Looks like Kathleen Kennedy was secretly /our girl/

Looks like Kathleen Kennedy was secretly /our girl/

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(And That's a Bad Thing)

yeah, the good 96%

Obviously, you don't actually think they value a nebulous social agenda over bottom line, do you? You're not a retarded hapa are you?

Is this era of clickbait trolling by third rate "journalists" ever going to fucking end?

Is there a technological fix to this faggotry? Will the lifting of net neutrality cure it?

hopefully they go broke eventually. all these publications are in the red as far as i can tell.


This is their angle to protect Soylo.


change your argument

they will just say
>hurr durr it's because white peeopo dont hire them that we don't have any!
change it to
>sure let's beg the white man for jobs in an industry they created!

and then bring up how bollywood and like china and shit have their own industries that don't beg white people for shit

And that's a ??? thing?

Also, does this count Jews?

Hulk Hogan genocided one of them but he should have killed them all.

More like (((white)))

as it should be

Ugh. This stat is problematic. Hollywood needs change and needs it now. Hopefully #metoo will be strong enough to do just that.

They always eat their own, because no one is ever pure enough before the eyes of Social Justice.

He really was our hero in the end.

>Also, does this count Jews?
Jews are a wild card. They can be played as either non-white or white depending on how you're trying to shit on white people.


How much of that 96% is George Lucas?

can somebody tell me why it's OK to bitch about white people being overrepresented in media when they are 70+% of the country (and they are you 56% memers, come back in 20 years for that bullshit) and yet it's bigoted and antisemitic to discuss why Jews, less than 2% of the population is insanely overrepresented in media?

i too would like an answer for this

Really powers up my pistachios.

There is not a single white male on the story group. Not even an ashkenazi jew.

She's getting shredded in the comments, I wouldn't worry about it. (not OP different user)

>Who the hell cares?! White men need jobs, too. I know this is shocking… but what if they are the best candidate? Variety, you guys need to rejoin the real world. I’ve subscribed for years, but in the last year the highlighted pieces have been incredibly exclusive, bordering on offensive. This piece is the nail in the coffin. I hope you guys figure it out

you're just saying that because you are a virgin neckbeard anti-semite
god bless our troops and god bless israel

Just because your genitals are on the inside doesn't mean you can write a good Star Wars, sweetie.

> over bottom line, do you?

Dopey marxist dumb dumb detected.
People are objectively NOT profit seeking creatures. If this was the case they wouldn't be deliberately damaging the franchise pushing a social change agenda.
The failure of dummy marxists to understand this is the reason why their predictions always turned out to be false.

It's always so funny when you morons try to weigh into debates acting like you have the first clue about business and psychology.

>story group is full of women

They just come up with the story. Someone else has to adapt their retarded blueprints


Feminism is such a trainwreck. What I wonder about is how these fuckers have so much power? everything they do is stupid.

Yes it does. Women are inherently inferior writers. Just like every other area of life.

>story group is full of women

>In the last 41 years, 24 people have been hired to be writers, directors or creative leaders of 17 “Star Wars” films. Not all of them stayed throughout the entire production. Of those hires:
>23 were white men.
>1 was a white woman.

so what's the truth?

"Jews are white" - Mike Stoklasa

Directors, writers, authors, artists, whatever else, are the ones that come up with the story. The Story Group are the ones that say if an idea can work within canon or not; that's it. Unless one of them actually pens a story, they don't get to decide how it plays out.

>believing this

Oy vey! Watch yourself, goy. And try to remember the 6 gorillion jews that died before you spout antisemitic statements like that.

>>In the last 41 years
Sounds like full on spin.

Trying to recover from the TLJ blame for shitty female writers by averaging in the last 41 years of movies, pretty pathetic

It's already been documented as how it works. But you go on believing whatever narrative you want user.

Why are you calling him a Marxist? This post is incoherent.

I will.

>on spontaneous shopping by myself because wife is feeling a bit unwell
not that shopping is something only women should do but lets pretend she is unwell because Sup Forums can be a real powermysogynist. anyway, moving on
>15 minutes in the store she calls me
>"hey honey how's it going?"
>Hey sweetheart everything is fine. Listen don't worry about the shopping and try to get some rest if you can ...take a nap, you know... I'm finding everything here very quickly and I'll be home soon
>"oh so you're almost done?"
>the shopping list contains 26 items (some are in the cart and some aren't)

>The “Star Wars” tapestry is now 41 years old, with 17 theatrical films (released or planned)
>released or planned

wtf does that even mean? Why the ambiguity? Did she ever learn to count? Perhaps it's a fancy way to describe the number of movies released by a franchise and since I'm a non-critic and don't pay much attention to them and I know nothing about the complicated professional movie watcher terminology and lingo. Maybe she thinks with the future in mind and entertains the idea that 6 years from now someone will be reading her articles when more movies will be released by then. And so she wants her article to be adequate for years to come. Smart (?)

