybe it's just a good flick. Just turn off your brain, bro

>Capeshit is 9/10 now

black privilege is when a bunch of white reviewers rate your mediocre movie 10/10 simply because it's progressive to do so.

I didn't apologize to The Last Jedi, I won't apologize to this.


I don't want to turn off my brain. I really wanted this to be intelligent and a cut above the marvel shit I generally dislike. I like the concept and the execution seems to be generally ok from what I have seen. I would probably like it for its themes and its message (from what I can tell).

But when I am told upfront that what I think doesn't matter, what I feel doesn't matter, that my opinion of an artwork because of my color, it makes me feel like I dont matter as a human being. The rest of the universe already makes me feel that way. I'm not going to give my money to see something if I dont even get to think about it and I am forced to turn my brain off and be silent, or else.


To be fair, It's a Marvel studios movie. It would have got 10/10s just for le quips.

i'll wait for the user reviews thanks

>average rating: 8.6/10

Why do people care about RT?

>We now live in a reality where capeshit is 10/10 according to critics and will probably get oscars.

Just burn down hollywood and let streaming tv replace it.

Disney is literally the best company/religion ever. Between this and The Last Jedi, I don't know how they keep making suck Citizen Kane epicss. *Gasp*. I pray to Mickey Mouse every night and would kill my family for him at the drop of a hat........

obviously its just a good flick and has nothing to do with being niggers: the musical. I mean ignoring the niggers you would think that they would have at least spiced the soundtrack up. It may be the most cliche thing ever but toto africa would have been pretty good somewhere for sure. doesnt bother me though because im slightly racist and dont feel like paying 20 dollars to watch niggers run around for 2 hours

of course you're allowed to criticise it.

posting "we wuz kangz" isn't criticism though, son.

It's mostly Marvelfags, Liberals, feminists, and Reylo fans desu.

this is what fear of persecution looks like

>Average Rating: 8.6
Paddington's is higher: 8.7.
>Reviews Counted: 60
Paddington's is higher: 181.
>Fresh: 60
Paddington's got 181. You can go watch your dumb capeshit, I'll be chillin in my trailer with a fat glass of Paddington.

Capeshit already got oscars. Suicide Squad got two. But that wasn't a Disney movie so it doesn't count.

So everyone on the planet with a brain

Makes sense why rt is so shit


Because RT determines what movies are good and bad.

t. Soygoy


Don't worry OP soon the incels of Sup Forums will spam their lovelty Armond White shitposting.

You maybe ask why, because this shithole of a board is filled with Sup Forumstards and millenials that love being contrarian, so as long as they can find someone who does the same they're happy.

The truth is Armond white is a nobody who haven't won or achieved anything in his life, he doesn't have studies, he never went to a good university, nothing. He just wait for the real reviews to come out and then write exactly the same but in a contrarian way without a single decent argument, that's why Sup Forums loves this gay contrarian nigger with an IQ of 1 digit.

While virgin white bois will spend their entire days wasting their time lowering the score for black panther on IMDB and RT, posting screencaps from twitter on Sup Forums and Sup Forums, black men will be busy fucking their women.

Because, you know, somebody has to do the white man's job.

>likes Marvel Studios
>calls others Reddit
I think you need to go back

>implying I have an imbd or rt account

Put at least a tiny bit of effort into your bait, dude.

>marketing team needs to rile up some controversy to make anyone other than black people give a shit about this movie
>oh I know let's make Sup Forums the red herring so we can police and monitor negative reviews even further
>now every sjw/tumblrite/soyboy feels obligated to give it a good review despite the fact it's one of the weaker marvel movies objectively
>le we're the good goys beating 4chin by spamming good reviews
>disney has total control and they are writing the narrative as the movie that is life goes on
>I am being detained and moved to a disney blacksite as I type this
Disney is playing 4 dimensional hyperian chess my dudes.


i hate sjw shit but Black Panther has always been a cool character. So if they do him justice, which Civil War did not, I'm happy.

What PS1 game is this FMV from?

>That bendy CGI

Why the fuck do movies still exist

You'll never get it Stan.

So if their melinonium armor is indestructible how is there any suspense or consequence to any of his fighting? Isn't he pretty much just a bs addmix of superman and spiderman with a touch of I'm rich and royalty for the fuck of it?

What really astounds me is that literally nobody is offended by the fact that it's basically tribal africa in space. I'm not even black and I'm a little iffy about it. Like they thought up flying cars, but thought let's totally stick with spears for the tribal aesthetics? I know the mainstream desperately wants to pin any shortcoming on racist "alt-right" but the more I see the more I think that they inadvertently made black capesploitation? Cape shaft? I don't know the black racially unfortunate play on words is there I just haven't had it click yet.

I'm sorry I'm not falling for another overhyped Marvel schlock

Don’t worry, it won’t have a perfect score for much longer.



C... can I join you? No singles policy right?

Checkmate Bigots.

The hero we need but not the hero we deserve.

Who's le quips? I don't remember seeing him/her in the synopsis.



this is what black privilege looks like, same thing happened to get out

time to rev up my russian bots

My friends are all hyped for this and want me to go see it with them.
How do I tell them it doesnt look good without sounding racist?

>How do I tell them it doesn't look good without sounding racist?
Tell to them that you want to wait to see what the critics say about the movie before spending money on the movie, because you don't wanna spend money in a product that you are not sure it's worth it.

Can someone post that poster with "we wuz kangz" please.


Children's flick, doesnt count

But the critics all love it!

RT literally had said they would censor negative reviews under an anti-racism stance. With their definition on what "racist" is, that could mean anything.

Wrote something for Sup Forums so I might as well crosspost it here.
>a tour de force
>a triumph
>the movie we need right now
>fully realized
>comic masterpiece
>the women are funny/brave/strong/smart
>black excellence
>social commentary
>X minority steals every scene
If you see any of these phrases in a review just toss it in the trash.

For fun I have read through all 61 of the current critic reviews on RT and only 19 of them are legitimate. The other 42 are "NIGGER NIGGER WOMEN WOMEN THE MOVIE WE NEED RIGHT NOW NIGGER NIGGER PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY PREVIEW TICKETS AWAY FOR THE NEXT CAPESHIT MOVIE MASSUH DISNEY SUH."

Still a very positive response for the movie even though most of the critic reviews are fake news by bad Jews/blacks/women.

This is probably the ending too and of course this is "super rad" but have DC character CGI from a PS2 game fight each other in its third act and its oh shit stop making movies, Wonder Woman 4/10.

>100% critics

Can't wait for /ourguy/ Armond to submit his review and tarnish that rating for the second time.