who did it better?
Who did it better?
Wheels and the legman
King of the Hill
Definitely rick and morty. The valuable lesson babylegs learnt was kino
what's on the right?
>le look how cool i am for pretending not to know this super popular thing le epic im so contrarian right guys do i fit n yet???
what is it?
based Regular Legs
The simpsons
I'm not American. I don't know everything popular there.
rick and morty
It's Rick and Morty
rick and morty is basically family guy plus a doze of science fiction, it literal has the same kind of humor
Reddit fag get out
i have never seen a single episode of rick and morty
i would never have recognised those 2 less it were actually rick and forty who are recognisable form memes and shit.
Right was the episode that got me to drop the show
Boo! A Madea Halloween
the characters on the right were in 2 minutes of one episode
who cares, how do i get to the universe with ball fondlers movies?
Where's wheels and the legman?
are yall mentally challenged?