So the fact that the masters of the starwars universe are 100% female and 100% sjw, isn't enough success for sjw's and women?



If you knew anything about marxism you'd know how it isn't incoherent schittwitz.

Import all the high skilled writers from Somalia and Nauru.

So what if they are white? My problem is that they have been shitty so far.


Well if 96% of your writers are with males, and you don't have half or quarter people, then it means you had 25 writers.

That is the problem. Too many cooks spoil the broth.

Why did you summon the demon?


Sup Forums can't handle this level of sanity, user. what have you done

They're just blinded enough by their own drug to think that bottom line involves said nebulous social agenda.

They'll learn soon enough as Star Wars grinds to disappointing return after disappointing return.

The nerve of that fucking nigger.


Don't be anti-semetic, goy. Remebuh the 6 gorillion.

Yea but they ether do her bidding or get fired over creative differences.

Here's a thought.
Maybe women don't actually fucking care about Star Wars, and forcing feminism to try to get girls to care about it ruins it for everyone.

this but unironically and ironically at the same time on national television.

This has to stop.

How dare you! She is the founder of #metoo and the victim of countless cases of sexually harassment.

When Jews succeed it is because of talent.
When White people succeed it is because there is a conspiracy against Jews and POC.
When women succeed it's because of talent/
When men succeed it is because of patriarchy.


Because white people historically have power, thus being white represents power and racism.

"Because White people historically have power for example the Mongol, Zulu and Aztec empires.
Thus White people represent power and racism, because having power automatically makes you racist, I know this because I'm a millennial psychologist."

as long as they get free advertising on Red— I mean Sup Forums, I reckon

>and it has to change
Why? So they can rape the corpse that is Star Wars a bit more?

But the female majority story group are the ones that actually do the stories.

That's awfully racist what the fuck.

>liberals are racist
Welcome to the 2010s, user.

>Jews are a wild card.
No kidding!

I'm surprised that most of the comments in that Variety article were calling the author out.

Kek. I’ve seen this case in real life.


The comments are literally always negative on any of these articles, at least the ones that allow comments. Journalists and bloggers are living in a bubble and becoming increasingly tone deaf.

Don't fool yourself.

People are starting to realize this third-wave feminism isn't about diversity. There's still a white savior, and now it is a white woman instead of a white man.

I've noticed normies are becoming fed up with this kind of virtue signalling.

>96% are white men
that explains why it was so good and popular then

Yeah, maybe it's the bad weather. Or maybe it's the fact they're starting to feel it in their wallets as they lose jobs for this shit.


You already know why


well when you list the people who either wrote or directed a Star Wars movie, it kinda evaporates their criticisms (* denotes director)
>George Lucas
>Leigh Brackett
>Lawrence Kasdan
>Irvin Kershner*
>Richard Marquand*
>JJ Abrams*
>Gareth Edwards*
>Chris Weitz
>Gary Whitta
>Rian Johnson*
>Jon Kasdan
>Phil Lord & Chris Miller* (do they count? I guess if Brackett does they count too)
>Ron Howard*
>Chris Terrio

so 14 writers and/or writers, 13 men, for 11 films released over 42 years.

Where's their fucking beef with the MCU? They're on there like 24th film in 10 years and have only kept like 3 or 4 directors on for more than 1 movie. The only female director they hired was for Captain Marvel next year, but they wouldn't trust her to do it by herself and she's co-directing it with a man.

Also Lucasfilm is run by women. Marvel ain't. I understand her point in that there should be more female directors (and the fact that so many blockbusters are given to directors with absolutely no visual style beyond extremely basic shot composition makes it hard for me to buy into the argument that there aren't any female directors that are good enough) but Star Wars is just a shitty franchise to throw that argument at. It'd be like if they did that with Harry Potter. Star Wars has mostly kept the same creative people for more than one project.

What are you talking about? There's many orders of magnitude more shilling against Jews than whites; there's a whole demographic of "people" whose entire identities revolve around crying about Jews. The reason you're usually labeled as bigoted and antisemitic is because you are. Most of you are literally psychopaths with folders full of lie-laden .jpgs for the express purpose of propaganda. You also have very, very low IQs.

Also when people cry about whites being over-represented, they are also talking about Jews. When whites get replaced, Jews get replaced too. Especially when it comes to miscegnation: pewforum.org/files/2013/10/jewish-american-survey-full-report.pdf

>Jewish American intermarriage rate is 58%, over 5 times that of the white American intermarriage rate (which includes Jews)

tl;dr your question is loaded and involves numerous false assumptions



Why do I feel like the same people who search up the genetic background of every actor they see and think if their grandfather was 1/8th Jewish that means that oy vey the actor is 110% Jewish are the same people who complain that Jews are overrepresented in Hollywood

>I understand her point in that there should be more female directors

Why? Why should there be more female directors?
All of you Gatalentans are insane people.

You got those the wrong way round.
It's the nazis that retaliate against the communists.

This also plays into it. Neonazis are retarded SJWs so if someone is half-Jewish half-white (whatever that would even mean), they consider it an example of another hollywood person who is Jewish, but not another hollywood person who is white. And they're too stupid to grasp the logical contradiction in that. A lot of people on pol are so mind-blowingly dumb that they cite the "one drop rule" and they can't grasp that this is entirely made-up for an agenda and has zero basis in reality.

why do I feel like that headline is misleading and she actually said some shit like "well we try to cater to all different types of people" after being asked by some feminist journalist if Star Wars is trying to cater to female audiences now by having female protagonists even though the rest of the cast is mostly men

ahahahahahahaha I always new muh storygroup lived in Sup Forumstards head rent free

I am literally sweetieing right now

And that's why we should kill all white people #resist #openborders

>many more magnitudes of shilling against Jews
>by Muslims with very little media machine
>meanwhile it is GO TO JAIL illegal to simply even QUESTION the historical accuracy of something that happened to jewish people
>zero laws in the entire world preventing saying anything about the holodomor or anything that happened to white people
>zero anti defamation groups attacking writers over the endless sea of articles like in pic related
>how many groups like that do Jews have that will shut you down if you say things that aren't even aggressive but simply a stating of facts (such as how many Jews run major media corps)
>Jews have an intermarriage problem too!
>implying that is BECAUSE they are white, and not because THEY were the ones behind the push to accept intermarriage from a cultural standpoint in the first place, at least liberal American Jews that is, and thus they are being most affected by it while "whites" are downstream of jewish culture (which is mainstream culture) so it isn't affecting them as rapidly

You're missing two key points: Why do Jews comprise the vast majority of Hollywood despite only comprising 2% of the overall population, and why is this literally never mentioned by the media despite them publishing anti-white articles on a weekly basis? Not to mention that despite having white skin, Jews are not ethnically white and often separate themselves from the white race.

Forgot muh pic

Every single thing you said here is a lie. Literally everything. Impressive.

>zero laws in the entire world preventing saying anything about the holodomor or anything that happened to white people
Actually the vast majority of countries which criminalize holocaust denial only do so through more general legislation.

>Czech Republic
The person who publicly denies, puts in doubt, approves or tries to justify Nazi or communist genocide or other crimes of Nazis or communists will be punished by prison of 6 months to 3 years.

Almost all of them are like this.

>why do I feel like that headline is misleading
Cause you didn't read the article.

> "well we try to cater to all different types of people"
100% male writing staff can already do this, even though they aren't required to do this. In fact, it's arguably better at times NOT to do this.

None of these people are sane nor reasonable. They at Gatalentans, you cannot reason with them.

>ahahahahahahaha I always new muh storygroup lived in Sup Forumstards head rent free
You didn't read the article. It's been extensively proven that the storygroup are basically all women.
This article is saying that the star wars universe for the most part has been written by (((White))) men. In the past however, this was incidental. Gatalentan-warz is female BY DESIGN. A council of mothers you could say.

Pic related.

Because many american whites want to consider only people that are really white to be white (and this isnt new btw) whereas jews formally consider anyone born of a jewish mother automatically jewish even if the other half is white goy or full African.

Part of the practical reasoning behind this is because modern Jews aren't actually the tribe of Judah and already have a line that has been both completely bastardized and inbred at various points so any idea of "historical genetics" for them is laughable at best. (obviously there's an entire discussion to be had over the spiritual reasoning behind this)

What they have spread and maintained the "purity" of however, is their cultural norms, to the point of giving them borderline world domination from it (thanks to the spread of them to USA and it becoming the worlds superpower)

Tl:dr: To a lot of really white whites, a half white person isn't white because you're either white or you're not.
>inb4 that's based on racism
Its likely a subconcious historical function of why that regions DNA created the majority of modern world discovery which pretty much all occurred after 1400. At one point whites simply had a much stronger in group preference than others, one that may have combined with laws of the time to actual genetically select for altruism and other traits.